One surprise immediately shows itself on reading the report of the planning meeting the group had last weekend, and that is that they do not appear to be responsible for the new Alas Smith and Graham blog - a much more aggressive anti-Griffin site than Enough is Enough - or at least the EiE mob aren't owning up to Alas at the moment.
Griffin ought to be worried about a couple of the planned actions the group are planning to undertake, particularly this one;
'Every single individual expelled in recent weeks is determined to have their own membership reinstated through formal grievance procedures, acknowledging that this may involve costly legal action.'
Readers may recall that the founder of the BNP John Tyndall ended up taking the court route to gain his reinstatement to the membership following his expulsion by Nick Griffin. The resulting case and win cost the party thousands.
If the rebel's plans are enacted quickly enough, they could spell disaster for the BNP - in fact, they could lead to bankruptcy for the party, which has been on the edge of the financial precipice for a number of years, thanks largely to the enormous wage bill (which far exceeds the campaigning budget) and the party's habit of subsidising the business interests of the two jesters in King Nick's court, Mark Collett (£70,000 for invisible printing equipment a few years back) and Dave Hannam (£50,000 for setting up the disastrous Great White Records just a couple of years ago).
The new name for the group - intended to be an internal organisation acting within the BNP - is to be Voice of Change, though whether any positive change will come of its inception is debatable when we take a look at the most fundamental changes it hopes to make.
The first action is to get all the eight expelled members back in place as, at the very least, ordinary party members. Frankly we don't see this ever happening. Manufactured or not, the party will state that Graham, Smith, Blake et al brought the party into disrepute by starting up the EiE blog to attack fellow members, and that they have the evidence to 'prove' that the rebel leadership hacked into email accounts of other members for their own nefarious purposes. The veracity of the accusation is irrelevant - if this ever gets to open court, the media will have a field day and what little credibility the BNP has will collapse under the weight of the multiple accusations and counter-accusations.
'...the extraordinary sequence of events of the past few months can only lead a rational observer to conclude that Mr. Griffin is now unfit for that position. The internal management of the Party has been revealed to be fundamentally flawed and repeated calls for change have been ignored by the leader. Thus the only possible course of action to save the Party and secure a future for our people is to launch a leadership challenge.'
Nick Griffin has manipulated the challenge process so successfully that it is now virtually impossible to challenge him for the leadership of the party and, even if one was made, the conditions are set by Griffin solely to his advantage. Last year's ludicrous attempt at a challenge by the North West's Chris Jackson showed what a farce the whole process is and how, using the party's rules, deliberately and cynically doomed to failure.
Though the rebels state clearly that, in their opinion, Nick Griffin is, after 'the extraordinary sequence of events of the past few months' unfit for the position of party leader, they seem to be carefully avoiding the fact that they have been ignoring his activities since they themselves were placed in positions of trust within the party. Membership money has clearly been siphoned off for years, immorality (Martin Reynolds' threesomes, Hannam and Collett's Blackpool diversion etc) has been rife, incompetence has become something of an art within the party and mismanagement, witch hunts, unconstitutional expulsions and a leadership that has become a tyranny all appear to have only become apparent to Graham and co in the past few months. Unlikely, to say the least.
We, in common with all anti-fascists, are only too pleased to see the dissident group regaining momentum as its increasing activity is bound to stir up more trouble for Griffin and his acolytes in the party but we refuse to believe that Graham and her gang are suddenly taking the moral high ground in any way. Rather, they are exploiting a situation that they can barely control for their own ends; in effect, regaining the initiative - though whether it'll take them as far as they want is doubtful. Whether this ultimately matters as the current fractures in the party open wider is open to debate - after all, the fascist BNP is the fascist BNP whether it's run by a Graham-led cabal or Griffin and his current band of thieves, liars and perverts.
One thing is sure. Griffin will have to take decisive action very swiftly indeed. One wonders what form that action will take as his desperation to hold his personal feifdom grows. We've already seen a barrage of lies and fake evidence posted up on the BNP's website and informants leaking fake information to the police that they 'believed' there was a firearm at Graham's home, prompting a raid on the home she shares with her partner Matt Single. We can expect a good deal more of this nonsense - and perhaps a lot worse - as the battle for control of the BNP hots up.
