A man who regularly stands in elections for the British National Party has boasted about his disregard for “rules and regulations” controlling the use of firearms in the UK.
Steve Fyfe is standing in a council by-election on 26 March, his fourth attempt to get elected to North East Lincolnshire Council. He also contested the last general election for the BNP in Grimsby, where he lives, and was third on the BNP’s list of candidates for Lothian region in the election for the Scottish Parliament in 2007, when the party rounded up anyone in the UK with a Scottish-sounding name to stand, in the absence of more than a handful of supporters in Scotland itself.
Clearly a valued activist, the 34-year-old is also the BNP’s Grimsby organiser and has been a BNP member for seven years. But his numerous postings on internet forums also reveal an unhealthy obsession with guns and contain hints that not everything he owns is legal.
After the Dunblane massacre in 1996, firearms legislation in the UK was tightened up and no member of the public can now own handguns or ammunition for them. Fyfe claims to have a shotgun licence, which enables him to own shotguns with a magazine capacity of no more than two shots. He also says he received a firearms certificate in March 2006, which permits him to own rifles, shotguns with a magazine capacity greater than two and certain types of airguns. He claims to own around £6,000 worth of legally held weapons and to be secretary of a gun club.
A firearms certificate is only granted to people whom the police consider fit to be entrusted with firearms without danger to public safety or to the peace. They must have a record of active membership of a target shooting club or permission to shoot over land.
The certificate imposes severe restrictions on the use of the weapons. In particular a certificate holder cannot permit other people to handle the guns unless they have their own certificate to cover them.
Yet on 11 August 2008 Fyfe, posting as sidneysausage, wrote on a gun trading forum: “However, I don’t do rules and regulations if there is absolutely no point in it whatsoever. If some of my friends want to ‘have a go’ they will bloody well ‘have a go’. Personally, I'll take my friends out to the field where I shoot, somwhere [sic] out of view, with a nice, big backstop, up to 300m away and they can use as many rounds as they care to fire. Who the hell are the police to suggest they might know my friend I’ve known for more than fifteen years better than me?”
On the same day he also boasted: “I have a Long Barrel Revolver”. On 9 January this year he declared: “I'd still prefer my .44 LBR and be able to use cartridges with my nitro”.
Fyfe, who works as a chemical process supervisor in the chemical industry, also has an interest in explosives and their illegal use. On 27 May 2008 he wrote: “I’ve a big box of fireworks in my attic, just waiting for the day when some muslim extremists fly a plane into westminster”.
While it is not surprising that Fyfe’s obsessions and desires do not make him unsuitable to be a BNP candidate, the same cannot be said about his membership of the Territorial Army, in which he serves with the 3rd Royal Anglian Regiment. His postings contain hints that he might be abstracting items from his TA unit. For example on 21 July 2007 he wrote: “The new 30 round H&K mags for the SA80 work really nice in mine. I have ‘aquired’ [sic] one or two. However, if you aren’t in the TA/Army/Navy/Air Force, you can find one or two floating round on ebay.”
Fyfe claims to like extreme and outdoor sports. One of them appears to be driving at dangerous speeds. A long post in January 2006 described how he was caught driving his Subaru Impreza at over 140 miles per hour. Concerned that a conviction and almost certain driving ban would cost him his firearms and shotgun certificates, he said he was hiring Nick Freeman, the specialist motoring lawyer known as Mr Loophole, to get him off.
It is unclear whether Fyfe is a fantasist or whether he really owns restricted weapons and breaks the terms of his firearms certificate. Either way, he is clearly unsuitable for service in the Territorial Army or to be in possession of any lethal weapon.
He may see himself as a Rambo figure, but the reality is different. Writing on 21 November last year about British forces serving in Iraq he explained: “I described the chaps who went as ‘silly Bastards’ because they did not go out of any sense of justice, belief, national pride, or even camaraderie”.
Grimsby’s terrorist line-up
Grimsby has been the home of a number of nazis with a interest in terrorism and weapons.
Back in the 1960s, Donald Mudie, a crank member of Colin Jordan’s National Socialist Movement (NSM), used to hold court at his Grimsby home for people who shared his political views. In the 1970s Mudie, a former newspaper journalist, was one of two security guards at a camp held by the elite nazi League of St George on Mersea Island in Essex. Mudie patrolled the site with a loaded shotgun.
