Protesting descriptions of himself in the media as a neo-Nazi and white supremacist, Kevin Alfred Strom, 51, pleaded guilty today to one count of possession of child pornography in U.S. District Court in Charlottesville. As part of his plea, four counts of receiving child porn were dismissed .
Strom could receive a maximum of 10 years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine when he’s sentenced April 21. He was indicted January 3, 2007 and has been in jail for over a year.
In October, Judge Norman K. Moon threw out two charges against Strom for enticing a minor to perform sexual acts after the prosecution’s details about his alleged obsession with a 10-year-old Orange County girl fell short of the judge’s view of a compelling case.
Former wife Elisha Strom testified about finding Strom in their Stanardsville home naked and aroused with photos on his computer of teen girls, who were singers in the white nationalist movement and whose heads were superimposed onto the bodies of even younger girls. A separate charge of witness intimidation, an alleged physical attack on Mrs. Strom, was also dismissed.
Mrs. Strom was in court today to watch her husband plead guilty, and afterward, sat down with the Hook for an exclusive interview.
Kevin Strom founded the National Vanguard, a white nationalist organization dedicated to protecting the rights and racial purity of Caucasians, after his split with the West Virginia-based National Alliance. Before his ouster from the National Alliance, Strom was seen as the group’s intellectual leader and the protege of its founder, William Pierce, whose book, The Turner Diaries, blamed Jews, foreigners, and blacks for America’s ills and inspired homegrown terrorist Timothy McVeigh.
When Judge Moon asked Kevin Strom whether he’d been threatened to agree to plead guilty, Strom said he had received threats in jail, but he doesn’t think they’re about his guilty plea.
“They have more to do with the media describing me as a white supremacist,” declared Strom, who advocates separate areas for “endangered” whites. “I deeply resent the way I’ve been characterized in the press. I’m no more a white supremacist than the Dalai Lama is.”
The Hook
January 14, 2008
I am not a neo-Nazi: Kevin Strom pleads to child pornography
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Kevin Strom isn't at all honest about being a nazi, but at least he admits to being a pervert, which is more than can be said about the "honesty" of creepy Mark Collett.
Anybody hazard a guess why the police haven't investigated Collett when the allegations are so sickening, and involve "actual child abuse grooming" not mere child pornography?
Child porn, horse porn, what the hell next, neo-nazi snuff movies???
So let me get this straight....he admits to being a sexual deviant with an unhealthy an unnatural interest in children.....yet he denies being a neo-Nazi?
Unfortunately, dirt diggler there are already neo-nazi snuff movies. There was the horrific neo-Nazi murder video from Russia in which Russian neo-Nazis showed the beheading and shooting of two bound and gagged guys from Tajikistan and Dagestan. Here are some news links about it:,,2149275,00.html,,2149484,00.html
It was fucking sick. The Scumfront trolls loved it. According to the nutzi scum it was the fault of the two innocent victims murdered in the video: for being non-white and in Russia. Here’s a twisted and soulless comment from one of the Scumfront fuckers (called ‘Italiano142’):
“Oh no, you are right [smiley face] If there weren't non whites coming into Russia, they wouldn't need to do this! If they had the white Russia they wanted, they could go on about their lives, live in peace and not worry about non white flocking into their country.
What amazes me though is no matter how many of them get killed or beaten up, they keep coming.
I saw the video also, was of the more graphic ones I've seen and I saw a couple of beheading videos.”
Sick, sick bastards. These racist neo-nazi scum need help. They should be locked up in the mental asylum. No surrender to the BNP! No surrender to fascism!
Well, the links between the BNP and Kevin Alfred Strom (nazi paedophile extraordinaire) are quite clear.
The following is an exchange between Kevin Alfred Strom and BNP founder/ex-leader, John Tyndall:
Mr. John Tyndall, the leader of the UK's rising British National Party, writes to us from his home in Sussex, England:
Dear Mr. Strom;
Thank you for sending me the tape featuring an abridged version of my speech in [the US], the occasion of which I remember very well. I think it was there and then that we met. Thank you also for sending me the tape dealing with the BNP. The accolade was much appreciated. It is the first time that I have heard any of the broadcasts of American Dissident Voices. They are done well, and the [theme music] that is played in accompaniment is impressive and moving....
As you read Spearhead magazine you will know of our latest [electoral] target. [In May] the town and city council elections are due to be held. In East London, where we won our victory last September... ...we are putting up three candidates, and if all get elected we will indeed control that committee. This will create a major national (and I believe international) sensation....
My best wishes to the Alliance. Although we are happy at the progress we are making in the electoral field, we will really be achieving something big when can break into radio, as you have done.
Yours sincerely, John Tyndall.
We thank Mr. Tyndall for his letter, and we will be following the progress of his fast-rising patriotic British National Party in the weeks to come. A story that was not reported in the controlled media was that two weeks ago, the forces of Political Correctness, unable to squelch the victory of the BNP by their media lies, resorted to the usual technique used by neo-Communists when they've lost the debate: violence. A letter bomb was sent to BNP headquarters, and the volunteer who opens the mail there suffered severe lacerations and was sent to the hospital. Needless to say, when I spoke to BNP headquarters on the telephone the next morning, there was not a sign of discouragement and the injured man and his comrades were all vowing to fight on even stronger than before. Our thoughts are with the brave men of the British National Party, as they face lies in the press, intimidation and violence by Red mobs and minority street gangs, and a traitorous government, not too different from the one we have here in the US, desperate to suppress any patriotic awakening of the British people. And may I also say at this point that our thoughts are also with the British and Afrikaner people of South Africa, who as I speak are fighting for their independence and freedom against a Communist tyranny. This tyranny was imposed upon South Africa with the connivance of the US government and media, who are joyously celebrating this Communist takeover as a great victory for "democracy" and "equality."
On another website (, Kevin Alfred Strom again lists his support for the BNP, stating ‘Here's another story from Britain, which shows that the White nationalist British National Party practices what it preaches’.
And, not surprisingly the nazi trolls on Scumfront, that all time favourite hangout for the BNP monkeys refuse to acknowledge or admit to Kevin Alfred Strom’s child sex convictions. Here’s a posting from a Kevin Alfred Strom supporter on Scumfront:
“Near the first of this year we were shocked to learn that Kevin Alfred Strom had been arrested and terrible allegations were being made against him. Neither of us believed for half of a second that this was even plausible. So, we sent Kevin a sympathy card, tried to write an uplifting message in it, and also put some money into his commissary account as a seed for his legal defense fund. Nearly two months later I am holding a reply letter from Kevin, and I'd like to share some of it. I don't think it would be fair to transcribe it, so I'll paraphrase and this can be an update to all who are concerned for Kevin”
Interesting picture of nazi BNP leader, Nick Griffin holding hands with nazi paedophile Kevin Alfred Strom:
Well, BNP leader Nick Griffin shared a platform with Kevin Strom at the nazi European American Rights Conference (along with KKK leader David Duke and Canadian Holocaust denier and general neo-Nazi Paul Fromm). Here's a picture of Nick Griffin holding hands on the conference platform with the above:
I think Kevin Strom took 'loving the white race' a little far and a little too literally with his stash of child porn featuring white girls.
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