Well its about bloody time they got moving.
It's never going to happen. Witness this post on eie.
"Voice of Change says:
"Those expelled are determined to get their membership status restored. Thereafter once back as members in good standing there will be a challenge to the Party Leadership. In the event of those expelled being denied their membership or delaying tactics in disciplinary proceedings an existing current member will be taking up the baton to launch a leadership challenge in 2008 with a view to implementing the changes."
John Tyndall took legal action against the BNP following his first expulsion. He was reinstated before the matter went to court.
The following amendment to the BNP constitution was issued just before John Tyndall had been expelled for the second time. This was done apparently to ensure there is no external legal or non legal recourse open to those who are expelled from the party.
I do not have access to the present constitution, it has been removed from the web site, and I therefore cannot check the present status of Section 6 but this is how it read in December 2004.
Section 6, Discipline: Insert a new Sub-section 2: "Once the constitutionally defined internal disciplinary mechanisms of the party as outlined in this Section are exhausted in regard to the disciplinary procedures and proceedings, then the decision of the disciplinary tribunal is final and binding on the member concerned. As such, members (including those who have been disciplined or expelled) legally affirm and agree that they will not seek any external legal (or non-legal) review of any disciplinary tribunal decision or its procedures They also agree and affirm that they will accept the decision of any disciplinary tribunal as final and binding."
How do those who have been expelled expect to be reinstated since the “Internal Disciplinary Procedure Tribunal” will be staffed by Griffin’s people with the verdict pre-determined?
How can any challenge for the leadership be successful when, in accordance with the constitution, Griffin can dictate the campaign rules etc? We all saw what happened during the last leadership challenge."
Forget a leadership challenge. They've got no chance. All they can do is provide evidence of wrongdoing and place it before the members then hope they take notice until Griffin is forced to piss off.
If Sadie Graham can get the company she uses for email to give her the IP addresses and other details of anyone accessing her email account over the period that she believes her account was compromised then she could get her solicitor to force the relevent ISPs to reveal the identities of those who the IP addresses were allocated to.
I think Sadie's email account was with NTL which is good because they (Virgin Media?) will probably have to reveal these details under the Data Protection Act if she submits what is called a "Subject Access Request". This may cost £10 to do, what it means is that the company will have to by law give Sadie any details about her account if they are available.
This can be done, it has already been done in cases of internet libel.
There may also be other ways of finding out.
Essentially though, Mr. Griffin and his security people are a bit thick to say the least if they think they can go around being all cloak and dagger on the internet.
If you are clever enough, you can track your own internet stalker without them even knowing.
Jay saud:
How do those who have been expelled expect to be reinstated since the “Internal Disciplinary Procedure Tribunal” will be staffed by Griffin’s people with the verdict pre-determined?
How can any challenge for the leadership be successful when, in accordance with the constitution, Griffin can dictate the campaign rules etc? We all saw what happened during the last leadership challenge."
I have always thought that the BNP's constitution would not stand up in court, regardless of Griffin's ammendments.
The other week I had occasion to be with my union's legal people, and brought up these issues. Apparently rules like this offend against "natural justice" (not to mention the HRA), and I was told unequivocally that no court would uphold them, regardless of any internal BNP disciplinary findings.
It would, however, take a large pot of money and a fair amount of courage to take the matter further.
There is something else here, being that the "evidence" obtained against Graham would almost certainly be inadmissable due to the manner in which it was obtained, and any employment tribunal (to which Graham will be entitled to take her case) would be bound to find against the BNP.
In short, Griffin can write whatever rules he likes, but if they offend against "natural justice", employment law or the HRA then they will almost certainly fail on challenge.
