Bradford TUC is joining up with the HOPE not hate campaign in calling on the Bradford-based Raise Your Banners organisation to withdraw its invitation to Gilad Atzmon who is due to perform at one of its events on 25 November.
Gilad Atzmon is an antisemite and flirts with Holocaust Denial and Holocaust Deniers. He was born in Israel but now lives in the UK and is a jazz musician.
This is just one of his many offensive comments about the Holocaust.
“When I was young and naïve I was also convinced that what they told us about our ‘collective’ Jewish past really happened. I believed it all, the Kingdom of David, Massada, and then the Holocaust: the soap, the lampshade, the death march, the six million.
As it happened, it took me many years to understand that the Holocaust, the core belief of the contemporary Jewish faith, was not at all an historical narrative for historical narratives do not need the protection of the law and politicians.”
“It took me many years to accept that the Holocaust narrative, in its current form, doesn’t make any historical sense. Here is just one little anecdote to elaborate on:
"If, for instance, the Nazis wanted the Jews out of their Reich (Judenrein - free of Jews), or even dead, as the Zionist narrative insists, how come they marched hundreds of thousands of them back into the Reich at the end of the war?”
“I am left puzzled here; if the Nazis ran a death factory in Auschwitz-Birkenau, why would the Jewish prisoners join them at the end of the war? Why didn’t the Jews wait for their Red liberators?”
Atzmon is also implicated in the distribution of the Holocaust denier Paul Eisen’s essay ‘The Holocaust Wars which he has described as a ‘great text’. This great text is notorious for its defence and espousal of amongst others Ernst Zundel, the convicted Holocaust denier. He has also been linked with Israel Shamir, another Holocaust denier, who has links to many white supremacist and Nazi groups. Indeed when Eisner’s document was originally posted it was on Shamir’s website, Atzmon described Shamir as a ‘unique and advanced thinker’.
We believe that Atzmon should be shunned by all decent people - just as we would shun David Irving and Nick Griffin. Just because Atzmon is Jewish does not mean that he cannot be either antisemitic or deny the Holocaust.
Bradford TUC voted unanimously to denounce Atzmon and his invitation to perform at the Raise Your Banners event. The TUC has written to the organisers in the hope that they will withdraw the invitation. Paul Meszaros, of Bradford TUC and HOPE not hate Yorkshire, said: "There is no way that Atzmon should play. The evidence against him is overwhelming.
"We are appalled at this decision and believe that this is a serious point of principle. Bradford TUC has long been at the fore of the anti-fascist movement in the area and it is in this tradition that we demand the withdrawal of Atzmon’s invitation."
Hope not Hate
Some extra info and contact number.
ome very important information regarding Holocaust denier Gilad Atzmon's so-called "radical jazz" concert which you might or might not be aware of. Almost all "Raise Your Banners Festival" events are happening at Kala Sangam, but this event happens at Bradford Cathedral (01274 777720). You need to speak to diocesan Bishop of Bradford Nick Baines, and if that doesn't work, make a direct appeal to the Church of England hierarchy. Giving a forthright anti-semite permission to play his concert at a cathedral would make disastrous headlines for the Church of England, if the media were to get hold of it.
A nice way to open the gates for Lefty Jew haters.
It's about stopping a Holocaust denier gaining publicity for his vile views.
Who wants to hear a Racist Antisemite Nazi playing music.
Some very important information regarding Holocaust denier Gilad Atzmon's so-called "radical jazz" concert which you might or might not be aware of. Almost all "Raise Your Banners Festival" events are happening at Kala Sangam, but this event happens at Bradford Cathedral (01274 777720). You need to speak to diocesan Bishop of Bradford Nick Baines, and if that doesn't work, make a direct appeal to the Church of England hierarchy. Giving a forthright anti-semite permission to play his concert at a cathedral would make disastrous headlines for the Church of England, if the media were to get hold of it.
Great article, LU. Hope the Church of England ban him from playing on church property.
(by the way, the title's missing off the story!)
This fascist jazz nut is a close friend of Swedish fascist (former Jewish writer, now Christian and a friend of Russian nazis) Israel Shamir who recently wrote defence of the blood libel myth is unique. In an article On Anti-Semitism Shamir writes that:
‘For as long as Richard Perle sits in the Pentagon, Elie Wiesel brandishes his Nobel Prize, Mort Zuckerman owns the USA Today, Gusinsky bosses over Russian TV, Soros commands multi-billions of funds and Dershowitz teaches at Harvard, we need the voices of Duke, Sobran, Raimondo, Buchanan, Mahler, Griffin and of other anti-bourgeois nationalists.
