A few hours ago the rebels launched their Voice of Change website. Hardly the most inspiring site it nevertheless signals a change in tactics. Whilst it continues to claim that they will challenge Griffin in a leadership election in June it is clear that none of the nine sacked party officers believe that a) they will be reinstated and b) that they would stand a chance in any leadership election given that Griffin himself is allowed to decide on the election rules which in last year’s contest included the banning of any campaigning!
Instead, the website makes it clear that they are prepared to stand against Griffin’s BNP. “Voice of Change is an umbrella group to assist candidates who wish to stand as independent nationalists in the local elections in May 2008 and in any local by-elections throughout the year.”
This will badly affect the BNP in Yorkshire, the East Midlands, Scotland and Greater Manchester. In Yorkshire, which has been their most powerful region within the party for some time, there appears only one or two branches which remain loyal to the current leadership. Support for the rebellion is fairly solid across Scotland, though this is a far less important region for the party electorally. The strong East Midlands region will also be affected. While the region is split over support for the rebellion the loss of many of its key organisers, such as Sadie Graham and Wayne McDermott, the region’s competent election organiser, will be a severe blow to BNP in the short term.
The rebels were left with little option but to begin the move towards a separate party. Since announcing their decision to challenge Griffin’s leadership a week ago it is clear that many of their supporters recognised the futility in all this. Over the last 48 hours Searchlight received information from within Yorkshire BNP that many of its key organisers were preparing to make a break. The officers of Hull BNP has been the first to declare themselves as ‘Independent Nationalists’ but we expect others to follow shortly.
The move to support rival candidates will also be music to the ears of Nick Griffin. Whilst he must recognise that the party will suffer in May’s local elections in Yorkshire, and that he is likely to lose the vast majority of the region, he will also know that in the all-important London and European elections, both contested under PR, the internal problems within the BNP is unlikely to affect their vote.
He must also know that any move to support candidates against the BNP will immediately lead to expulsions.
The rebels, now operating under the banner Voice of Change, plan to hold a conference in the East Midlands on Sunday 27 January. Much will become clearer at this event but it is now already evident that the rebels have given up on wrestling control of the BNP away from Griffin and the split has occurred.
BNP in crisis
Good for them and let's hope they end up splitting the far-right vote and making it worthless - but seriously, who didn't see this coming? If they seriously thought Nick Griffin would let them back in the party after what they'd done, they're mad.
Brilliant news, though Griffin is still giving it the big 'un on Scumfront and insisting that the rebel group were planning a coup all along, sponsored by UAF among others. Let's hope he's right.
Griffin would hang on to power even if he was the only one left.
The BNP could go far without him but with him even the membership know there are limits.
He is quick to call the rebels Nuzzies but they are the moderates and they know that he is the nazi behind his charade.
The split won't harm Nationalism, I know many peole who won't join the BNP because of Griffin and Collett. The sooner he goes the better and if he stays the splinter group will take his support away.
This is all an irrelevance. As the article states, London is the aim. Indeed, the BNP have realistic expectations in that regard. What happens in the North and Midlands is of no significance to this main play.
The challenge therefore remains the same. The only difference is that, if they fail in London (which would surely signal failure in the subsequent Euro elections), then the BNP really have lost all momentum and widespread disillusionment will set in, particularly in the South East. Under that scenario, this new grouping, assuming that it morphs into a genuine party (which it isn’t as yet), would presumably attract the disaffected. But even that isn’t clear as there’s little genuine comradeship in the BNP, just self-serving egos.
Isn't a bit ironic that the adverts on the nazi Voice of Change website: 1) are for digital voice recording. 2) hosted by google, a company founded by two Jewish guys.
‘independent nationalists’: don’t you find that term kinda oxymoronic? The nutzis love their stupid grandiose and nonsensical terms and titles! I hope the BNP and these new (and yet another) BNP breakaway group fail!
Isn’t it quite ironic that Bev Scott, also known as Bev Jones, has left the official BNP in protest at Nick Griffin’s putsch against Sadie Graham et al, yet Spearhead Online alleges that Bev Scott was involved in Nick Griffin’s other putsch against John Tyndall:
“This ban followed some weeks of attempted arm-twisting of various branch organisers in the North West of England by Mrs. Bev Jones, the party's regional organiser, clearly acting on instructions from Mr. Griffin, to put pressure on them not to allow Mr. Tyndall to speak”.