"There is something else here, being that the "evidence" obtained against Graham would almost certainly be inadmissable due to the manner in which it was obtained, and any employment tribunal (to which Graham will be entitled to take her case) would be bound to find against the BNP." - Denise G
This is interesting because this may mean that although Griffin's evidence against Graham would be inadmissable, Graham's evidence against Griffin (or whoever compromised the security of her account) may well be admissable. Thus this would put Sadie Graham in a stronger legal position to that of Nick Griffin.
A reading of the BNP constitution says very clearly that it is an offence to : “5)PROSCRIPTIONS
(a)The National Chairman may proscribe individuals, organisations or publications which are so hostile to the party, or whose views and or behaviour are so likely to bring discredit upon the party, that members should have no contact with them. . . .
7)Every party member has the right to express criticism or dissent on matters internal to the party and to work, within the framework of the Constitution, to achieve internal change within the party. Members are expected to take concerns to their local or regional organiser and they in turn, should a quick resolution not be possible, to take it on to the Advisory Council. Further, an AC member so approached must raise the subject at the next AC meeting or in communication with the National Chairman and other AC colleagues. An official who airs criticism or dissent publicly or to subordinate members without first exhausting the proper channels shall be guilty of a serious disciplinary offence.
9)No party member or official shall transmit by any means – written, verbal or electronic– to another person or organisation matters that are internal to the party unless prior permission has been given by a member of the Advisory Council or a Regional Organiser not on the AC.”
It is clear that Smith and Graham have transgressed 7) above, and Steve Blake number 9).
No tribunal or court will find in favour of the rebels, so they have absolutely zero chance of getting back into the party to mount a leadership challenge. They are dreaming.
I just want to say this blog's had a cracking start to 2008, good original articles and the comment sections are very good now the BNP trolls have been chucked out.
Ketlan and Denise, you two take a lot of shit from the dickheads so we're all glad you've stuck to your guns.
Another great year to come I reckon.
Cheers dears!
Is B'ham's Rob Purcell playing silly buggers. Keith Axon reckon so
OK, I'm going to pose a question just to be fair here:
Does anybody actually know what Sadie Graham's views are?
For example, what are her views on immigration?
I think if there's a chance that Sadie Graham or her colleagues are going to become the next leaders of the BNP then we could do with making sure we understand what they are about first.
For example, what if Sadie Graham is against all immigration, including immigration from places like Ireland, Australia, America, France, Germany etc as opposed to the current BNP stance which is that the BNP states in one place that it is against all immigration yet in the small print it is clear that it is only against immigration from certain countries where the majority of the population are either non-white or potentially Communist.
It seems to me that whilst all this in fighting is going on the BNP is actually becoming rather diluted or vague in its message, but then, this has been part of Griffin's plan, for people to see what they want to see in the BNP. A better way of grabbing votes but once in power (which of course will never happen) the BNP would show its real face. By then it would be too late because its a self fulfilling prophecy where the BNP will have helped to create the scenerio which it warned people of.
Just a thought.
Just a quick note I have it on good authority that Kenny and Sadie Grahan and others before them tried for almost 2 years to sort out the problems we now see playing out in front of us. It was due to them pushing for financial clarity, and for the expulsion of people like Collet that led to the Griffin witch-hunt.
Now I know you are all happy with this break up, but if Smith and Graham win they WILL make sure that the BNP is run with openness and clarity. For that reason I would like Griffin to remain at the helm.
The last thing we need is a well run BNP void of the media friendly idiots. Collet must stay, along with his sexual deviant friends like Reynolds, Hannam and Walker.
Why don't you BNP trolls fuck off and spread your shit somewhere else? Who posted that, the Legal Turd?
I've looked into this as well. The BNP can write what the fuck it likes into its constitution but the BNP constitution and every other constitution ever written has got to come within the scope of the Human Rights Act, in this case the Employment Acts, and what DG called natural justice.
No ifs and buts about it Legal Shithead. In court Graham will win and you know it.
Getting worried are you?
"I have attempted to post on the EiE blog, and I am ignored, why I do not know maybe it's the above ???
I have attempted to correct the lies told about me on the Birmingham Patriot blog but they ignore me , I know why they like to tell lies about me and other people allthough they know the truth.
