The APP's politics can be judged by the fact that their website has reproduced material by the British National Party and featured a video of a speech by South African white supremacist Arthur Kemp, author of March of the Titans: a History of the White Race, at a time when Kemp was a leading figure in the BNP ("Another one of Arthur Kemp's excellent speeches…not to be missed").
You can understand why the BFP and APP might enjoy a warm relationship, because the two organisations certainly have a lot in common. The BFP's new chairman Paul Weston has written an article entitled "The ethnic cleansing of the English", which warns that due to "mass immigration" the "indigenous race" will be reduced to "ethnic minority status in their homeland within twenty years".
Could EDL leader Stephen Lennon have been aware of this article when he told EDL members that Weston "has charisma, can speak well, and is a jolly good bloke"? After all, Lennon recently assured his local paper that the EDL leadership's response to racists is that "we find out who they are and we kick them out". When Lennon joins the BFP next year will he be calling for the expulsion of Paul Weston?
Islamophobia Watch
Thanks to NewsHound for the heads-up
And who do you think was responsible for Australia's constitution, established society, Christian faith, economy and law and order? IMMIGRANTS from Britain and Ireland. It is one of the only two countries (the USA being the other) of their kind in the world. Therefore the APP have absolutely no argument to put in a democratic scenario and should.....
Except for one of course....the white supremacy one Trust the EDL to want to link up with the Aussie branch of the 'two plus two equals seventy one' brigade.
Could EDL leader Stephen Lennon have been aware of this article when he told EDL members that Weston "has charisma, can speak well, and is a jolly good bloke"?
Griffin said exactly the same thing of John Tyndall upon the veteran nazis' death. The coincidence is intentional for the fashies and Tommy Yobinsons' eyes already spell Get Weston and Power!!!
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