Looks like little nazi Bev Scott can’t stomach the taste of her own medicine. What goes around, comes around. You must be an idiot to be involved in the BNP or any of its breakaway groups or affliates.
Comment by Bev Scott (aka Bev Jones):
"we would like to see more white children bred".
I think Bev Scott is planning to build a breeding machine with her new BNP break away group.
Interesting. Bev Scott's (aka Bev Jones) husband, David Anthony Jones, is a former UDA intelligence officer (http://www.stopthebnp.org.uk/index.php?location=election&link=BNP33.htm).
Given that the UDA have killed Catholics/Irish, doesn't this make a mockery of the BNP London leaflet which claims the support of members of the Irish community in London? As we are told: "The BNP ran an intensive campaign [in Oldham]. It was organised by the party's regional organiser, Bev Jones, and her husband, David Anthony Jones, a former UDA intelligence officer" (http://www.stopthebnp.org.uk/index.php?location=election&link=BNP33.htm)
An interesting article on Danny Lake (former head of Young BNP):
“You see Danny Lake isn’t any old student, he is leader of the Young BNP, he was also a close personal associate of convicted terrorist Mark Bullman, who was sentenced to five years imprisonment in January 2007 after an attempted fire bombing of a Mosque in Swindon using a petrol bomb, the fuse for which was a rolled up BNP leaflet.
Daniel Lake and Mark Bullman (also known as Mark Bullock) were also arrested together on an earlier occasion for a racially aggravated public order offence outside Swindon’ New College.
Bullman, for reasons best known to himself, regularly writes to me from prison, and when he was on remand and before he was arrested he used to regularly ring me. He is a virulent anti-semite and he explained that the reason he attacked the mosque is because there is no synagogue in Swindon, and a Mosque was (as he put it) close enough for public consumption.
Daniel Lake first came to public attention in the run up to the attack on Iraq when he wrote a series of letters to the Swindon Advertiser, saying that everyone who opposed the war was a coward and a traitor, and that he intended to join the paratroop regiment so he could fight. Being called cowards caused some anger with the many ex-forces men and women who opposed the war, many of whom have faced enemy fire in the service of this country. One old soldier, Allan Thipthorpe, who both opposed the Iraq war and had fought in Palestine during the mandate, offered to meet Daniel Lake, but Daniel didn't have the bottle for it.
Anyway, despite mentioning his determination to join up more than once, time came and went, and Daniel noticeably stayed in Swindon, and did not enlist. It seems he could be very mouthy when it was a question of sending someone else’s brother, husband or son to die in Iraq, but he wasn’t so keen on it himself.
Then lo and behold, in May 2006, Daniel was observed handing out BNP leaflets in Swindon saying that the BNP opposed the war in Iraq. So Daniel, in his own terms was both a coward and a traitor?”
"Looks like little nazi Bev Scott can’t stomach the taste of her own medicine. What goes around, comes around. You must be an idiot to be involved in the BNP or any of its breakaway groups or affliates."
Hilarious comment about Danny Lake: “Swindon’s favourite nazi” (http://www.socialistunity.com/?p=1328).
Is Danny Lake the new Mark Collett for 2008?
And what does John Walker think of his fellow or now ex-BNP comrade, Danny Lake: “You stupid cunt. Fuck off into oblivion”. Priceless – there’s nothing like racial unity.
Found this hilarious extract from a troll posting on the nazi Vanguard News Network Forum about Mick ‘Outcast’ Simpson. It states that: “Mick told me that he would gladly have taken a bullet for Nick Griffin”. Now, would that be a bullet from Sadie Graham’s sniper rifle?
Another troll posting then states: “But with him [Mick Simpson] being an outcast and not a councillor he was dumped out of the BNP”. My heart bleeds for nazi troll Mick ‘Outcast’ Simpson. Perhaps Simpson can know take bullets for Sadie Graham (or, would that be give bullets to Sadie Graham, the Aryan Godmother of the new and improved BNP?).