Rob Purcell may have resigned his position in the party, but it is a ploy to draw any rebels out from the midlands that may be about, so, do not confide in this man he is not trustworthy.
The officers in the birmingham branch know the truth about me and S.E but they avoid the truth .
He wanted me expelled in 2001 and I had only met him once when I was regional organiser in 1998, and I visited him as he had inquired about about the party.
The truth will set you free." - Keith Axon
"yes please arange it for me.
keith axon"
That's a bit bizarre, Keith Axon's spelling and grammar isn't even of consistent quality on the same page.
The first post is much more like the person I know who used to post under the name "Axon", the second isn't.
As fortune would have it, Joe, we know somebody who knew Keith Axon, though it was years ago. I'll try to winkle him out for you.
i think it is all a ploy.griffin loves publicity right,with the court case he got international news,someone stood against his leadership last year,his trip to america,his trip to oxford.the bnp are brighter than what people think they are playing around with the media something rotton.they know where they stand with the law not with the likes of barnes,but they know they can pull a few rabits out the hat.
'I just want to say this blog's had a cracking start to 2008, good original articles and the comment sections are very good now the BNP trolls have been chucked out.
Ketlan and Denise, you two take a lot of shit from the dickheads so we're all glad you've stuck to your guns.
Another great year to come I reckon.
Cheers dears!'
Thank you very much. Your comment is much appreciated. :-)
The Axon Saga continues, with yet more questions asked about this bitter and twisted nazi. Is he two, three, four, or a dozen people different posting under this name, with slightly different gramatical enterpretations, or does Keith "The Axe Murderer" Axon actually exist?
I just spotted a post by Keith Axon on the Enough is Enough blog.
Anonymous said...
The constitution is worthles in law it is the constitution of a little boys private members club and he can do want he wants and interpret the constitution as he so wishes.he wrote it for himself.
but you voted him in to office in 1999 and 2007 so you got what you voted for.griffin and his henchman mr s. darby.
keith axon .regional organiser 1993-1998
p.s iff this post goes up i will shout hail to the lord ?
10 January 2008 23:28
Is this the real Keith Axon?
The Axon files don't end there. Amazingly for a self-proclaimed national socialist, he posted on this here blog just before Christmas time, with the most childish spelling ever: -
(half way down the page of comments)
Anonymous said...
you do not get a tribunal till you have been expelled as i am still awaiting my cangaroo tribunal allthough i am guilty of posting on stormfront ,with its gon down that black hole called hq expensies.tapping a person phone with this used as evedance would not ammount to anything iff a tribunal is set up to view the case it would open a whole can of worms for the worms and maggots at the top of the griffin tree it ,so will not take place unless the grahem and smith force it with a leagle defence and solliceter at hand, it will be verry verry messy.
keith axon
(and his old favourite) leagle!!!
yes its me .
keith axon
No, I'm Keith Axon!
No! you arr alll verry bad! i ham the reel keeff ackson you arr alll immpossturs and iff you kary on i weel reeport you alll too Shaarronn and wee wiill get a verry expensieve solliceter to tayke leagle acshun aggaynst you alll foor deeffaming my cangaroo wevout evedance!
I notice the nifty griffinite trolls are active on Enough Is Enough, telling punters that Griffin and Collett should be tolerated and not expelled from the party, lol
please get the spelling correct.
keith axon.
and the grammar,don't forget the grammar.
Can we please.....move on from the axon posts, its becoming realy boring, whoever it is cant spell,cant string 2 words together and is just taking up time for Ketlan and Denise and i dont want to read anymore of his/her silly posts.
I have made spelling mistakes on this blog and im sure others have, but we dont usually then spend the next 3 days discussing it.
Thanks, Axon! lol
Have any of you actually seen Keith Axon in person? Jesus, he looks like a freak, with that strange shrunken skull and greasy hair. When I saw him for the first time, I was shocked that he was still alive, I mean, how can anyone look like that and not be an exhibit for homo erectus in a museum somewhere?
That iz the marster race your pokin funn at.
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