Fast forward to 2002 and Cameron Duncan, a supporter of the British National Party and the Ku Klux Klan. Duncan was caught and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, after a man in the USA with whom he was exchanging emails turned out to be an FBI agent. Duncan had been asking him to obtain firearms and explosives. The agent had infiltrated the KKK for the purpose of catching such dangerous men as Duncan.
Moving inland up the River Humber, we find Martyn Gilleard from Goole, the local branch organiser of the nazi British People’s Party.
Goole, who also had links with the BNP in Scotland, was found in possession of an array of knives, guns, machetes, swords, axes, ammunition and four nail bombs, together with internet instructions for making poison and bombs and significant amounts of racist literature from far-right parties.
The police were surprised to find all this terrorist material when they raided his flat in October 2007 on a tip-off about child pornography. The 39,000 indecent images of children that they also found, some very nasty, did not endear him to the court and he received a total sentence of 16 years in prison.
In December last year Nathan Worrell was jailed for more than seven years after being found guilty of possessing material for terrorist purposes and racially aggravated harassment. Police had found manuals and a video explaining how to make bombs and detonators using household materials at his flat in Grimsby as well as two tubs of weedkiller, three bottles of lighter fluid and fireworks, some of which had been tampered with.
They also found a lot of racist and far-right propaganda, including BNP material and membership cards for other extreme groups.
It would appear that nazis with an interest in terror, violence and firearms are a familiar sight in this part of Britain. The good thing is that the police appear to be keeping track of them, so it's surprising that Steve Fyfe has so far slipped through the net.
Hope not hate
March 23, 2009
Mad or bad? Steve Fyfe: BNP candidate and obsessive gunman
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He's a real piece of work, isn't he.
Boy racer, pump-action shotgun, bandolier of cartridges, combat gear. I'm concerned about his sanity.
If this is the case i can not see how he has a firarms certificate.
I was under the impression the police did an exhaustive background and spycological check on all applicants.
Hes a member of the BNP and in the TA is that allowed??
The policy for the Regular Army personnel is laid out in Queens Regulations Part 14 — Political Activities & Electoral Registration (J5.581 - J5.586).
“Members of the Regular Army can belong to any political party, including the British National Party, and may attend political meetings so long as uniform is not worn, service duties are not impeded and their actions do not bring the service into disrepute.
“What service personnel are not permitted to do is take any active part in the affairs of a political organisation, party or movement, or participate in political marches or demonstrations,” Mr Howson said.
The above from the BNP themselves.
So no its not allowed, since he stands for and is an organiser of the BNP. Anyone fancy reporting him?
"Anyone fancy reporting him?"
It would be helpful if a whole lot of people reported him, referring to this article directly.
“What service personnel are not permitted to do is take any active part in the affairs of a political organisation, party or movement, or participate in political marches or demonstrations,”
I think if that was implemented there would be nobody in the army because that would apply to Labour, Libral, etc etc supporters.
So we cant have a army with nobody in it can we.
Just a thought.
Another thing to remember is the Army are very much pro BNP.
So i think nothing will be done.
Interest in firearms and explosives is hugely disproportionate amongst members of the far right. It is an aspect of their psyche that insufficient attention is paid to. What normal party would allow somebody like Lebomber back into its ranks?
I think you've got a very distorted view of what a gun club is. I go to one occasionally (clay pigeon shoot) - it is what people in the countryside do. You seem to paint this picture of redneck gung-ho people, which makes me think you've never been to one. This is another classic case of London city people dictating what people in the countryside do.
The idea that you'd require a certificate before you can even have a try out is false. There are plenty of commercial companies offering clay pigeon shooting to groups, corporate and charity events.
People like Fyfe are a danger to their community, Completely disregarding the weapons and possible explosives, anyone who drives at 140mph when the limit is half that is a complete fuckwit.
"I was under the impression the police did an exhaustive background and spycological check on all applicants."
If you mean psychological checks, they've failed this time. These weapons should be taken off him as soon as possible before he goes off on one.
