I stuck my neck on the line and suggested half this number of activists and only 35,000 leaflets. It now appears that I was too generous. The latest figures doing the rounds is just 90-100 and that comes from BNP election chief Eddie Butler.
As I mentioned yesterday the campaigning weekend was as much for internal party consumption as it was to kick-start the London campaign. It would appear that Griffin and friends deliberately sought to exaggerate their numbers so as to give the impression that the party was fully behind his leadership. You only have to read Richard Barnbrook’s account of the weekend to see how he was trying to ‘big’ up Collett, Darby et al to see the real agenda at play.
As reports were coming in of BNP activity it did indeed seem impressive. Small groups of BNP activists were out in a number of wards across East London. However, on closer inspection not all was what it seemed. It appears that BNP team were out but just doing the main routes through areas rather than the entire ward so as to give the impression that more was actually being done.
So, yes, I admit I was wrong, but my embarrassment isn’t anywhere near that of the party leadership. Given that this was a national turnout then a figure of only 100 is not too impressive. I was in Sandwell earlier this year when we had 221 people (yes, that is the number who signed in), virtually all from the Black Country and Birmingham area. On that particular day we managed to deliver 45,000 newspapers. Now that was impressive.
HOPE not Hate
No need for you to be embaressed Nick think that award needs to go to the Nazis.
Its always hard to count numbers when there are so few on the ground and they are intent on hiding the leaflets so no one recognises them, wonder if they are ashamed to be identified with the bnp.
But of course that shame does not extend to the leadership of the party, im pretty sure i read on Darby blog that he is raiding the petty cash tin to buy tickets to some boxing match in Las Vegas so he wont be around in the run up and on election day anyway.
Trying to get this to Nick...your headline of Milt Wolff "lifelong communist" is incorrect. He would have issue with you labeling him anything other than a lifelong anti-fascist.
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