Anonymous said...
Great article, LU. Hope the Church of England ban him from playing on church property.
(by the way, the title's missing off the story!)
5:39 PM, November 20, 2011
Cheers, sorted now.
Hi John! Please can you republish the phone number for Bradford Cathedral as highlighted text after the article so people can register their complaint direct with the Church of England.
Surely they won't allow Gilad to defile a Cathedral. It's no better than allowing Nick Griffin to hold a BNP meetiing in such an important religious building!
"we need the voices of Duke, Sobran, Raimondo, Buchanan, Mahler, Griffin and of other anti-bourgeois nationalists"
Does he mean Nick Griffin?
No extemists should ever be allowed to speak/perform in English Cathedrals!
Hi John! Please can you republish the phone number for Bradford Cathedral as highlighted text after the article so people can register their complaint direct with the Church of England.
Surely they won't allow Gilad to defile a Cathedral. It's no better than allowing Nick Griffin to hold a BNP meetiing in such an important religious building!
5:48 PM, November 20, 2011
No probs
If the Church of England are bothering to shift harmless anti-capitalistic protestors at St Pauls, they surely won't want the bad publicity of Gilad Atzmon playing at Bradford Cathedral!
Maybe it's worth sending letters/phone calls/emails to the Archbishop of Canterbury, asking him to intervene to ban the concert.
Cheers, John!
If this extremist concert goes ahead at Bradford Cathedral, Bradford will make the headlines once again for all the wrong reasons.
No better than allowing Skrewdriver to perform at the pulpet.
Administrative Structure
The Church of England National Offices
Church House
Great Smith Street
Telephone +44(0)20 7898 1000
email: webmaster@churchofengland.org
The Church of England comprises two Provinces, Canterbury and York. Each province is broken down into dioceses. There are 43 in England (44 including the Diocese in Europe). Each of the English dioceses has a structure of boards and councils responsible for different aspects of the Church's work, eg Ministry, Mission, Education, Social Responsibility.
If this concert goes ahead, Palastinian human rights campaigns in Yorkshire will be tarred with the shitty brush of the British Far Right, which is quite an irony, as BNP/EDL/BFF/BPPers all hate both Muslims and Jews equally away from the cameras.
Whoever is putting on the concert obviously doesnt give a shit about anti-racism.Bradford doesnt need this.
"The Church of England celebrates the diversity found in its parishes, schools and congregations, and the contribution of this diverse people to the life of their communities and churches. The Church of England is also aware of its own need to be constantly vigilant regarding racism and all forms of prejudice in its common life and structures.
In the recent years the Church has been concerned about the rise of political parties and other groups who base their policies, rhetoric and actions on predjudice, and the fear of different ethnic and religious groups.
Through motions passed by the General Synod, public statements and participation in community alliances the Church seeks to make real its abhorrence of racism and intolerance in all areas of our society's life".
I wonder that the Archbishop of Canterbury would think about Bradford's Cathedral used for a hate concert?
"If this extremist concert goes ahead at Bradford Cathedral, Bradford will make the headlines once again for all the wrong reasons.
No better than allowing Skrewdriver to perform at the pulpet".
Indeed! Well put!
The Bishop of Bradford doesn't have a shaven head, or owns a pit pull terrier, lol!
Wish I knew how to set up one of these online petition thingies to hand to the Church.
Atzmon's views are on a par with Griffin, LePen and David Duke.
Raise Your Banners is supposed to be a socialist concert, but words defy this decision to allow a known racist to perform at one of their own events in a religious building for fuck sake.
If the Gilad had been an extremist Muslim, expect the Home Secretary to have acted by now, which says a lot about how extremists sharing comparible views are judged by the colour of their skin.
It makes me despair when socialists will sll out their principles all for the sake of a single issue.
This is really disturbing. There was a time when you could expect people (supposedly) like us not to be racist, but in recent years, I've heard both Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism.
I was hoping holocaust deniers were vanishing with the demise of Cyclops. I think all racists are getting stronger in the current economic climate especially with all of the job losses.
Anonymous said...
Wish I knew how to set up one of these online petition thingies to hand to the Church.
Do you mean: "I wish I could set up one of those online petitions so I can give all the names to the rest of my EDL mates"?
Lets just bombard them with objections, as has been mentioned, they are a little bit sensitive about upsetting the masses at the moment.
The Church of England National Offices
Church House
Great Smith Street
Telephone +44(0)20 7898 1000
email: webmaster@churchofengland.org
sorry, should have added:
Bradford Cathedral
1 Stott Hill
W Yorks
Tel: 01274 777720
If you email, cc in the church of England
Can I just add, that the concert in NOT in the cathedral but in what was it's visitors centre now owned/run by a non CoE organisation http://www.kalasangam.org/?
