But it appears not. Poor old “Dazza” has been more than a bit grumpy of late.
We’ve just had a less than friendly blog response from Lumb, using the same email address that is used on his own blog. It seems he is less than happy with our article “Griffin's Dog Day Afternoon” (http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/article/1483/griffins-dog-day-afternoon).
That article tells the tale of the “Combined ex-Forces” (CXF), a strange EDL off-shoot whose leader Michael Rafferty brags of having guns and snipers that they are willing to use against police officers. The story goes on to explain how Rafferty and his tin soldiers happily swelled the ranks at the recent BNP campsite/vigil held close to The Royal Albert Hall.
Lumb also camped out that day and was no doubt happy to see the bigger boys with their pretend military uniforms and shiny boots. We’ve included a photo of Darren trying to look menacing.
We would have thought that as Mr Lumb now holds such as important position within the BNP that his correspondence would have been a little more, polite?
To Hope not Hate
From Darren Lumb
“Listen you false pieces of shit, if you want to have a go anytime any place then so be it. but don't ever ever ever ever ever bring shame on our brave heroes, If you want to fight for the ''good cause'' then we will be happy to bring the fight to you, I’m sick and tired of your lies and propaganda, either come to the battleground or keep it SHUT.”Lumb doesn’t just direct his bile at us. Prime Minister, David Cameron has also been a victim of his bile. This was left earlier today on David Cameron’s Facebook page.
“Oh cunt Im going to rip your fucking head off when I see you.. The one thing I don't like is traitors and Jews. Get ready wanker Im going to rip your arms and legs off..”Recently we wrote how unemployed Lumb was convicted of using racially aggravated threatening or insulting words and behaviour after he called a petrol station worker “a black bastard” (http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/news/article/1946/bnp-organiser-convicted-for-racist-tirade) He also has previous convictions for assault and disorder.
Perhaps Darren has too much time on his hands? It’s possible that if Lumb got himself a job and stopped hanging around with pretend soldiers and washed up politicians his childish messages might come to an end.
Still, we’ll continue to judge Mr Griffin by the ongoing company he keeps.

They turn violent like that when we tell the truth and they know it, so history has taught us. They just do not know how to do democracy.
That's fascism alright. And that's why we remember those who fought to liberate Aushwitz, Belsen, Dachau etc.
He was at the Nationalist demo in Leeds a few weeks ago standing with the "Infidels".
“Oh cunt Im going to rip your fucking head off when I see you.. The one thing I don't like is traitors and Jews. Get ready wanker Im going to rip your arms and legs off..”
They've given up trying to charm their way into power, it seems. Lumb lives between Pontefract and Barnsley. The chances of him bumping into David Cameron are not that high, I'd imagine.
Him and Cookie tried to 'advise' Jordan Pont how to conduct himself 'tactfully' following his own Radio Sheffield rantings.
I haven't yet got over Lee Barnes v Melanie Phillips on Radio 4!!
Has he just done something in his army combat trousers or summat???
Nazi Scum Lumb wrote, sickeningonly on David Caneron's facebook wall , "Oh cunt Im going to rip your fucking head off when I see you.. The one thing I don't like is traitors and Jews. Get ready wanker Im going to rip your arms and legs off..”
Some Muslims recently went to jail for threatening harm against people.
How come Lumb won't get arrested for threatening grevious bodily harm against the Prime Minister????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Hearing that the thug and jew hater Darren Lumb has been suspended from the BNP.
"Hearing that the thug and jew hater Darren Lumb has been suspended from the BNP".
There'll be no-one left to kiss Griffo's arse at this rate, lol!
He was at the Nationalist demo in Leeds a few weeks ago standing with the "Infidels".
The NWI will make him one of Snowy's Co-Fuhrers ASAP.
Snowy openly loves Mein Kampf and the Protocols.
No wander he hangs out with this Leeds-based Hitler lovers who include several BPPers in their ranks!
The BPP??????? Anyone remember those losers??????
"If you want to fight for the ''good cause'' then we will be happy to bring the fight to you"
If ANTIFA turned up at his local pub near Hemsworth, he'd shit his pants!
"The one thing I don't like is traitors and Jews"
Not just a racist twat then, but an innumerate racist twat.
"The one thing I don't like is traitors and Jews"
Two things. The two things I don't like are traitors Jews and lefties.
Three things. The three things I don't like are traitors Jews and lefties and homosexuals.
Four things. The four things I don't like are traitors Jews lefties and homosexuals and anyone who dares speak out against our glorious Chairman.
Nine hundred and seventy five things. The nine hundred and seventy five things I don't like are......
The BNP's founding principles conjure up images of Monty Python; NOBODY expects the British Inquisition!!!
If Antifa turned up anywhere I'd die of shock!
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