October 13, 2010
The EDL in Leicester
Posted by
Kirklees Unity
Meet Tommy Robinson leader of the English Defence League. Here he is being questioned by police after he and his friends jumped off a coach to during a confrontation with locals. He claims to lead a peaceful organisation but as you can see here the EDL is nothing of the sort.
The EDL in Leicester from HOPE not hate on Vimeo.

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Tommy: "Who's from Searchlight? ... I know where you live". Searchlight: "Why don't you send me a birthday card then?" :)
Great video, but this should be on You Tube, where it'll get loads more hits than Vimeo.
PS - can you re-embed the "EDL - Nazi Salutes, Guns and Knives" video, the old link's been dead for ages, here's a new one...
Marshalls transport company need a few emails then.
The EDL is one thing, but if you want true entertainment it’s got to be the BNP. I cannot explain my utter contempt for that sack of shit Gri££in. I truly hope that he remains in charge of his pathetic little clique of arse-licking nobody’s so I can continue to laugh at it. Even EDL think he is scum!
It’s hard to imagine that I was once a fucking member. Gri££in’s BNP sums up perfectly like a microcosm of all that is wrong with our society.
Greed, lies, egotism, threats, disrespect, morally corrupt (underage girls and alleged attempted rape) etc, etc. I can’t write what I would like to happen to Gri££in and his scum friends because you could not post it for legal reasons.
Butler is a prat also, to think that he could ‘play fair’ and wrestle what’s left of that party from Gri££in, that is almost as big a laugh as watching that sad little squirt Penfol look-a-like Dowson try and look hard! Priceless. Soon the BP will be crushed completely due to the weight of it’s own bile and shit; I for one can’t bloody wait.
Butler is a prat also, to think that he could ‘play fair’ and wrestle what’s left of that party from Gri££in, that is almost as big a laugh as watching that sad little squirt Penfol look-a-like Dowson try and look hard! Priceless. Soon the BP will be crushed completely due to the weight of it’s own bile and shit; I for one can’t bloody wait.
I cant wait too,forget the ballot box and take it to the streets like the IRA .
'Tommy' comes across as a total 'wannabe' hooligan 'top boy' with his firm to lead around.
Strange how he became very meek and compliant when the cop threatened him with a baton.
16 seconds in - runs like a girl!
Fucking cowardly racist scum.
Funny how YL escapes arrest once again, after abusing the police.
Special branch protection for an extra special grass, lol!
Nazi salutes from the braindead hardcore racist Kettering EDL organisers.
Expect to see them present supporting the EDL outside the Israeli Embassy.
The funniest thing about this video is old Tommy's little run at 00:15. It's a bit 'hold me back boys, hold me back. No please.... someone'
Why on earth didnt the police pull the coach driver over at the begining of the video, I understand it would have been a driving offence to have the coach door open and idiots standing on the steps while moving.
16 seconds in 'minces' quite well, the squirms like someone afraid of spiders confronted with a huge house spider...... lol
Anon @ 12.20
ROFL at your comment!
I half expected Tommy to say 'i'm getting my mum' but then she was probably at home tidying his room.
The website for marshalls coaches has a very interesting Testimonials page. Everton football supporters club, a couple of schools and the Secretary of
Grenadier Guards Band have used this coach firm. Maybe someone with better literacy than myself could pen a few emails ?
Find them here ;
Tommy, show us your mince, Tommy, Tommy, show us your mince.
Q. What meal does 'Tommy' love his mum to cook for him?
A. Mince!
Seriously, 'Tommy' was getting stick inside the EDL for not doing much and making a fortune selling EDL tat on eBay. Therefore, he has shown up at the last few events and pretended to be a 'general' leading his 'boys'.
We can all see from the vid that he's not very good at it and ever-so-slightly out of his depth.
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