Its founding statement was explicit that "the chief benefactors/recipients of money raised by GWR will be the British National Party". The party boasted it would release upwards of 13 albums, which would raise around £100,000 for the party.
It is highly doubtful that GWR has even paid back the initial outlay lavished upon it, however. GWR, which was incorporated in December 2005, has hardly released any records of its own and those it has have been underwhelming to say the least. To put it politely they are unlikely to chart any time soon. The company has only produced one set of accounts, which showed its total net assets at £8, and is currently on notice that it will be struck off. In 2008 its business was merged with the BNP's Excalibur merchandising operation.
It is not only about the money though. As one senior BNP figure observed in an interview about GWR: "People will listen to a song over and over again and take all the words in, in a way that you would be very lucky to get one in 100 of them to listen to a speech. Music is a very effective way of getting our views across." Ian Stuart Donaldson, lead singer of the infamous "white power" band Skrewdriver, said exactly the same thing. The music might have changed but the tune has not.
Despite the initial hopes placed upon it, not least by Griffin himself, GWR has stalled. Its lacklustre performance is largely down to the man placed in charge, Dave Hannam (pictured), the BNP deputy treasurer who was jailed for three months in 2000 for handing out antisemitic leaflets in Hull. Hannam was temporarily demoted in early 2008 to appease irate BNP organisers and activists after a former colleague accused him of being "crassly incompetent". GWR's other director, Nick Cass, who in 2007 was sacked as party manager, appears to be a silent partner.
Ironically Griffin's decision to back Hannam (and Mark Collett) during a damaging split in the BNP precipitated a minor disaster for GWR. Those who sided with the "rebels" included its two leading artists, one of whom was Colin Auty. Despite ridiculing Auty the BNP continues to sell his album Truth Hurts, presumably because GWR has so little else to justify its existence. GWR's next release was by Joey Barber, a BNP activist who records under the name Joey Smith. His "pop" album Not Just About the Music was truly execrable. Griffin loved it. BNP members did not.
GWR once tried to take the rise out of anti-fascists by altering the lyrics of a socialist anthem by the late great Woody Guthrie to reflect the BNP's racist prejudices. It would appear that the joke was on them. Guthrie once penned a song entitled "All You Fascists (Bound To Lose)".
If the performance of GWR is anything to go by they already have.
Hope not hate
"The company has only produced one set of accounts, which showed its total net assets at £8"
What did anyone expect when Nick Griffin put a nonce like David Hannam in charge of it? He's an incompitent fuckwit.
The rumour is that it cost £50,000 to set up GWR and what has it earned? Fuck all!!!
I'm surprised at Colin Auty allowing GWR to carry on selling his stuff after the way he was treated. Presumably he handed over (or was conned out of) copyright. If not, he ought to demand royalties on sales. It would only be about £3.50 but it would piss Nick Griffin off no end and anything that manages that is worth doing.
What prove have you got that DH is a nonce?
'What prove have you got that DH is a nonce?'
He's a nonce becuase he spends all his day watching porn and wanking.
More work and less porn Mr Hannam!!
Also calculators are only about 99p from Tesco, I'd get one if I were you.
Is he still married even after trying to shag an underage girl, the perv?
"The party boasted it would release upwards of 13 albums, which would raise around £100,000 for the party."
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha choke gasp.....
Yes I'm still married to David.
Not sure why. I think I may have a few rocks in my head.
I did offer to dress up as a school-girl once but he said it wouldn't be the same as the real thing. Oh well.
"In 2008 its business was merged with the BNP's Excalibur merchandising operation."
That's one way of hiding the fact that it's more or less bankrupt - inside another dodgy business that's on the rocks. It really is time both these businesses were shut down.
is infidelity a requirement at GWR now?
Mrs Morris ad I have made a few recordings of our own.
"Caravan Rocking" was recorded whilst I was in the navy and she kept a box of Daz in the window for passing squaddies to pop in and kick her backs in.
Even Persil couldn't get her clean.
Hannam is a dickhead and always has been. He shouldn't even be put in charge of feeding a cat.
