He is nothing if not ingenious however. After the rather public shellacking the BNP took at the hands of the BBC's investigation into his party's sordid financial affairs last month, he must have been about the only person in the country who thought that the best way to respond to the Beeb was for people to throw more money at the BNP.
Perhaps Simon is the BNP's ideas man as well as its monotone spokesperson? "I need a little help from a couple of volunteers to test a new lottery syndicate system I am setting up" he boldly stated today.
"With the name "Half to the Party" this syndicate needs little explanation as to what it is setting out to achieve" he continued. Only half? Bloody hell, I know current treasurer Clive Jefferson allegedly charges £200 when he is inconvenienced (http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/news/article/1989/i-was-sacked-by-bnp-after-dispute-with-nick-g) so what will happen to the other half?
Well, it's not going to go to the many, many people that are facing Christmas on the dole because the great British National Party didn't pay their British employers for services, is it? Nooooooo. They're almost totally forgotten about. In fact "collective amnesia" is one way to describe how the BNP deals with news about the BNP.
There's been not a word from the BNP about the recent shenanigans at the Northern Ireland employment tribunal, and rightly so. Something so dark, so rotten on such a public display just would not do.
No word from the BNP either on the case of its "European Researcher" Mark Walker, and his own tribunal result (here: http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/news/article/1990/bnp-activist-banned-from-teaching-after-sendi ). Not a word. Nothing, nowt, nada. Not even from Simon Darby, the BNP's very own "naturist". He constantly warbles on and on about wildlife in his back garden, but in this case he couldn't even raise a Dicky bird.
Instead, still on the theme of his "half for the party" lottery idea, Simon is making some of those enormous plans that probably got the BNP into strife in the first place. " If we have a touch on the HFTP syndicate maybe I can book a suite at the Dorchester" he writes. So it's going to be a case of winter in a palace for Simon (if he can get a "touch" from the party lottery) and potentially a winter in a blanket for those who took a gamble on doing business with the BNP. Many of those poor creditors will probably feel they've played a losing game of Russian Roulette with the BNP.
Elsewhere on Simon's dynamic daily diatribe, he lauds the great English diet, one of his favourite topics. Hardly a day goes by that Simon doesn't offer us the opportunity to inspect his low budget palate. And surprise, surprise, his goods often come from Tescos. (What is it with the BNP and Tescos? http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/news/article/1994/bnp-member-denies-he-helped-hold-woman-in-com )
Simon then goes on to commend his favourite foods to the world, in particular those who are "lagging behind us English". However, I do detect a bottle of Australian red among Simon's recommendations. But that's not where his geographical or perhaps Imperialist confusion ends. In particular, he recommends his "English diet" to "Scots, Welsh, Ulstermen and Irish".
Whether it's his ignorance of geography and history I have no idea. Perhaps it is just more of that BNP arrogance. Right across the nine counties of Ulster, the overwhelming majority of "Ulstermen" (and women) are already Irish.
And by the way, who did win that car that the BNP were raffling? Answers on a postcard...
Thanks to Matthew Collins at Hope not Hate

I saw Darby once hanging around the BBC in Birmingham, in fact he's there quite often doing bits like the Politics Show, news inserts, Today etc.etc. at the BBC's invitation.
But only he has the foolish dickhead qualities to bite the hand that constantly provides a platform to his anti-modern Britain hate movement.
Also, he cannot stop himself from lying. When he was living in Cannock just before he thought it would be handy karma to be near his Fuhrer in Welshpool, he said to an undercover journo the Snowdonia National Park 'makes you proud to be English'. Nothing Simon says is to be believed, in fact in lying circles he's worse than Griffin.
ps how about a white poppy on the front page please Ketters??
how about a red poppy? Hippies didn't fight the war.
I saw Demolition Darby on a train once. It was during the Euro-election campaign. He was heading in the Birmingham direction.
B31 Antifascist said...
I saw Darby once hanging around the BBC in Birmingham, in fact he's there quite often doing bits like the Politics Show, news inserts, Today etc.etc. at the BBC's invitation.
Did they have a good canteen?
Great comment on the BDF:
Jenny was told to pay the UVF but instead went and got herself IVF!
Is it true that the BNP paid for the princess to get up the duff?
Simon darby is 1 of the grate men of our time......... One day when he's minister for the marxist filth BNP and Little Chef you;ll all bow down before him........ with Simons interlect and Nick;s jokes (he's such a funny guy lol lol lol) the BNP (fantastik brillyunt) will soon be in power when they find the switch and you filthy rotten marxist red scum and homosexuals Torys liberuls immigrents and thikkos will find the Briish publik throwing rotten kebabs at u while you swing from your lamposts.
Good luck Simon, were sending u £5000 to put on any horse you like cause we know it will win if it has you're blessssing and if it duzent that Searchlite must have nobbled it. And were sending £100000 to Nick Griffin who makes us laff so much, what a funny guy lol lol lol.........
Gary and Helen Bonkers (BNP gold plated members BNP veterinarians Trafalgar Club members, Certified ex-looney ward.........)
Brillyunt fantastic.... what a funny guy that Nick is... lol lol lol
I thought the BNP has stopped delievring leaflets. Hidden inside other leaflets, the BNP today delivered a BNP leaflet from Andrew Brons, offering people the chance to send away for his annual report.
Other leaflets posted through my door, hiding the BNP leaflet include "Perfect Home" "Farm Foods" and "British Gas".
This leaflet drop was in Bradford 4.
I wander if British Gas would like their leaflets to be delivered alongside BNP material?
Simon Darby is hated within the bnp he creeps up griffo's arse day and night, what a creepy crawley he is. Also he is by-sexual and very camp""
I suggest anyone else in West Yorkshire who got this Brons leaflet, uses it on their annual Guy Fawkes bonfire, where the racist filth belongs.
Simon Darby's blog:
"Drove around ... saw a pigeon ... caught up with Nick by phone - had a really, really important chat on party matters ... had something to eat - cost £3.42 ... drove around a bit more ... saw another pigeon ... [etc etc etc ad nauseam] ....."
Is it true that the BNP paid for the princess to get up the duff?
No, Angus shoved his cock up her, & squirted his stuff insde her.
Simon Darby's blog:
"Drove around ... saw a pigeon ... caught up with Nick by phone - had a really, really important chat on party matters ... had something to eat - cost £3.42 ... drove around a bit more ... saw another pigeon ... [etc etc etc ad nauseam] ....."
He gets paid a lot of money for doing fuck all.
Ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ITS Simon Darby here. Ittttsss now 1 oclock in the morning and after just having a good feast of space cakes and turning into a space cadet ive just seen a large,very large green and white ladybird with six foot wings fly past the window ! The weather can get so strange,so strange,so strange,SO STRANGE INDEED here in Welshpool that im really thinking about turning in for the night to scratch my nuts.
how about a red poppy? Hippies didn't fight the war.
Hippies don't cause criminal and sick wars. Fuck the glorification and nationalism.
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