September 08, 2007

Young Nazi and Stupid!

As it's the weekend and things are fairly quiet, we thought we'd give you a treat. Mark Collett has been in the anti-fascist news recently, not least for clouting Andrew Spence around the back of the head then running away at the BNP's booze-fest, the Red White and Blue, so here he is again in the David Modell film made for Channel Four, Young, Nazi and Proud! Searchlight reviewed the programme at the time (2002) so we've reprinted the review below.

Young Nazi and Stupid!

The man tipped to become the next leader of the British National Party has admitted he is a nazi sympathiser and is inspired by images of German nazis "sieg heiling" in the streets.

Mark Collett, leader of the Young BNP and a member of the party's ruling Advisory Council, made the admission to Channel Four last month. In a revealing documentary, he boasted of his support for Hitler's Germany, said he would prefer to live in 1930s Germany than in many cities of northern England today and declared that he could not understand why people should find images of German soldiers giving nazi salutes upsetting.

The BNP leadership moved swiftly to limit the fallout by publicly sacking Collett as leader of the Young BNP and announcing a tribunal to consider his very membership of the party. However, Searchlight has learnt that this is a scam to reduce political damage to the party. On Sunday 10 Novem-ber, less than a week after the programme was broadcast, Collett shared a platform with Nick Griffin, the BNP leader, at a party meeting in Bradford.

Young, Nazi and Proud was an hour-long documentary that examined the new, respectable face of the BNP. For eight months, programme maker David Modell chronicled Collett's political and personal life. What emerged was an intriguing insight into the mind of a man who hopes one day to lead the party.

Collett was shown squaring up to Anti Nazi League protesters at Leeds town hall, confidently canvassing voters in Bradford and giving articulate interviews to television stations. Yet we also witnessed the real Mark Collett: insecure, vain and a social misfit.

"Collett was a case study in artless, idiotic arrogance. Pumping iron semi-naked in his basement and getting a little too animated about watching 'a brain-dead white slag' snogging a black man suggested there was something a little repressed about the boy," noted Gareth McLean in his review of the programme for The Guardian.

"We saw a swaggering young man high on self-delusion," wrote Andrew Anthony in The Observer. "A shot of him strutting manfully in front of Anti Nazi League demonstrators seemed to capture his almost pathological vanity ... What I found most shocking, though, were not Collett's views - as predictable as they were reprehensible - but the knowledge that he was a fan of Alan Partridge. How could he appreciate the absurdity of Partridge, you wondered, without recognising his own?"

In one of the most revealing insights into his character, Collett discussed with much bitterness the break-up of a relationship. After attacking his former girlfriend, he told Modell: "I like to break people. When you've broken them and sucked that last bit of life out of them. That's it.

"When people say that I am evil, yeah I am. But it all depends. I'm either the sweetest angel or the most evil being you've ever encountered. It just depends which side you push me. Never kill people. Push them to the point of despair where they do it themselves because that's when you've really won."

In another scene, the arrogant Collett told the reporter: "Hitler will live on forever and maybe I will too".

Searchlight had long known that Collett was a hardline nazi. He began his political life in the National Front and became its student organiser before switching his allegiance to the BNP. For the past two years he has been a regular on the nazi Blood and Honour music scene and, during a personal dispute with the former Yorkshire NF organiser, Tony White, boasted of a close connection with Whitelaw, a band linked to the British Movement. At the BNP's Red, White and Blue festival last year, Collett made a hardline speech in favour of "white power".

Despite his obvious nazi credentials, Collett became leader of the Young BNP after engineering the removal of its previous leader, Paul Golding. In the local elections last May, Collett coordinated the BNP campaign in Bradford and in June, as he finished his studies at Leeds University, he became a full-timer for the party.

Last spring he was approached by Channel Four with the idea of the programme. Despite the historical antipathy of previous programmes on Channel Four to the BNP and only six months after the damaging Panorama documentary, Collett needed little persuading to co-operate. A man whose ego is probably matched only by that of his leader, Collett believed it was an opportunity to become a household name. Unfortunately for the little Hitler, his eagerness to impress was his own downfall.

Among his more illuminating quotes were:

"National Socialism was the best solution for the German people in the 1930s."

"I honestly can't understand how a man who's seen the inner city hell of Britain today can't look back on that era [Hitler's Germany] with a certain nostalgia and think yeah, those people marching through the streets and all those happy people out in the streets, you know, saluting and everything, was a bad thing."

"Honestly now, would you prefer your kid growing up in Oldham and Burnley or 1930s Germany? It would be better for your child to grow up there."

"I'm going to level with you. I'd never say this on camera, yeah, and you can say this to whoever you want, 'cos it's true. The Jews have been thrown out of every country, including England. There's not a single European country the Jews have not been thrown out of. And let's face it, David, when it happens so many times it's not just persecution. There's no smoke without fire."

The BNP's decision to sack Collett as leader of the Young BNP and consider his future membership has been presented as an example of the new BNP discarding its nazi past.

