2007 was a busy year for the Lancaster UAF blog. Not only did we get another regular writer and blog administrator (our Denise) but we also introduced our reader articles, which have rightly proven to be extremely popular. Readership has grown exponentially, which seems to indicate that we're doing something right.
The book is a fascinating snapshot of the murky world of the fascists - the revelations of the BNP's Croatia interest, rigged leadership elections, chaos in the BNP's ranks, dodgy accounts and expulsions seemingly every other day, all the way through to buggings, illegally entering other people's property, the collapse of the BNP's fake businesses and the worrying and persistent rumours of underage sex and predatory senior officers within the party - the BNP is shown up time and again for precisely what it is, an organisation packed from top to bottom with thieves, liars, criminals and perverts.
The smaller fascist groups get a look-in too as we watch the demise of ex-BNP racist Sharon Ebanks' New Nationalist Party, have a laugh at the dismal National Front who couldn't even manage to re-register their party with the Electoral Commission in time for an election and the England First Party, dead on its feet and run by a convicted election-fraudster. What a fine bunch of people.
We’ve greatly enjoyed producing the book and we hope you enjoy reading it and, if you’re not already involved in fighting fascism, it encourages you to get active. Whether your activity involves raising awareness in your community, waving placards at demonstrations, delivering leaflets or starting your own website, we don’t mind – it’s the activity itself that’s important.
Fascism is a dire threat to our communities. The BNP and other fascist groups will exploit and encourage division for their own ends, regardless of the damage it causes, and it’s up to all of us to fight division and intolerance wherever we find it. We can only win if we are united in, if you’ll excuse the expression, our intolerance of intolerance.
Lancaster UAF Yearbook 2007
Introduction by Gerry Gable: Publisher Searchlight magazine
Download (6445KB PDF) £3.99
Paperback book £11.99
(Printed: 377 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding, black and white)
The Lancaster UAF Yearbook 2007 is available here.
The Lancaster UAF Yearbook for 2006 is also available from here.
What a great idea to raise funds. I'd never even heard of that Lulu site before but it could be handy (I write stuff too). I take it the books are more or less like standard paperbacks? If that's the case you have a sale.
Great stuff LUAF. Well done. :)
'I'd never even heard of that Lulu site before but it could be handy (I write stuff too).'
It's an extremely useful facility (and run by the same guy who started Red Hat Linux, I gather).
'I take it the books are more or less like standard paperbacks?'
They are standard paperbacks. No difference at all to the ones you'd buy in Waterstones et al.
'If that's the case you have a sale.'
Excellent. Thank you. :-)
Brilliant idea LUAF!
Great i will take one too, can i have my clubcard points as well?
What are clubcard points?
Well done LUAF. It shows all the great work you have done over the year. An excellent idea, I'd like a copy too.
This looks excellent. Well done to all at LUAF. :)
"Well done to all at LUAF"
Definitely agree with that.
I'd still like to know what clubcard points are.
bill bow obviously does not shop at Tesco.....
Very classy. Nice job there.
I bet the rebel faction doesn't feature in next year's UAF yearbook. They'll wither and die after the London elections when the party rallies strongly behind nick griffin.
Excellent yearbook. Hope the yearbook includes photos as great as those taken some years ago, in particular the minger Paul Cromie with his beergut: - lol
Good tidings I bring, folks. Griffinite brown-noser and loose cannon Green Arrow has published a libellous homophobic tirade against an elected Welsh politician, that could land him in court, hopefully:
Hope Green Arrow gets sued for a considerable amount of money.
I hope Lancaster UAF will inform the victim of Green Arrow's hate and lies about the blog, so the police gain Green Arrow's IP Address from Google. Accusing an innocent man who happens to be gayof being a child abuser, will land GA in some serious trouble, this time, surely!
I hope you also make a back-up copy of the libellous article, just in case Mr Arrow ever denies he has written it.
Green Arrow's finally overstepped the mark this time. He's gonna get sued big time.
For more information on the murkiness of the BNP, check out my blog, what was meant to be a small exposee on local fascist Clive Jefferson's criminal antics have opened a whole can of worms from GBH to large scale drug trafficing.
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