In his speech to a dinner at the Party Conference, Griffin said;
'We are going to start attending homecoming parades of British troops, and when the Islamic militants abuse our troops and threaten them, we are going to physically stand in their way',But more worrying I think, is the indication that such “protests” will also take place where there [are] efforts to construct Mosques.
The concerns are obvious. Violence between members of the Muslim community, and BNP members trying to ferment racially motivated violence for political advancement, will pose a major threat to social cohesion wherever it happens.
Bizarrely, Griffin also says;
'The British people have already shown that they are willing to start supporting the British National Party in increasing numbers'Perhaps he’s forgotten about the battering they took in May.
This could be one of two things. It’s entirely possible that this was simply intended as a crowd pleasing rant for members of an increasingly demoralised and fractured Party. A futile attempt at lifting the spirits of a group of people doomed to fail in the near future.
But it could also be an acknowledgment that the BNP’s efforts to legitimise itself, and add a little professionalism to its electoral efforts have failed. In which case this could be the first signs of a change in strategy to something reminiscent of the “National Front's” heyday. Perhaps it is an attempt to tap into what they perceive as an appetite for a more confrontational approach, such as that which has defined the EDL.
They’re changing the logo too. Maybe there’s a full re-branding taking place?
Though Cowards Flinch
Thanks to NewsHound for the heads-up
'The British people have already shown that they are willing to start supporting the British National Party in increasing numbers'
LOL Self-delusion, fraud or just stupidity?
Sgt Bilko, sorry, I mean Gr££in is terrified that the EDL will steal all the 'media thunder' and therefore harm his donation income stream.
Oi, Griffin. The EDL called. They want their idea back.
I suppose that means more coverage of Griffin posing beside pictures of Winston Churchill -
Doesn't work.
BNP hasnt got the numbers or the young activists needed to return to the streets.
Contrast the turn out for griffins more recent court appearance with leeds.
Its table top sessions have also near ended in disaster.
Parliment green also.
If girffin takes his rag bag 'army' back to the streets it will be charge of the light brigade than rorkes drift.
The concerns are obvious. Violence between members of the BNP relating to the Muslim community trying to ferment racially motivated violence for political advancement, will pose a major threat to social cohesion wherever it happens.
Can we identify some of the fashies in the audience??
is the logo change in case of bankruptcy and possible winding up orders.
Look at the posters = heart shaped Union flag logo and British Party with National greyed out. Could be clues there.
BNP hasnt got the numbers or the young activists needed to return to the streets.
He's after recruiting them and builting up a strong-arm force.
This turn was predicted on here just after the General Election. No surprise at all. Fascist parties in decline usually become more "radical" and Griffin wants to get into the EDL's action and attract it's street-fighters - Notice how he's not proposing marches but static mobilisations (like the EDL).
We'll have to see if it's just hot air from Griffin or if he's going to put bodies on the streets. Should be interesting.
"The British National Party will become more militant in physically defending British troops against Islamic militant abuse and against mosque-building programs"
This is basically gonna end up with a face off against the UAF.
Bring it on!
Griffin sees society getting even more polarised and even violent in the year ahead and wants in on the action. He knows that electoral gains will be minimal in the years ahead and the BNP, as it's configured at the moment, is no longer fit for purpose (in his view). Hence the change in direction.
...not a post modernist Rightist party but a strong well-disciplined organisation ready to back up its slogan Defend Rights For Whites with well-directed boots and fists.
Looks like Griffin's gonna get what the nazi crook wants.
OOh goodie' another load of facist scum on the streets costing us british folk a fortune in police and cleanup costs.
I can just see it happening, Yaxley stood next to Cyclops claiming that The EDL and The BNP have a common cause and they should unite to end The Islamisation of Britian since The BNP will join us at street level, and all EDL supporters should vote for The BNP.
a lot look like security but is the one supping champagne or piss water Bowden
"can just see it happening, Yaxley stood next to Cyclops claiming that The EDL and The BNP have a common cause and they should unite"
With Nick bagsying to be leader.
He'd get his fat arse kicked if he tried it.
One with the bare arms at the front could be miss piggy but guess thats griffins wife - assuming its female.
Looks like someone else in the front row is dressed as a bullfighter - garish red and yellow ensemble. No idea why unless its an admission they talk bullshit.
Thought it was Derby at first, but way too much hair.
When the time is right all of the BNPers in the EDL will wind up the EDL and merge everybody into the BNP, despite their supposed rhetorick of hating each other.
Behind the scenes they are fighting for the same cause and their footsoldiers are 95% the same people. Most far right footy hoolies vote BNP.
Which is the only way the BNP can be saved from destruction.
Balker said...
When the time is right all of the BNPers in the EDL will wind up the EDL and merge everybody into the BNP, despite their supposed rhetorick of hating each other.
Behind the scenes they are fighting for the same cause and their footsoldiers are 95% the same people. Most far right footy hoolies vote BNP.
Which is the only way the BNP can be saved from destruction.
12:20 AM, December 12, 2010
They are fighting for the same money and I bet the EDL are doing better on merch sales.
I think people need to get things into focus, there is far too much worrying about the BNP. For all Gri££in’s gob-shite hype and attempts to ‘large up’ his party, the facts remain.
It is a half-baked, half-arsed excuse for a party barely held together by a dwindling smattering of idiots and cranks from around the country. Its in its death throws and Gri££in is just farting out more lies to them to simply try and get a little extra cash and extend his lifespan by a couple of months.
No matter how hard you give a dead horse CPR, it is still DEAD. I have gained a great deal of pleasure watching that excuse for a human being slow strangulate his own cult to death through his own greed and utter incompetence.
It will almost come as a shame to me when it finally rolls over and is pronounced dead by the official receiver some time in 2011; I know I am not alone.
Think about it, the moron couldn’t even scrape together a hundred people for his annual conference? Plus out of those that did attend, what are their qualities I wonder? As for it’s ‘increase in militancy’? I nearly fell off my chair when I read that one! Hilarious.
What’s Gri££in going to get his gimps to do? Get Jefferson to breath on people while Reynolds blows them kisses? Whatever it will be I can guarantee It’ll be about as intimidating as boy scouts asking for a bob a job.
Where will Gri££in be when this charade takes place? You guessed it, in a pie shop ten miles away surrounded by his fat boys, the coward.
No matter how hard you give a dead horse CPR, it is still DEAD.
What about the 950,000 (for the most part) ordinary voters who voted BNP in 2009? Have they just disappeared into thin air? Whatever happens to the BNP, there is still a large chunk of the British electorate still willing to vote for a fascist party. That should still worry us.
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