Hot on the heels of praise for the Book of Revelations, Shaw announced yesterday that his head is being turned by another historical document, the “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”.
With “the Protocols” Shaw has immersed himself in one of the most vile and dangerous forgeries of all time. According to Shaw, the book has already begun to make things “click” in his head, and he advises “all true British patriots take the time to read this”.
Despite the book being discovered as a forgery, it has long been viewed as definitive proof of a Jewish conspiracy by Nazis and anti-semites ever since. Adolf Hitler even had put it in the school curriculum in Nazi Germany. More recently, it was even among a selection of books that the BNP recommended for “patriots” during the 1980’s because they insisted it was still of historical interest.
The book is a crude record of the supposed minutes of a meeting of the Jewish community in the late 19th Century where plans for their world domination are discussed.
The book first surfaced in Russia in the early 1900’s and was used as a justification by antisemites to carry out pogroms against the Jewish community. It’s popularity spread as far as notorious Jew-Hater Henry Ford of Ford Motor car fame, who had a further 500,000 printed for distribution in the United States.
Having opened the book, Shaw is convinced by its authenticity. He is now adamant that both Jews and Muslims are conspiring together and that he “must stop them destroying our country”.
Hope not hate
Thanks to NewsHound for the heads-up
But the Muslim fundamentalists he accuses of conspiring with Jews would believe in the Protocols...(brain explodes)
Having already masturbated to Mein Kamph, hardcore neo-Nazi Jon Snowy Shaw has popped down the local nazi library for more fanatical far right reading matter.
Snowy was behind both the recent Halifax violence and the invasion of the anti-racist gig at the Well in Leeds, and he is proud of his exploits, the supid prick.
You bet your bibby this evil neonazi bastard admires Copeland and what he did to gay people with his London bombs.
Snowy's united the EDL, BPP, BFF and NF in Yorkshire.
Anti-fascists need to be on our guard. This includes anti-racist music events which need to be better policed.
After speaking highly of the batshit insanity of the Book of Revelations, which historians believe John of Patmos was high as giraffe arse when he wrote, I suppose it's not that far fetched for him to get in a shout out for the Protocols too.
But the Muslim fundamentalists he accuses of conspiring with Jews would believe in the Protocols...(brain explodes)
Publishing firms run by the Saudi Arabian government have been pumping out copies of the Protocols since the 1960's. The same government that is both a staunch US ally and a sponsor of Militant Islamist groups.
Funny Old World!
He doesn't look very Aryan in that photo (or any photo!)
Saudi Arabian government have been pumping out copies of the Protocols since the 1960's. The same government that is both a staunch US ally and a sponsor of Militant Islamist groups. Funny Old World!
The US loves nothing more than a friend who can create convenient enemies on demand every time they need to invade somewhere to take their oil.
"The US loves nothing more than a friend who can create convenient enemies on demand every time they need to invade somewhere to take their oil."
What the hell has the protocols of Zion to do with the world's oil supply?
What the hell has the protocols of Zion to do with the world's oil supply?
Nothing. I was responding specifically to the comment on US foreign policy wrt Saudi Arabia.
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