"This is all an irrelevance." - Sanctuary
No it is not! The fact is that regardless of any members or supporters the BNP needs the votes of people who are not members or normal supporters in order to gain any power any where, the electorate now need to know that the BNP is split, that it is rapidly losing any potency it had thus making it an even weaker political force than ever in it's history. The electorate need to know that any guff from Griffin is just that, guff, a nasty smell but that's about as good as they'll get.
What's ironic about jewish adverts on a bnp blog?
My dentist is muslim and the practice is jewish. I play the pair of them at badminton and squash and beat them because I'm superior (at badminton). One of best friends is Iranian and he supports me and the BNP.
Being a nationalist doesn't mean I'm a jew hater, in fact I don't hate any race, unlike you sad Trots who hate your own.
The key for London is whether there is another "nationalist" ticket on the ballot - be it NF, Voice of Change, or whatever.
My suspicion is that the BNP "brand" will still be strong enough to get them one (perhaps two) GLA members.
It will be hailed as a triumph - but will it really matter?
BTW does anyone know the procedure re:
a) if "Sam Brown" is elected as a BNP member, then leaves the BNP, does he/she retain the seat (as happens in Europe e.g. Kilroy Silk)
b) if "Sam Brown" is persuaded to stand down (ill health you know) is he/she replaced by a party nominee, such as er Mr Griffin? (as happens in the Welsh Assembly)
Anybody know?
"What's ironic about jewish adverts on a bnp blog?
My dentist is muslim and the practice is jewish. I play the pair of them at badminton and squash and beat them because I'm superior (at badminton). One of best friends is Iranian and he supports me and the BNP.
Being a nationalist doesn't mean I'm a jew hater, in fact I don't hate any race, unlike you sad Trots who hate your own." - Silly BNP troll
Um... for a start, the leader of the BNP, the man who makes the policies in the undemocratic British National Party, was convicted and sent to prison for racial hatred against Jews!
So that is why it is ironic.
Is the anzi troll's comment "one of my best friends is Iranian", fall into the same comment as "but I have black friends, lol"......
David Anthony Jones was born Catholic, but excuses his hatred of all things RC by pointing to the fact that he has "renounced" his former religion. His anti-Catholic obsession has always been the subject of some mirth in the nazi movement, as has his slight Jonathan Ross-type speech impediment. He has been a seminal figure in the nazi movement in Manchester for some thirty or so years. He is a competent photographer and his hobbies include collecting photos of opponents and playing with toy soldiers.
I'll send you a whole lot more intelligence about this veteran nazi scumbag by private correspondence.
Sorry I meant Anthony David Jones...
joe chapman said...
"Um... for a start, the leader of the BNP, the man who makes the policies in the undemocratic British National Party, was convicted and sent to prison for racial hatred against Jews!"
For accuracy's sake it should be pointed out NG has never been to prison - except for visiting - he received a suspended sentence so you have your facts wrong about him being sent to prison.
Anthony David Jones and comments held in moderation at Voice of Reason:
Anthony David Jones MA | anthony.jones3@talktalk.net | IP:
I note you print the name and telephone numbers of the hotel’s owners Clarice. (sorry, Denise) Hoping to incite threatening telephone calls Clarice? (fuhh fuhh fuhh) Don’t have the courage to do it yourself so like an ancient priestess you incite your acolytes to do their sacred duty. Secretly you like us. The strength, the single mindedness, the love of order. So unlike the left you are forced to associate with, and all because of your personal…shall we say…peccadillo…?
I must visit you sometime for dinner Clarice to discuss politics over a nice chianti and fava beans.
Sep 20, 3:15 PM
Anthony David Jones MA | anthony.jones3@talktalk.net | IP:
Errrr…it’s called discipline. Something a parent would know about but which a person who is not (nudge nudge Clarice) would not.
Sep 20, 10:41 PM
David “hannibal” Jones MA | anthony.jones3@talktalk.net | IP:
Good Evening Clarice.
I hope you are fine this evening. I see you are continuing your crusade against the Kimberley Hotel. you disappoint me Clarice (fuhh fuhh fuhh) I would have thought someone living at the sea-side would have had more sympathy for those who similarly lived in such circumstances.