I find it very difficult to understand how RYB would engage such an event, also that it is only so close to the event that this has been realized!
Cheers Landale
Is this wrong, then, from local arts organisation Fabric, which descibes the concert as happening in the magnificent surroundings of Bradford Cathedral?
Finally people are starting to wake up to the likes of Atzmon! I hope that Nazi sympathiser gets booed off stage.
The corporate logos on the bottom of the Raise Your Banners website shows how "socialist" they actually are.
Thanks Lansdale. So the concert's been moved from the Cathedral to Kala Sangam.
Thanks to Google cache, it is confirmed it was indeed going to happen in Bradford cathedral, so maybe the Bishop of Bradford got a whiff of what Atzmon was all about, and told them to get lost:
(see the following link!)
Anyway, I've found the contact details for the Kala Sangam venue, which is located on the edge of Bradford City Centre, next to the Urban Garden.
Kala Sangam, 1 Forster Square St Peters House, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD1 4TY: - 01274 303 340
The Official Mobile number for Raise Your Banners (please be polite on the phone!): 07530 243874
I've been doing some research. Kala Sangam is an arts centre which stands on the site, ironically, of a former multifaith religious centre.
If it goes ahead, there needs to be protests from anti-racists, maybe a sit-down protest inside the venue.
The Patron of the festival is musician Roy Bailey, long-time friend of Tony Benn, who has performed with him at Folk festivals up and down the country.
Roy is himself performing at Raise Your Banners.
Maybe if Roy was contacted, he might threaten to pull out if the Atzmon gig isn't cancelled.
I am physically and utterly disgusted that socialism, has in the minds of some warped events organising individuals, transended into national socialism.
For all those years, the Daily Telegraph blog castigated true leftwingers like me, calling the BNP and NF and EDL "leftwing". Sadly, the complete and absolute dickheads who booked Atzmon (presumably without realising his credentials), have brought the left and right wing together, perhaps similar to the situation in post-war Angentina where the Peronists had both neo-nazis and communist followers in the late 1960s.
It's sad, and I hope the pressure can be raised upon the organisers to realise that they will be aligning themselves with the BNP and even the Infidels indeed, (no Jews, no blacks), if they allow this concert to go ahead.
Bradford's Midland Hotel is part of the Peel Hotels group, and is one of the Raise Your Banners sponsors, and their contact details are as follows: -
Their phone number happens to be 01274 735735
The sponsors should be boycotted if the concert goes ahead, and that includes the Co-Operative Group, a trading group which refused to buy South Africaan fruit during the Apartheid era.
"We take a pro-active approach to all our sponsorship agreements to ensure the maximum return on an investment that works hard to communicate our brand, our values and that contributes to our commercial objectives.
Sponsorship has the ability to shift brand perception. It educates our consumers about our values and reinforces our unique brand message in a modern, dynamic and emotive manner.
Sponsorship also mobilises and unites our different businesses and further educates our consumers about our identity".
Maybe the Co-ops identity is now about turning a blind eye to Holocaust denial musicians.
In his new book he states that he is “proud to be a self-hating Jew”, and says that his “insights” are based on the writings of Jewish Austrian philosopher Otto Weininger, who he describes as “an anti-Semite who loathed almost anything that wasn’t Aryan manhood.”
Atzmon says he is a strong opponent of “Jewishness” and clarifies, “I despise the Jew in me.”
“To be a Jew is a deep commitment that goes far beyond any legal or moral order,” he explains in the book, a commitment which he says draws an increasing number of Jews into a dangerous, unethical and vague partnership.
Eventually, he writes, a nuclear war will erupt between Iran and Israel, which will lead to the killing of tens of millions of people. “Some brave people will say that Hitler was right after all.”
“an anti-Semite who loathed almost anything that wasn’t Aryan manhood.”
Gri££in loves an Aryan manhood, allegedly.
“To be a Jew is a deep commitment that goes far beyond any legal or moral order,” he explains in the book, a commitment which he says draws an increasing number of Jews into a dangerous, unethical and vague partnership.
The thick self-loathing racist cunt believes the world is run by a secret Jewish cabal, just like David Irving.
I'm from Blackburn and my dad used to take me to hippy folk festivals and peace fairs which I didn't appreciate at the time but once I started to understand politics, one day it all clicked and I started to understand the significance and all that. I was nine when I first attended a strike, my uncle was a trade unionist.