Disturbing reading particularly as the BNP is forever going on about pedophilia and blaming it on Muslims. What's that saying about pots and kettles again?
Well what a concidence. I take a look at Lee Barnes mad page and his headline is "Church of England = Instutionalised Child Abusers" then I come over here and you're talking about child abusers in the BNP. Psycich link or what?
"Griffin once saw as both a lucrative cash cow...which would raise around £100,000"
Shouldn't have put Dildo Hannam in charge then should he.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The rumour is that it cost £50,000 to set up GWR and what has it earned? Fuck all!!!
9:12 AM, April 08, 2009
The BNP didn't pay a penny for any of the recording equipment. Alan who runs the recording studio brought in all of his own equipment at no cost to the party at all
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is he still married even after trying to shag an underage girl, the perv?
10:23 AM, April 08, 2009
Hannam continues to slag his wife off saying that he only went back to her because she came into a nice property and some money. He can't stand her or the dogs she shows and breeds.
Noncewatch kind of ignored Handjob-Hannam and PeadoBoy-Collett.
Who exactly runs Noncewatch, and are they actually run by far right kiddie fiddling scum, which would explain things a lot, why they turn a blind eye to BNP child abusers?
"Red Arrow" and "Red Squirrel" should most surely be called most fittingly "Brown Arrow" and "Brown Squirrel".
Don't know why a bunch of nazis would like to call themselves "red" when "brown" is more their colour.
Brown Arrow could then stick his little brown arrow up Cabin Boy Collett's porthole to relive his naval days.
"Hannam was temporarily demoted in early 2008 to appease irate BNP organisers and activists after a former colleague accused him of being "crassly incompetent"."
The mystery there is why the demotion was only temporary.
Look at LeBomber! He's back in the BNP, after a pr exercise. It seems that many bnp members have a hold over gri££in. I wander exactly what that could be, folks?
Mystic Meg @ 12.50pm asks Physicic link or what???
We all know that the BNP are very big on their physicic links, it has now been discovered that this years Alternative Budget proposed by Little Bob at Barking & Dagenham council Assembly just a little while back had been drawn up by their most famous tarot card reader and crystal ball gazer Chris Forster.
This could perhaps explain one of the many errors in "his" budget when he put forward a £2 million cut for a dept which only has a budget of £1.5 miilion as a saving. Perhaps Mr Forster need to polish his crystall ball.
But according to Little Bob Chris Forster is better than Gordon Brown, so thats good then.
No you couldnt make it up
my names Catherine duffy what is yours?
"total net assets at £8"
That is classic!
"my names Catherine duffy"
Whoopee. BNP Charnwood cllr.
"what is yours?"
Nick Griffin. You're sacked.
"my names Catherine duffy"
Who cares?
And for those who wonder who Catherine Duffy is here is her public profile she must display as a Councillor
You only have to mention this little inanely-grinning tosser or that cunt Collett for the comments to come pouring in. They're not exactly popular, are they.
Simon Darby has just posted a minute and a half of video of one engine of an aircraft taking off from Heathrow. What a twat.
Collett is a liability to the BNP not an assett. Hanam is stupid but even he hasnt confirmed the stereotypical image of the BNP as Colette has, praising Hitler etc. Idiot.
Only the Griffins and a few other idiots like him. The BNP would be a happier party wihtout him and more unified.
Anonymous said...
And for those who wonder who Catherine Duffy is here is her public profile she must display as a Councillor
Oo'er, is it male or female?
"He's a nonce becuase he spends all his day watching porn and wanking."
I was wondering why his arms seemed to be so short in that photo of yours. In a few more years he won't even be able to reach it.
Alledgedly female,tho' those of us who have downloaded the Nutzie list from Wikipedia will have their own oppinions.
old Sailor
@ Rah
In peace - she's not unattractive imho, but with all due respect isn't that beside the point?
She's a bloody fascist ffs. Let's not adopt the same standards as the fash by slagging people off for their physical appearance. Surely we are better than that?
@ Rah
Actually Rah, disregard my previous comment. The drink has worn off now and she does look like a man.
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