Clever of you Clarice to check company records, shows some intelligence, but be careful, you may give others less restrained than me ideas. It is a sad reflection on modern society that there are so many intolerant people in the world.
Perhaps we can exchange views the next time I am in Essex, I shall bring a fine Chianti, perhaps you find the fava beans?? (fuhh fuhh fuhh)
Sep 23, 9:50 PM
In response to http://www.voiceofreason.org.uk/blog/?p=185
Anthony David Jones MA | anthony.jones3@talktalk.net | IP:
Typical useless coppers!
Should have stated away and let Martin and security deal with the filth!
Oct 18, 11:25 AM
Athony D Jones MA | anthony.jones3@talktalk.net | IP:
I trust you didn’t get TOO wet Denise stood out there on the grass…if you were there that is my dear.
One wonders why, if we started our conference at 10AM, you vanguards of the Prolitariat did not bother to turn up untill 12 noon….not frightened of atually meeting us were you?
I see you are STILL rambling on about the accounts Denise. Not everyone is in accounting like you Denise, giive it up…IT’S GETTING BORING.
Nov 19, 11:11 AM
A D Jones MA | anthony.jones3@talktalk.net | IP:
Less than 5 minutes on BBC2, over 10 days since the break in, Paxman ignores the South African connection, hardly front page reporting.
Why is such a story given minimum coverage? No Platform? Not after the Oxford Union coverage. The Silence of the Hacks is more interesting than the original story.
Dec 19, 1:52 AM
And so on...
I'm sorry, yes it was a suspended sentence.
When are they going to suspend him?
Denise G said...
Anthony David Jones and comments held in moderation at Voice of Reason:
I wonder if he realises how pathetic he comes across?
Actually I do have black friends, so what? I'm not Nick Griffin and this is also a Google site. Your Soviet friends killed millions of jews too. The Turks killed millions of Christians in Armenia. Pol Pot killed almost everyone in Cambodia. All nothing to do with me or my nationalism. Should the Labour Party all resign because Brown is a twat?
Why is Green Snotbag claiming on Stormfront that LUAF reckon BNP support is doubling? THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW PLACES THAT LOOKS AT THE FIGURES AND RECKONS BNP SUPPORT IS FALLING YOU DIPSHIT.
Jones is a creep in real life Denise.
It's all going stilts up for old cyclops and his stormfront alter ego 'Purging the Droid'. One thing I should mention is that a little bird told me that this 'Doriot' geezer who seems to be stalking PTD is actually Andrew Brons!
"It's all going stilts up for old cyclops and his stormfront alter ego 'Purging the Droid'. One thing I should mention is that a little bird told me that this 'Doriot' geezer who seems to be stalking PTD is actually Andrew Brons!"
Well it's almost an anagram of "idiot", so it's quite conceivable.
Incidentally, possibly the same little bird - and as bird's go it is quite a reliable little fella - has told me that PTD is at least two people, Griffin and A.N. Other.
The doppelganger occasionally posts when Griffin is in public view, which gives old cyclops an alibi whenever he looks like getting rumbled.
This is 100% genuine info, my source should know and I trust him entirely.
Rhodri said: Why is Green Snotbag claiming on Stormfront that LUAF reckon BNP support is doubling?
Because the man is a congenital idiot?
Fuckwit troll with shite for brains said........
"Actually I do have black friends, so what? I'm not Nick Griffin and this is also a Google site. Your Soviet friends killed millions of jews too"
Soviet friends?????????????????
Why did you let that thick as pig shit troll through, Denise?
The nazi trolls can't get enough of lancaster uaf, lol
Spend more time on here than Scumponce.
I see that Kenny ‘Swastika’ Smith is involved in this new BNP breakaway group. Given that the Daily Record reported that Kenny Smith flew a nazi swastika flag on Hitler’s birthday to the disgust of his Lewis neighbours, isn’t Sadie Graham’s threat against Nick Griffin to reveal the picture of Griffin giving a nazi salute at a Blood and Honour meeting hypocritical?