Leftwing and antiracist meant just that. There was none of this accepting one form of racism to offset another logic that some of the yunguns have today.
It all went wrong with years of Thatcher followed by warmongering Blair giving more years of the same which allowed conspiracy theories and hearsay to take over from proper natural philosophy.
The far right do conspiracy theories better than anybody else, which is why anti-semitism is now accepted by certain people on the fringes of the movement.
What we need is more discussions with young people about the real isses affecting them such as jobs, poverty and discrimination, the issues which the divide and conquer ConDems want us to forget.
Then things like this, booking Atmon for the socialist folk festival just won't happen.
Its all about consistency and anti racism has not always translated into logical and consistent anti bigotry at all levels
I went to school in Wolverhampton in the 1990s and it was not at all uncommon for kids to give a slap to racists bullying black kids but the same lads quite happily denigrated the Asian kids at the school racially abusing them with the word P&kis
Islamophobia is now the most widespread street prejudice in this post modern edl world.Are some of us solely concerned with rejecting this one prejudice while turning a blind eye to the return of Antisemitism
This ia a question we need to ask ourselves long and hard
We must contact the performers/agents of performers taking part in the Banners Festival and ask them to boycott the event unless Gilad is removed from the bill forthwith.
Other performers on the same night include Sarah Gillespie and Nizar Al Issa. Omar Puente has pulled out (possibly cos he doesn't want to perform with Holocaust-denying Nazis. Wouldn't you?)
In the rest of the festival, performers include
•Orient House Ensemble
•John Tams
•Barry Coope
•Roy Bailey
•The Hall Brothers with Michelle Plum
Also, the companies which are sponsoring the event need to be boycotted if Atzmon isn't give his jackboot marching orders.
Atzmon reminds me of the Rangers-supporting Uncle Tom EDL Muslim.
If Adolf Atzmon is allowed to play jazz at the "Raise Your Banners radical music fest", they might as well book Skrewdriver and Prussian Blue for next years event.
They are obviously extreme rightwingers pretending to be leftwing running this festival.
Who gives a shit about this stupid festival anyway? The tickets are bloody expensive for a not-for-profit event anyway.
A nice way to open the gates for Lefty Jew haters.
A few Left groups were very naive in allowing Atzmon a platform some years ago but even they don't bother to defend him now, are very silent on the topic and won't be drawn into debate on it.
What Atzmon says is no different from Holocaust denial which has been around since the 1950's.
If you can stomach it, read a book like Butz's 'Hoax of the 20th Century' and the stuff Atzmon's coming out with could be lifted straight from it.
If anybody knows journalists, the Telegraph and Argus, Yorkshire Evening Post and Yorkshire Post urgently need to carry the story, as you local radio The Pulse, Sunrise Radio and BBC Leeds, and Calendar and Look North.
By the way,
i) To hide the evidence, and to get away from the oncoming Allied armies.
ii) Because the SS made them.
I remember Rock Against Racism.
Only in those days, Clapton and Bowie were not happening as part of our own side.
What makes this worse, much, much worse, these are supposed to be our own people putting on this event.
If the event goes ahead, local faith groups from all the different religions need to hold a prayer vigil, for the toxic views of this sick-in-the-head "Uncle Tom" Holocaust denier and friend of Russian neo-nazis, need to be directly challenged peacefully but vocally.
Mainstream journalists need to take note of the story.
If Raise The Banners ignores Bradford TUC and goes ahead, may they lose all community support and commercial sponsorship for next year. By supporting this avowed Hitler lover, this should be the end of the festival forever.
Organisers take note at your peril!
Campaigners are holding stalls at Raise Your Banners including stalls campaigning to save the NHS, animal awareness groups, etc., but no anti-racism stalls.
Northern Indymedia no-longer has an anti-racism category.
Does no-one care anymore?
If he hates what he is that much, why doesn't he just fucking kill himself?
It might just be worth reading Atzmon's response, before we all stick the jackboot in.
It might just be worth reading Atzmon's response, before we all stick the jackboot in.
I've read Atzmon's words in your linked article and he mirrors the thoughts of Holocaust Deniers; those being that there was no executions by mass gassing and that Jews died in the camps as a result of disease and shootings.
Griffin in his 1997 interview with Roger Cook, in The Cook Report, says the same things.
This is a clear negation of the Holocaust by suggesting is wasn't all that special in the context of the War. Thus, it is something that fits into the post WW2 fascist adgenda of white-washing Hitler and the Nazi regime.
Atzmon complains that HopenotHate have taken him out of context. They haven't
Some have defended Atzmon as an "intellectual," "scholar", "philosopher", you'll find more about how false that is here:
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