has jordan pont resigned his position and membership he deleted the thread. and in boxed me saying it may be a good time to do both. however didn't confirm any of this. I'm baffled. I better check on the LU website they will know all about Jordans intentions
Clicky for bigger
Well Fess, you are really going to be surprised about what we know about Jordan's intentions.
These quotes are from the screengrab
Jordan Pont Oh hi there, heard some things was being said bout me while I had been off so thought would come back on to sort some things out. Firstly what I do has nothing to do with anyone, wether I defect to another party or not. Secondly I happend to believe in the 14 words but the question is do you? Cause it looks like the BNP no longer do. Thirdly and final, if you have any problems regarding me then I suggest you contact D Cooke or A Walker.
Jordan Pont I know it don't but the BNP is doing nothing in Sheffield, infact Sheffield has rejected the BNP basicly. NF are on the rise again you know that and everyone else should know that, also wont be long untill they are active in Sheffield!!! But I have to come off facebook as it's nothing but trouble.
So Pont is off to join the NF.
It's not really a surprise to anybody who has checked out his Facebook profile since he was suspended from his job, he added National Socialism and the NF in his likes and we always knew he was a Nazi. The suspension and eventual sacking allowed his more Nazi beliefs to be able to come out.
One thing I'm sure Pont is not aware of is the fact that he has been having long and very detailed sex chats with a friend of mine who openly admitted to him that she was mixed race.
Jordan Pont
i know i'm a young lad but a big man ;);) lo
haha i take your word for it
Jordan Pont
haha so how old are you while were on the subject
never ask a lady that question
hey ho...good job i am no lady
i am 37
Jordan Pont
i know how it works
but making convo
and 37 you dont look a day over 30 from your pics
no i seemed to have aged well? my dad is really young looking
but dark
must be the mixed race in me lol
Jordan Pont
lol nothing wrong we that
i got a little worried seeing your BNP pictures hehe
Jordan Pont
haha hey i'm just fighting to stop muslim extremeists thats all
Now this happened just a couple of days before Pont decided that the populace of Sheffield and South Yorkshire his needed to hear his ill informed, racist and laughable rant on the Toby Foster Radio Show on Radio Sheffield.
Luckily when his world started falling apart he had a "sexy new friend" he could chat to.
you must have some things you like? come on i should get some sleep soon...give me something to look forward to
Jordan Pont
hmm like to be whipped
haha bit of bondage
good job i kept my horse crop x
Jordan Pont
oooh hope you got a saddle x
Well, a BNP member who likes to be whipped and a bit of bondage. Not that unusual within the BNP I suppose. Let's move on a couple of days.
Noit finished yet....start again at 2 am. I need some of your dirty talk to keep me going! xxxx
Jordan Pont
haha what kind of dirty talk, fancy a golden shower
always, would that be before or after ass to mouth
Jordan Pont
oooh will have to be after unless you want it before aswell
if i let you do that....what do i get in return handsome?
Jordan Pont
anything you want, i am your sex slave
well in that case i would like to push my tongue inside you if thats ok...and you would not freak out at that
it would like to show you what your body is able to do with the correct touch
Jordan Pont
nope anything you want
so how about we start with my vibrator in me and i let you watch that?
but you would have to play with yourself so i keep stimulated
Jordan Pont
hmmm i was thinking you bite my balls first lol
tell me what else you like
things you may not have ever done but always wanted
Jordan Pont
golden shower is on me list
tell me more
you on me or me on you?
Jordan Pont
i like both, i like to be on top but also like you on top
have you ever been really dirty?
and if so how far can i go?
without scaring you lol
your taking your time here jordon....you playing with yourself? starting without me is not allowed!
Oh dear, a BNP organiser of a major city, a person who Searchlight themselves labeled as a rising star within the BNP offering himself as a sex slave to a mixed race woman whom he has never met.
The NF are going to love that.
This is part one,
I have full permission from the person who conducted the chat with Pont over the last few weeks to publish it.
I have edited chunks out but I have permission to publish the entire PDF or Jpegs with "Friend"s name blocked out and it can all be backed up with screengrabs taken over the last few weeks.
I see that Pont has put up a statement on the British Democracy Forum with his reponse to this article.
A while ago I was added by someone on Facebook, a girl local to me, didn't think much of it at the time to be honest.
We got chatting, as you do, but something just wasn't quite right, the chat quickly started to turn sexual which instantly started ringing alarm bells, as did the regular references to the BNP.
An article appeared on Searchlight about me, which was round about the same time the chatting started, then a screenshot of a Facebook status appeared on Lancs Unity about me being sacked from my job and things sort of started coming together. A plan was hatched.