Further, Kenny ‘Swastika’ Smith is a liar. He flies the swastika flag on Hitler’s birthday, yet somehow musters the balls to say the following: "We are not a Nazi or fascist party. We are not racists. We are patriots who believe that those who laid down their lives for this country in two world wars should always be remembered. There is no way we are hijacking the poppy appeal for political purposes”
(http://www.sundaymail.co.uk/news/scottish-news/2007/11/04/bnp-plot-to-hijack-poppy-day-78057-20058844/). This link also exposes Kenny Smith’s role in the nazi BNP plot to hijack Poppy Day.
The following article (from http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk/briefings/bnpelection.html) also demonstrates how Kenny Smith clandestinely promoted the activities of the BNP through front groups such as Scottish Heritage:
Scottish Heritage
The BNP have set up a clandestine front in Glasgow to hold fundraising events, in their push to win a Glasgow list seat at Holyrood.
A group using the name Scottish Heritage have been booking social events across the city, and they are attended by members of Scotland’s far right community. They have also begun selling thistle lapel pins, the BNP’s registered logo in Scotland, via their merchandising wing, Excalibur.
Glasgow list candidate and BNP Scottish Secretary, Kenny Smith, has recently admitted that Scottish Heritage has been set up in an attempt to avoid the revulsion the BNP attracts. Smith also admits that many BNP members want to conceal their identity because they are fearful of hostile reactions from the public.
Smith has also admitted that BNP members feel more comfortable booking events and writing cheques to Scottish Heritage, rather than have the BNP appear on their bank statements.
No surrender to fascism! To hell with Griffin, Graham and Smith - nazi scum!
Interesting observation about fash troll Ian Dawson (the BNP’s former Yorkshire Regional Secretary) on the Social Affairs Unit website: “He looks the type of semi-feral youth you might expect to see in the far right party” - LOL
Gri££in will be laughing on the other side of his face when the candidates we put up the London elections split the BNP vote and thwart his plans to get his lackeys elected and marginalise hard working councillors. We now have the necessary financial backing and we're ready to rumble. We're one ahead of you Gri££in, just remember that!
@ Collet is a disgrace:
I take it you are White Dragon In The (?) here
Denise - we are many, the Gri££instas are few.
Looks like Bradford BNP are on the move.
Bradford BNP's letter to Nick Griffin:
Dear Nick
I am writing to you as the Bradford Branch secretary. I am writing to you following our earlier letter sent in mid November which we have not received any reply to or acknowledgement of. This letter is being sent following an Emergency Branch Committee meeting. We as members and officers of the Bradford Branch believe that the BNP is a Party whose membership works to achieve the policies and objectives of our Party that is the policies and objectives agreed by the Party members particularly the voting members and officers who attend the AGM and other meetings. The Party is about the achievements of the memberships aspirations, the membership being the unpaid persons, who often suffer considerable social and employment problems because of their support for the cause, the persons who raise money, deliver leaflets, canvass etc. The Party is greater than any one person it is not a personality cult. The most infamous 'cult of personality' was Stalin in Russia. Now this Party appears to be going through a similar phase in its development, with 'purges' of middle ranking management, security forcing its way into peoples houses, new officials being appointed to positions by the leadership with the only qualification the new officers have for their appointments being their loyalty to the 'leader', defamatory & contradictory remarks being placed on party websites etc (some of the remarks posted would prevent proper disciplinary tribunal hearings being held). Some of the Bradford officers along with officers from other branches attended the Leeds meeting where you appeared to show contempt for the Party membership particularly Yorkshire members.
The Bradford officers are not resigning their positions. Officers and members are not setting up or joining alternative parties. Why should we resign from our Party ? Many of us have been aware for some time that their are problems with this parties management, a party which is managed from the 'top down'. Secretaries who cannot get lists of our own branch members, fund holders who cannot reconcile accounts, a lack of information – we often get our most accurate info from Searchlight !! The new website is uninformative and is worse than the previous one edited by Mr S Blake. The Party now has some Regions where the membership must be approaching 1000 members and we have a core of experienced officers and members. More powers must be transferred from the central management to the Regions. To list just three constructive suggestions (out of many the Committee had) :
The Party should handle disciplinary hearings at Regional level. The persons on the panel should be selected by rota from a list of persons approved by the Regional Executive. Appeals from these hearings could be heard at a National Panel. Once again the membership of the National Panel should be by rota from a list of nominees – one nominee on the list from each Region.
