British National Party leader Nick Griffin will be satirised and mocked at London's Gay Pride parade, tomorrow. Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell will march at the front of the parade with a placard featuring a doctored image of Nick Griffin with blue eye shadow, red lipstick and pink swastika earrings, captioned with the words: 'Nick Griffin, Queen of Fascism. Homophobe. No to BNP.'
Tatchell is a Patron of Pride London and helped organise Britain's first ever Gay Pride march in 1972. Speaking to PinkPaper.com, he said: "Griffin and the BNP are tin-pot fascists who deserve to be mocked and ridiculed. I'm satirising Griffin to debunk his grand political pretensions and to skewer his claim to respectability and legitimacy. He's a joke and my placard reflects that.
"Griffin has a long history of homophobia. His party is notorious for its racism, anti-Semitism, holocaust denial and Islamophobia. A disturbing number of past and present BNP members have criminal convictions for violence," he added. "The BNP has fought previous general elections on a pledge to outlaw homosexuality, jail gay people and to bring back Section 28. It has described AIDS as 'nature taking revenge' on gay men."
Pink Paper
I dont think he will be too bothered. The BNP dont want to be associated with the gay community anyway, im sure they despise them, so Griffin will probably be laughing
Really, I do wonder about you lot. Just when you get Griffo and the BNP well and truly on the ropes you go and give him some free 'look-what-a-martyr-I-am' publicity. He'll be loving every minute of it and will do his re election campaign the world of good (oh, hang on .... now I get it!).
Maybe deep down you really just wouldn't want to be without him.
'The BNP dont want to be associated with the gay community anyway, im sure they despise them...'
And that's precisely why Tatchell and co are picking on Griffin.
'Just when you get Griffo and the BNP well and truly on the ropes you go and give him some free 'look-what-a-martyr-I-am' publicity.'
No, it's 'look what a wanker I am' publicity.
'Maybe deep down you really just wouldn't want to be without him.'
What we want is irrelevant. You know as well as we do that Griffin is never going to give up his role as BNP leader unless he can hand over to someone who will hide his long-term corruption - his daughter perhaps. If there's no-one to fill the bill, he'll kill the BNP stone dead. It's already on its knees - not long to go now...
"Maybe deep down you really just wouldn't want to be without him."
Not deep down for me. I'd much rather someone with a provable Nazi past than someone without one was in charge, and likewise much rather someone corrupt than a dedicated fanatic.
I hope David Duke stays around for similar reasons.
Just when you get Griffo and the BNP well and truly on the ropes you go and give him some free 'look-what-a-martyr-I-am' publicity.
Ah, poor diddums being ridiculed! I'm sure it will cause a huge surge in his popularity as the nation rises as one in response to his hurt feelings at being mocked so.
Hang on a minute didn't Martin Webster have something to say about Mr Griffin? I'm fairly relaxed about such matters, but are the remains of the BNP?
What we want is irrelevant. You know as well as we do that Griffin is never going to give up his role as BNP leader unless he can hand over to someone who will hide his long-term corruption - his daughter perhaps. If there's no-one to fill the bill, he'll kill the BNP stone dead. It's already on its knees - not long to go now...
------ Yup, Griffo will go down with the BNP and frankly who cares?
So why bother with the publicity then boys & girls?
Something don't add up!
Griffin will be attending along with Martin Webster and Harrington
Griffin will no doubt fall straight into the trap and twitter some homophobic remark to his dwindling band of sheeple.
Is this the only 'intelligent' thing Griffin can say on his Twitter?
" Nick Griffin MEP
. . . plug at the increasingly heterophobic Gay Pride march. He's a horrid little apologist for paedophile . . ."
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