"To journalists who have alleged over the past couple of years that 'the BNP hasn't really changed', this action provides the proof that it really has," Nick Griffin announced the day after the programme. "Because extremist sentiments which would once have been commonplace and accepted - even flaunted - within the BNP have now led us to sack one of our best, most capable and organisationally most useful young assets."

In reality Griffin has no intention of losing someone who he sees as a possible replacement. Collett has had to stand down, but this is probably temporary or only for public consumption. Indeed, Collett and Griffin are believed to have watched the programme together.

Only days after the programme, when Collett was allegedly facing an internal tribunal, the two shared a platform at a BNP meeting in South Bradford. Collett apologised for the political damage he might have caused the party but heaped the blame on a disreputable programme maker.

Griffin has taken a similar line. In a statement on the BNP website he declared: "Despite its dismay at some of his comments and determination not take tough action over them, the party leadership does recognise and value the self-restraint Mr Collett showed when an individual he had somewhat naively come to regard as a friend revealed the extent to which he had betrayed both his personal confidence and his professional word about how he would conduct the filming for the programme.

"Then again, it would have been a thousand times better if Mark had not put himself - and hence the party - in such a position in the first place."

In behaviour now typical of him, Griffin absolves himself of any responsibility for this debacle. Being leader he should have had some control over the entire project but he overlooks that in his attack on the programme makers.

Collett's admissions reveal the true nazi beliefs of many in the BNP leadership. Griffin's public repudiation of him while privately backing him exposes the lizard-type nature of the leader himself. The reality is, as many BNP members privately concede, Young, Nazi and Proud will return to haunt the party in the future.



Anonymous said...

Pause the video at 5' 19" and then go frame by frame through to 5' 21" and you will see what looks like Ketlan doing the count for the election. I know it's not you Ketlan but there is a resemblance. And don't listen to them nasty Nutzis, I think you're handsome.

Anonymous said...

"The man tipped to become the next BNP leader"? O, come on! Tipped by who? And what odds will they give? I'd like to make a bit of money here, as MC NOT being the next BNP leader has to be a safer bet than Brazil to beat Andorra at home!

Anonymous said...

Are him and Arthur still together?

Anonymous said...

"Are him and Arthur still together?"

Mark Collett and Arthur Kemp were never 'together' as you put it. They just had a little fling.

Anonymous said...

"O, come on! Tipped by who?"

Its worth rembering that the video was made in 2002.

Anonymous said...

Never trust a weasel-faced bastard with dodgy sideburns, is my advice.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Never trust a weasel-faced bastard with dodgy sideburns, is my advice.

9:40 AM, September 08, 2007

or Mark Collet!

Anonymous said...

"They just had a little fling."
You mean they are just [b]having[/b] a little fling.

Anonymous said...

There is no way MC will ever become leader. He is universally despised by the BNP as much as he is by the freedom fighters in the UAF. And would anyone trust a guy who has a fetish for shaving his "private parts". A distinctly odd character and sexually ambiguous. Young, Nazi and Proud should read Immature, Narciscist and Arrogant.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know why the police were never called to Collett and Hannam at last years BNP Blackpool conference after they both attempted to have sex with 14yr old girls who were dragged along by their mother/aunt who was a prostitute servicing one of the BNP security chaps in the hotel loo.

I understand one of the young girls has the footage on her mobile phone.

They were both disciplined by Griffin but neither were expelled.


Sharon Ebanks

Anonymous said...

Oh I see it is open season on the one person who Nick Griffin trusts more than any other in the BNP. While everyone else including others on the AC are spouting their mouths off behind Nick's back and criticsing decent hard working members of the Treasury team, you will find Mark Collett is 100% behind the current successful leadership team. The most successful team in the entie histroy of British nationalism. Mark doesnt leak reports from the AC to the likes of the idiots on Stormfront. Mark doesnt go around signing nomination papers of cranks and freaks. Mark doesnt go around spreading rumours and gossip. He is badly misunderstood by those who know little about him but listen instead to the malicious gossip spread by those with inferior attributes and are envious of Mark's own talents.

Mark is not interested in becoming leader of the Party. His considerable talents for persuasion are found more subtley in graphic design and web site development. He doesnt want this posion chalice of Party leader. Nick Griffin will go on for at least another decade taking the Party even further foward.

Mark enjoys a very good working relationship with Arthur Kemp, a man who is a real fighter and hero for the white working class. Again one of the few decent men who Nick can trust these days. Then again the idiots inside the party and those idiots in fringe obscure grouplets who come on here posting gossip and rubbish wouldnt recognise a trully heroic figure would they.

Anonymous said...

"Oh I see it is open season on the one person who Nick Griffin trusts more than any other in the BNP. While everyone else including others on the AC are spouting their mouths off behind Nick's back and criticsing decent hard working members of the Treasury team, you will find Mark Collett is 100% behind the current successful leadership team."

Scuse the lingo but DON'T TALK SUCH FUCKING CRAP.

Collett hates Griffin, the only reason he's there is because he's afraid he won't be able to get a REAL job if he left. Why don't you ask him, he's certainly said it to enough people you dosy twat. No one likes Griffin except Darby and that's because Darby fancies filling Griffins shoes. Pity he doesn't want to fill em with concrete and chuck him off the nearest bridge.

