The EDL and the BFP have recently announced that they are forming an alliance together. The reasons are mainly thought to be the fact that the BFP need people to vote for them and the EDL need to go political in order to survive and lose their 'toxic' reputation, a reputation gained by the fact that many of their demonstrations end up in violence and their Facebook page and membership in general are overun with hard core racists who are more interested in targeting the Muslim community than Islamic extremists.

Click here to see the video
The leaked recording, which has turned into a massive embarrassment for BFP leadership and Simon Bennett is thought to have been recorded ten months ago when the they were first started talks with the EDL.
In a Facebook status update, an admin thought to be either Bennett or Weston, is currently undergoing a damage limitation exercise and claiming that the recorded conversation took place ten months ago. The update is full of conspiracy theories about leaked members addresses and a plot by the Muslim Defence League to murder him and gang rape his children. We are unaware of any complaints being made to the police about this.
In response to the recent audio file 'leaked' by the Muslim Extremist Hackers of the EDL Facebook page, British Freedom wish to clarify a few points:Simon Bennett, British Freedom PartyEDL members are naturally suspicious of the alliance and not all are happy with it. Simon Bennett is failing to win hearts and minds, mainly due to the stitch up of the British National Party when he took their website down the day before the last general election.
Firstly, the leaker of this ten month old Skype recording is an expelled member of British Freedom that has been waging a hate campaign against British Freedom ever since.
So much so that they have conspired with the BNP and the Muslim Defence League in order to release the name and address of the EDL webmaster to the Muslim Defence League and MAC in order to have him (and his young family) murdered. This can all be substantiated with facts and hard evidence if need be. These are the people (just some of them) that Simon Bennett traced via IP addresses cross referenced against other data that have threatened to have his children ‘gang raped’ and murdered.
Now, the fact that this 'leaked' Skype conference was recorded by these people in the first place ought to raise the question WHY it was recorded. The reason is obvious, they had every intention of releasing it at a time which they felt would cause British Freedom and the EDL the most damage.
Bearing in mind that this conversation was recorded over ten months ago and at an early stage of ‘negotiations’ between British Freedom and the EDL two questions have to be asked:
1. Why record it.
2. Why release it now.
The answer is of course obvious. To try in a desperate attempt to break the alliance the two groups have worked so damned hard to create. This ‘alliance’ was no spur of the moment idea. It was 18 months in the planning. A huge amount of discussion, planning, brain storming and thought went in to it.
If Skype conversations did not take place discussing the issues then you have cause for concern. Take another listen to the ‘leaked’ audio. Nothing untoward was said or discussed that either party would be afraid to repeat today.
The simple fact is this;
The opposition are terrified, absolutely mortified by the fact that a credible, non racist, non nazi political organisation in its embryonic stages is about to render all other party’s below the Lib-Dems null and void. It is in their interests (and that of Islamic Extremists) to ensure that this alliance fails.
Don’t be sucked in by this amateur attempt to derail us. The very fact they are trying so hard to do just that speaks volumes.
Yorkie Pudd
re the alliance with bfp ......all sounds dodgy as fuck to me @simon your a public figure? you sound like a spoilt brat mate ...eddy makes a good point " if you fall out with EDL, what are you going to do? What did you do when you fell out with the BNP?" ...and as for 30 quid to join your having a laugh ... i could go on but as it as been proved so many times there is no point ..are you sure your not related to weyman the cunt bennet?
Alan Furniss
if the bfp think im having anything to do with them after the way they chatted about edl members they,v gotta another thing coming id rather be natfront
Kevin Layzell
The opposition are terrified? no ones terrified no ones heard of British freedom.
- "credible" as a purely Facebook political group its very hard to be non credible as there's little you can do to make yourself non credible
- "amateur attempt" this amateurs keep hacking the page.. they have brought down the EDL without even leaving their houses.
- What evidence do you have that they conspired with the BNP (I highly doubt the BNP wants to see him and his family murdered)
- " Simon Bennett traced via IP addresses" Simon Bennett seems good at tracking people down and handing out information... didn't he betray the BNP to try to bring them down? what a honourable fella.
- why did it take 18 months for British freedom and EDL to form an alliance it doesn't seem like anything has changed?
No no no no no! Don't you see? it gives us NO credibility. It makes us a laughing stock. If the EDL wanted to be more political it should have either formed a political party called the English Defence Party or had discussions with other parties, come to a decision an then those who didn't or couldn't support that party would leave. Having 'secret' discussions behind our backs to stitch up a deal with any political party just makes mugs of us all. And this is not a BNP vs BFP thing either. It could be UKIP it could be anyone. And stop saying we can vote for who we like! How can we vote for one party and belong to a movement which is actively helping another party
Chris Bangtidy Belsher
Tell you what Simon- how about you and this British Freedom Party get to fuck and when you get there you fuck off some more. You think that I've stood on the streets up and down this great country in freezing conditions, endured police giving me fuck and run the gauntlet of mad muslims throwing rocks and threatening to kill me just to be used to bolster some weak as fuck political parties numbers? You seriously think anyone is seriously going to vote for a party with no financial manifesto? no employment manifesto? Etc etc etc, you haven't got a clue.
Eddy Stevens
Simon, if you fall out with EDL, what are you going to do? What did you do when you fell out with the BNP? ANSWER: Took BNP website offline the day before a major election. I ask, would a genuine patriot have done that?
Yorkie Pudd
all sounds dodgy as fuck to me @simon your a public figure? you sound like a spoilt brat mate ...eddy makes a good point " if you fall out with EDL, what are you going to do? What did you do when you fell out with the BNP?" ...and as for 30 quid to join your having a laugh ... i could go on but as it as been proved so many times there is no point ..are you sure your not related to weyman bennet?
Chris Bangtidy Belsher
British Freedom Party- bit of an oxymoron really. You won't be getting my vote, you won't be getting my money and you'll definitely won't be getting my support. I'm EDL not BFP and if this so called freedom Party is made up of semi literate halfwits like Simon then they're doomed.
EDL News
Bennett accuses everyone of trying to have him and his family killed. He's a delusional psychpath who seriously needs to be banged up in a secure mental hospital before he loses it and does some serious damage to someone with his lies and lunacy.
'Bangtidy' eh?? I can just imagine the look on the vicar's face at his christening!!
Bennett accuses everyone of trying to have him and his family killed. He's a delusional psychpath who seriously needs to be banged up in a secure mental hospital before he loses it and does some serious damage to someone with his lies and lunacy.
Paranoia, as well as ignorance is how the far right thrive.
Any organisation that has Bennett in it is doomed to failure.
"I'm EDL not BFP and if this so called freedom Party is made up of semi literate halfwits like Simon then they're doomed."
Oh the irony.
I hate to say it, but I like the cut of these chaps collective jib with regard to their suspicions and concerns re: the BFP and, in particular, Simon Bennett.
Bennett's a self-serving egomaniac living a Walter Mitty existence. However, from our standpoint at least, this 'alliance' could be a great boon. It would only be a matter of time before Bennett spits the dummy over something relatively inconsequential (or, I suspect, financial) and throws a spanner in the works for the EDL.
Looks more like Gri££inites trying to split the alliance because they are pissed off that their fuhrer isnt getting the money/
Who is Gri££o hoping to do a deal with?
Is that why he was up in Newcastle today?
I can't forget how Bennett used to come on the British democracy Forum boasting about the time he smashed a man's head in with a house brick. He always boasts about violence and how he batters people. He also threatened to put a bolt through a rival's pet dogs head! This is stored ready for when the Pepsi loons stand for election.
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