Methinks he is a legend in his own lunchtime......
A fantasist who should be investigated just make sure, I wonder whether his alleged possessions are Airfix kits? and the £6000 of guns allegedly owns are infact those in the gun room at a club he knows people at - rather than his. The secretary bit sounds given the other comments he makes seems unlikely.
All this just reinforces my opinion that if you want a violent terrorist/bomber look amoungst the BNP not in the people they vilify(spelling!).
"This is another classic case of London city people dictating what people in the countryside do."
Who is doing that? And why do you think the people who run this blog are Londoners? As far as I know, Denise's other blog suggests she's from Norfolk and Ketlan's from Lancaster in Lancashire. You don't have to be a Londoner to object to lunatics on the far-right running around with pump-action shotguns.
"Completely disregarding the weapons and possible explosives, anyone who drives at 140mph when the limit is half that is a complete fuckwit."
I'd go along with that.
Hes a member of the BNP and in the TA is that allowed??
Yes it is you piece of fasict shit.
"However, I don’t do rules and regulations"
Thats handy for a guy in the TA and someone who wants to be a councillor.
"What normal party would allow somebody like Lebomber back into its ranks?"
"Yes it is you piece of fasict shit."
This is the result of an edict that was spread down the ranks of the BNP in a very direct way. Whenever members referred to Searchlight, UAF, Lancaster Unity or any other antifascists, they were to tack on the "fact" that they wree fascists themselves. Overall, a tavctic that seems to have been adopted by most of the BNP members whose posts are allowed through on this blog. Having been a member of the BNP for a year (though only attending three meetings before I realised what idiots they all werre) a few years back, I know that there's a lot of this kind of thing. If they refer to antifascists as the thought police, it has nothing on Nick Griffin's control over the way BNP members conduct themselves, speak and think. Comparisons with the cult of Scientology might produce startling similarities.
"Rambo wannabe"
You got that right.
"If they refer to antifascists as the thought police, it has nothing on Nick Griffin's control over the way BNP members conduct themselves, speak and think."
Who are the Mindbenders? The BNP, of course.
"Boy racer, pump-action shotgun, bandolier of cartridges, combat gear. I'm concerned about his sanity."
You missed out his job working with chemicals and his having a 'box of fireworks' in the attic. A dangerous and disturbed man, I would have thought.
Mad or bad? Both.
sidneysausage, huh? Weird or what?
The guy actually stood for election for the BNP this goes far beyond just supporting the party, or voting for them. I think this would be enough to break the rules mentioned above.
Can anyone pass my email address to him.
Joe Owens
'Can anyone pass my email address to him.'
I think not.
"Can anyone pass my email address to him."
Cheeky bugger.
Steve "Rambo" Fyfe. I suspect we'll be reading about him a year or two down the line as someone who kills someone else through speeding or using his mobile while driving ("I don’t do rules and regulations") or going bonkers and shooting a whole load of people.
Sad. Very, very sad.
"However, I don’t do rules and regulations...If some of my friends want to ‘have a go’ they will bloody well ‘have a go’...Who the hell are the police to suggest they might know my friend I’ve known for more than fifteen years better than me?"
Arrogant bastard.
Lebomber is mad enough to actually use one of these guns, so maybe that's why Lebomber's mad enough to be allowed back into the party.
If Cyclops loses the election and doesn't get into Europe, presumably the "BNP will turn native, and engage in a Hungerford" murder spree, using all of these guns and chemical weapons the bloody nutters are stockpiling.
Scary stuff indeed, and it goes to show that if the BNP starts to collapse, all of these "LONE WOLVES" will go on the rampage, just like that far right survivalist American author wrote in the Turner Diaries.
Virtually all of the leading BNP members have read the maniacle Turner Diaries that were used by the Waco cult killers.
Forget this at your peril, Mr Plod!!!
Fyfe ought to follow the lead of Dicky Bumbrook, and insert an underripe banana up his rectal cavity for twisted kicks instead of playing with guns ammunition!!!
I thought up that idea first!
i no were the bnp venue is in south wales
This nut needs locking up before we have another Dunblane or worse, the writing is on the wall, I hope the police know about him,
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