Anonymous said...

Having lived in Slough for many years, I can appreciate what Mark was trying to say about 1930's Germany. From what I understood he was referring to the organised society, sense of National pride, low crime and minimum immigration if any!

No mention of Gas chambers was there?

Quite Framkly, I'd rather live there too, than the hellhole that has become Slough! Infact, I'd rather live in Afghanistan, it's very similar to Slough - only the weathers better.

Anonymous said...

Mark Collett and Arthur Kemp were never 'together' as you put it. They just had a little fling.

Did they meet here:

Anonymous said...

"He is badly misunderstood by those who know little about him but listen instead to the malicious gossip spread by those with inferior attributes and are envious of Mark's own talents. Mark is not interested in becoming leader of the Party. His considerable talents for persuasion are found more subtley in graphic design and web site development."

What a fucking joke. Doesn't the muppet who wrote this shit realise that it's Collett's distinct lack of talent that causes other party members to dislike him? He's a dreadful designer and publicist. The party literature and PR material is absolutely awful and totally amateur, and it's holding them back from real success.

How can somebody who has taken the party back 20 years even remotely be considered as talented? Wise up. If you truly suppot the BNP, you'd do your best to kick this uselss and poisonous little shout out. Collett is one of the worst in the party for bad mouthing people, always behind their back. The earlier comment was right, he's only up Griffin's arse because he would never get a job anywhere else. What a pathetic existence.

Anonymous said...

"The earlier comment was right, he's only up Griffin's arse because he would never get a job anywhere else. What a pathetic existence."

100% correct

Anonymous said...

Denise G said...

"Did they meet here:"

Trust a sexual deviant such as Denise Garside to come out with such a comment as this.

Feeling better are you love ? Nothing too trivial I hope...

Anonymous said...

i didnt think collett griffins arse because he wanted a job, i thought it was because he liked it.

Anonymous said...

The york local election result last week is worth checking out.
The BNP failed dismally they secured 65 votes and the local BNP clown made a statement to the press claiming ths vote was proof that the BNP are here to stay

65 vote??? good heavens

Source: evening press york

Anonymous said...

Can the nazi troll who posted the comment about Nazi Germany being a better place than multicultural Slough, go please piss off to Stormfront, you brainless pro-Griffin/Collett twat!

Anonymous said...

Mark Collett is bisexual, sure. We all know that. What many people don't realise is, he also has a small penis!

Matchstick is the word...

Anonymous said...

Sharon Ebanks has the 2006 BNP membership list.If any fit, young male anti fascists want a copy then you must take her out to dinner.Then onto a hotel afterwards for the night.Think of the sacrifice you will make that reaps such rewards of the personal details of thousands of nazis! Email Sharon now at her website.

Anonymous said...

As far as the BNP is concerned the headline would be far more apt if it read...

Mark Collett : Young Nazi and a Liability.

The sooner he goes the better.

Thats one purge that would have the full backing of every member

Anonymous said...

Collett is only in the BNP because his parents donate a large sum of money to the money. When they stop donating, Collett will get the boot.

Griffin is using him and his family, but he is too arrogant and thick to see it.

Anonymous said...

Since the BNP is asking visitors to its website to nominate and "Idiot of the Week".

Collett seems a good choice, but there are so many, aren't there?

This from icWales:

FINALLY, a new section on the British National Party website implores readers to nominate their ‘Idiot of the Week’. Send ideas to the – we can only say what a shame it would be if their inbox was clogged up with spam.

Anonymous said...

"Idiot of the week - A new weekly feature naming and shaming the petulant home-grown jobsworths and the buffoons who are grossly overpaid, make and/or try to enact ridiculous decisions, and are, by popular acclaim ill-deserving of their perks, pensions and titles."

I've nominated Griffin - several times.

How about LUAF runs a permanent BNP Idiot of the Week poll. you can tot up at the end of the year who won it most times ;-)

Anonymous said...

"Denise G (the ugly deviant)said...

...we can only say what a shame it would be if their inbox was clogged up with spam."

I don't know about the BNP but I expect that your inbox has been getting pretty clogged up with spam lately hasn't it Denise ?

Just ask Ketlan.

Antifascist said...

'Just ask Ketlan.'

And the answer would be to get hold of MailWasher, which clears spam out a treat. :-)

Anonymous said...

The BNP is on the verge of self-destruction...
Nick Griffin and Mark Collett time maybe up..

It is great to read Sadie Graham's blog:

Anonymous said...

Some BBC press coverage on the decline of the BNP:

Anonymous said...

I am always struck by how ignorant, confused, sad and isolated these so called talented young BNP poilticians are. Half of what Mark said did not makes sense and he was even reluctant to admit his own views on camera. I feel sorry for how much hate he is obviously carrying around. I live in Bradford and have only ever been treated with politeness and respect by the people Mark labels "Pakis". I think maybe he should get to know some of the people he so detests before he judges them. His views, and those of the BNP in general, make me embarassed of being British.