I knew that it was this girl, I just didn't know how to prove it. So I decided to do something, that in hindsight was a bit stupid, but ultimately meant I got my proof.
That is where this conversation came from, I knew that if she was setting me up, this would be too juicy for her to let go. She didn't actually tell me about the half caste thing until about a week after when the chats died right down, that's probably why this has come out now.
I do admit it was stupid, but I found out what I needed to about who was passing on this stuff and that makes it worth it to me.
Unsurprisingly Pont is lying as usual.

Clicky for bigger
I will add the other 12 pages when I get chance. These are the final 4 messages from the chat log from today and Tuesday.

Yuk, please leave out all the sordid details.
Lol gobble gobble
Can't make it up..
Jordan Pont : hmm like to be whipped - haha bit of bondage
Young Jordan must have thought he was talking with Patsy Harrington?!
Friend :must be the mixed race in me lol
Jordan Pont:
lol nothing wrong we (sic) that
When Nazis are desperate for a shag their racial politics seem to fly out of the window!
Good God.
Hahahahaha, comedy Gold, rising star indeed
Pont has published his thoughts on the democracy forum, you should have a look John.
Pont has published his thoughts on the democracy forum
No self respecting British anti-fascist should go without looking at the BDF/BNP sub-section from time to time.
It shows what a bunch of freaks, misfits, perverts, closet Nazis, open Nazis, old fashioned Jew Haters ("LogicandFairness" and "Henry Palfrey") and gossips we're up against!
The thing is...i was happy to give him a Golden shower! In fact i would find nothing better then to use him as a toilet.
Is there any official in the BNP who has a normal and healthy sex life?
Is there any official in the BNP who has a normal and healthy sex life?
I think all that hatred, frustration and bigotry in their lives finds strange outlets.
Look like piss licker has found a new hobby!
Jordan Pont - The Corporal Pike (or is that corporal punishment?) of the british far right....
Two fascists one cup.
A Pont too far...
Way too much information.....
Can you please have some consideration for prudes like me?
If this is real an with the amount of detail u are willin to put up i beleave you this means that pont knew your mate was mixed race right at the start. those 2 scren shots say 30th may
The EDL started shitting themselves with sheer delight at the news of the Oslo bombings and murders on Facebook, BNP neo-Nazi Stephen Yaxley Lennon under aliases spouting all manner of Islamophobia, until he realise the culprits were white, and may be part of a far right group.
Now you can hear a fuckin' pin drop.
It really is sick, the EDL's one-sided campaign against terror based on race and race alone.
Pont needs to be reminded that he is a boy and not yet a man.
His mother clearly praised him too much as a child, and gave him false confidence!
Now he thinks he can take on the world with his uneducated opinions that are only fit for idiots like the BNP.
You must admit - a religion of peace? My God, this is truly fucking ugly
Anders Behring Breivik is not an Islamic name, but the EDL still believe his was part of an Islamic conspiracy against white people.
He'll probably turn out to be another Timothy McVeigh white supremacist, the sort the fash scum of the EDL turn a huge blind eye to (the ones who are not nazis themselves who would probably agree with the shootings and bombings).
The EDL's Hitleristic blinkered bigotry really is too much.
Wander if the EDL mods will take down the Oslo remarks?
BBC World Service should feel fucking uncomfortable from their coverage in the hours following the explosion. They goaded numerous guests in naming Islamic organizations as perpetrators. "Goaded" really is the right word here too.
Using Facebook to blame Muslims for the Oslo bombings shows that the EDL really are thick as pig shite.
The shit needs to stick with this one on the "jumpin the raygun" e.d.l.
Just been reading edls facebook and its true. they were saying all sorts of shit about global jihad starting, so much so, it has rumoured Waxy Lemon had already bought his ticket to Oslo, Norway.
Wander if eBookers will do the EDL leader an extra-special refund?
Norweigan TV dug up his Facebook page. Says "Conservative Christian".
At the moment nobody is sure of all the facts, it could be a Turner Diaries infatuated lone wolf twat or an AQ convert like the Shoe Bomber. It could also just be a total fruitloop with a grudge against the government of Norway.
The 32 year old ethnic Norwegian national arrested for the Utøya shootings belongs to an extreme right-wing group, reports TV2
Who do fascists and nazis including he EDL and BNP describe themselves as conservatives rather than neo-nazis?
on youtube video about the bombing, the comments section was full of people saying, quite literally, "Screw these sandpeople, lets deport them all back to where they came from" and "vote Norweigan National Party and drive Islam out!"
Since Norway was ready to recognize Palestine, I think we know who didn’t do the bombing.
Love the comment "my account may have been hacked". Poetic justice there.
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