A rumour has just popped up that Griffin-loyalist and the BNP's third-rate 'election guru' Eddy Butler is about to get the heave-ho from the ailing BNP. Not for being crap at his job - that was clear when he attacked Colin Auty's leadership challenge as a 'joke' - but allegedly for playing away at the Red, White and Blue, the bad boy.
More as soon as we get it...
August 23, 2008
BNP's Eddy Butler for the boot?
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Three guesses for who he has been having affairs with, answers on the back of a postcard;
1) Emma Colgate
2) Jackie Griffin
3) Cllr Sue Clapp
Why should he get booted for that when Paedo Boy and Idiot got away with bringing underage girls back to last years conference. Fucking outragous.
Since when was "playing away" an offence in the BNP ???
Good, he's useless anyway.
"Since when was "playing away" an offence in the BNP ???"
That's just the excuse. He's well known as completely hopeless and Nick Griffin is just eager to put someone else into his job so any excuse will do. My money is on Arthur Kemp.
Maybe he wasn't supposed to speak against NG getting his £30,000 golden handshake.
Since when was "playing away" an offence in the BNP ???
Never, as long as the right people are doing it with the right people. Otherwise its a good reason to get rid of anybody, claiming the moral high ground while you do it.
More likely to be getting the boot seeing as Butler was one of the leaks on the AC. He couldn't keep his gob shut and he didn't know that pillow talk shouldn't be about the BNP. The young lady (I use that term as loosely as she is) is also known to have a very big mouth and blabbed to all and sundry.
Good he is shit simple really.
Gavin, Charnwood BNP Secretary.
Unless he was shagging on the actual RWB site this must be wrong as Butler didnt camp/stay on site he was in a hotel ON HIS OWN
The next to get the heave ho will be Collett now Golding is back on the scene.
Golding is the former head of publicity and will be eager to get hos old job back. Apart from that he is more presentable and photogenic and has never blubbed his heart out on tv.
C u next time Collett
"Unless he was shagging on the actual RWB site this must be wrong as Butler didnt camp/stay on site he was in a hotel ON HIS OWN"
Perhaps he shagged her in her tent or even shock-horror in his hotel.
Anyway, how do you know he was on his own? Were you with him?
Emma is a really nice person that unfortunately is being mugged off by Gri££in, and she has been seeing that creep Butler for a very long time (under pressure?).
It has been so obvious at times it is unbelievable. If this is what the BNP believes to be family values, they can shove it up Gri££in's fat pork-filled arse.
"Unless he was shagging on the actual RWB site this must be wrong as Butler didnt camp/stay on site he was in a hotel ON HIS OWN"
How the fuck would you know he was on his own? He's been having a fling with Emma Colgate for ages, I don't know why the partys suddenly taken exeption to it. It's not like it's a secret.
"Anyway, how do you know he was on his own? Were you with him?"
A Welshman comments,
Please note the E Butler, subject to comment here, has nothing to do with E Butler, former Rugby player
for Wales and Pontypool, and Observer journalist.
Old Sailor
Butler may well have been having a fling with Emma C for years and may still be but that doesnt alter the fact he didnt do her at RWB. End of. There was miles between where they both stayed, miles.
"The next to get the heave ho will be Collett now Golding is back on the scene."
Oh please god, let that be true.
"There was miles between where they both stayed, miles."
Well that's convinced me.
Have you never heard of cars, taxis, buses or trains, numbnuts?
The Butler did it!!!
Cyclops will never get rid of Paedo Boy.
He knows too much!!!
As for casual shaggers getting discplined, why doesn't MArtin Reynolds face the music for letting down family values, and not to mention Paedo Boy himself?
LOL - Golding replacing Collett = violent racist thug replacing racist sex pervert. Good swap!
Yes get in! He was rubbish,very rubbish.
East Midlands Offical.
I always used to follow what Eddy used to say but now its right he gets chopped. After I have held a role as an East Midlands Offical I hope to take a job like Eddy has in the bnp. I would be must better.
Gavin Leist, Charnwood BNP Secretary
He was ok. Some weird ideas and not very friendly, but better than the indvidual before.
Yorkie member
My brain isn't very clever so I need the rest and my legs need to rest too.
-- Eddys Arse
Good news. Slease needs to go for the bnp. Though lets hope they don't get anyone better in place.
Thank God time to party.
Lancaster BNP member!
ps. Thanks for the imformation though in th battle field we will fight on opposite sides.
I think he has to go as he has talent and we don't need those people in the party.
Yeah he isn't great but better than others. I'm glad he is going after the way he spoke to Auty. Shame we have to find out things here first.
Lots of posts from BNP members there. Nice to see disloyalty and disunity in the ranks. :)
Lots of posts from BNP members there. Nice to see disloyalty and disunity in the ranks. :)
Clear Gri££in has lost control of his party. Whose next for the chop forward you nominations!
I'm here to stay whether you like it or not. My moneys on Reynolds maybe even Walker.
Infighting in the fascists what a bad year they have had :)
If Griffin is getting rid of Butler for having an affair then why didn't he get rid of Mark and Adam WAlker last year for having sex with Phil Carter in the toilets of the hotel during the annual conference?
I think that the postings generated on here have shown that the existing bnpers are now using our community site as an open venue for learning information about their own party, and being able to comment on it freely which they are obviously banned from doing on any site controlled by Griffin and his henchman.
I dont have a problem with this, they fully recognise that we are strongly opposed to them, and as long as their postings are not overly abusive they get through, this goes to prove that we are at least open handed.
One word of warning though to bnpers, some of us have been at this for a long time, and our covers (names etc) are a lot deeper than you may think.
Yes I agree Mr Butler has lost all face after his comments about a democratic leadership contender. At least Mr Auty had the guts to stand, Butler is just a nobody who has never stood for election.
anon @ 8.02am was that annual or anal conference?
When people post on blogs in which they are told not too by the bnp leadership it is a sign that Griffin is a dead weight.
I'm god and hence Butler goes. Umm bacon.
@ Tulip
Its annual conference. "Phil Carter" is Phylis Carter
Butler may be shagging about but I hardly think its Colgate as she is with Darby, they were caught staying together at a hotel at the rwb, the fools stayed in the same hotel as about 10 other members!
They also had a lovers tiff at the RWB over Colgate speaking against Griffin at the AGM, security ended up calming things down, maybe her forgeting her card was the easy way out!
'Butler may be shagging about but I hardly think its Colgate as she is with Darby, they were caught staying together at a hotel at the rwb, the fools stayed in the same hotel as about 10 other members!
They also had a lovers tiff at the RWB over Colgate speaking against Griffin at the AGM, security ended up calming things down, maybe her forgeting her card was the easy way out!'
It sounds like Colgate is the local bike in th bnp. For a party that claims the moral highground boy do they act in a loose way!
'I'm god and hence Butler goes. Umm bacon'.
No you aint mate your making our lives easier as anti-facsists lol. Keep it up!
Colgate proves the BNP isn't whiter than white.
'I always used to follow what Eddy used to say but now its right he gets chopped. After I have held a role as an East Midlands Offical I hope to take a job like Eddy has in the bnp. I would be must better.'
Gavin Leist, Charnwood BNP Secretary
Oh posting on sites you shouldn't Griffin will eat you for breakfast along with his bacon.
Any news as to whom may be next for the chop? Maybe Colgate?
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