All officer appointments – both Regional & National – should be advertised. If the Party requires particular qualifications, experience etc (including courses studied at Summer School etc) then it should be included in the advert. All persons who meet the criteria for Regional posts should then be interviewed by the Regional Executive (or a sub committee set up by Regional Exec) and approved by the Exec. National appointments should be interviewed and approved by a National panel, the membership of which should be openly listed.
As a personal note on this item many of the Bradford Officers know Mr A Marsden. We have no personal objections to him but do not accept his imposed appointment as RO because he has no Regional mandate.
We believe the current Advisory Panel nationally has enough to do taking forward Party publicity, member communications (or lack of), policy and campaign planning etc. We believe a committee should be set up to cover management oversight – both Regional & National – accounting and audit. It should have one representative from each Region and should have the powers to 'co-opt' suitable persons to help its business, for example experienced accountants.
Turning from constructive suggestions for the future to the current crisis we believe the Party Leadership must tackle the following action points :
All the expelled members/officers should be reinstated - should they so wish.
That all allegations against the expelled/resigned members/officers should be removed from Party websites even in the case of those persons who decide they do not wish to rejoin the Party.
That Mr M Collett and Mr D Hannam should be expelled from the Party. In addition to a long history in both cases of disciplinary incidents, previous punishments and damage to the Party we have the following specific remarks concerning Mr Collett:
We believe he has a conflict of interest being both the party's artwork technician and director of his own printing company which is run (presuming he is competent) for his profit.
Mr Collett deliberately sabotaged Bradford local election leaflets in May 2007. Spelling and date errors were inserted in the texts after proofs were approved. Mr Collett had had an argument with Bradford candidates who objected to a lack of relevant local issues in the election leaflets at a previous meeting. He boasted of inserting the errors in the leaflets to 'teach Bradford candidates not to mess with him' in phone calls and texts sent to Cllr P Cromie and former Cllr Dr J Lewthwaite.
We now have to turn to your position as leader. Many of us joined the Party during your time as leader. We respect your development of Party policy, your work to expand the Party, your work with the Press and your high level of personal commitment. Many of us were among the 91% who voted for you in the summer election although some of us were shocked that the person who stood against you in that democratic election, Mr C Jackson, was barred by you from taking up a position that 92% of the NW Regional Exec approved. If a vote had been held among party members in Yorkshire and in particular the Bradford Branch in early Dec when this crisis first broke you would have had massive support. Since then we have had the miss-handling of the Regional meetings, the offensive material posted on your own and your fellow officers websites (many Bradford Committee members were disgusted by your attack on Angela Clarke – who also had previous bad treatment by Collett when he lodged at her house) and the imposition of officers. We are effectively giving you 14 days notice to respond to this letter and deal with the action points listed above or else we will be considering our next actions. If you deal with the points above within 14 days then you have shown great leadership and man management and that will be to your credit. If you do not deal with these points within 14 days then we have had a leadership failure and you must consider your position as Party leader.
Yours sincerely
I. Winters – Branch Secretary
(PP The Bradford Branch Committee)
Nick Griffin's reply to Bradford BNP (or the former Bradford BNP):
Dear Mr Winters
Since you have resigned as an officer of the BNP, and your fellow committee members likewise, I would be obliged if you would cease claiming otherwise.
Paul Cromie is now the Bradford organiser, and he and the BNP Treasury department are thus the people who will decide who will hold the other local positions in the branch.
Bradford BNP will, I am quite confident, make good progress under Paul and his team, just as Yorkshire will as a whole under its new but very experienced Regional Organiser, Adrian Marsden.
Whether you and others stay in the BNP as members, or leave to join Mr. Smith's future new party, is entirely a matter for yourselves to decide.
Yours sincerely
Nick Griffin
Griffin will fail in London. Mark our words, but this will not be done for your benefit. What must be done, will be done, to stick a spoke in the works. Griffin's GLA plans will end in tears.
Another member of this new BNP break away group, Steve Blake, is just another weirdo nazi fantasist.
In the 1980s Steve Blake used to import hardline paramilitary and Nazi material from the USA. Freak.
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