This article was submitted by one of our readers, Hexapla. We welcome any contributions from our supporters (as long as those contributions conform to the law and are in reasonably good taste). Please send your articles to us via email.
BNP activist and speaker Alan O’Reilly says Catholics will be deported under a BNP government; declares Catholics to be the enemies of Britain and Christianity; believes Islam, the European Union and eastern European immigration are Catholic plots to destroy Britain; and, that Catholicism was behind communism, World War I & II and the Nazi regime. We enter the mad anti-Catholic world of the dark recesses of the BNP.
Disturbed and disturbing
In May 2008, as the start of a series of articles on the anti-Catholic bigotry that haunts the BNP, we revealed the anti-Catholic prejudice of BNP candidate Alan Girvan and the anti-Catholic violence of BNP northern Ireland organiser Andy McLorie (see link). This article, the second instalment in that series, was triggered by three incidents: the BNP legal director Lee Barnes’ recent claim that the Saxon races were forced to convert to the Catholic faith; the recent sectarian murder of a young Catholic man by the neo-nazi terrorist group Combat 18 (1 = A, 8 = H. This gives AH or Adolf Hitler), set up the BNP in the 1990s; and, the claim by a racist BNP poster called ‘BNP Supporter’ on the Angry Of Havering Forum that:
“A lot of the BNP supporters on this site have pointed out that this is a christain country and that faith has come under attack from other religions in recent years. It actually goes further this is a PROTESTANT country and the religion is the Church of England and this will be the only faith taught in our school. Catholicism is as much a threat to us as Islam. Our Queen is head of the Church of England and the monarch should always be a protestant but in recent years the Catholics have been trying to have this law removed so the monarch can be any faith. Tony Blair was a secret catholic for may years as Prime Minister and only converted publicly when he left office. Britain for the British”
It was whilst researching these incidents that we discovered the frightening anti-Catholic hatred and racism of the clearly disturbed BNP speaker and Australian immigrant Alan O’Reilly. A fanatical devotee of BNP leader Nick Griffin and operator of the Cleveland BNP blog (BNP for Cleveland), Alan O’Reilly should be prosecuted for incitement of hatred against Catholics.
This article will expose, in detail, the sick and reprehensible views of BNP speaker and activist Alan O’Reilly.
The BNP will deport all Catholics and Muslims from Britain
BNP speaker Alan O’Reilly threatens Catholics and Muslims with the following warning:
“As and when it comes to power a BNP Government would be constitutionally entitled summarily to eject you. All Muslim supporters, Marxist supporters, Papal [i.e. Catholic] supporters etc. could be 'ex-patriated' to countries where such regimes prevail”
Catholics can never be British
BNP speaker Alan O’Reilly classifies Catholics as an enemy category who must be ethnically cleansed from Britain because they can never be British (odd given that Britain was once a Catholic country!):
“I would include them [Catholics] in the 'foreign white' category, which you seem to have overlooked in my earlier posts - they certainly could not be described as ‘white Britons’”
That Islamic/Catholic/EU/Sinn Fein/IRA plot to destroy the UK with Catholic immigrants!
Initially, Alan O’Reilly claims that the European Union (EU) is “a Vatican-inspired project to destroy Britain. Swamping us with foreigners is part of the overall strategy”. But, he then goes on to claim that this is part of a much larger plot between Islam, the Catholic Church, the EU, Sinn Fein and the IRA to destroy Britain by flooding the country with Catholic immigrants from eastern Europe!:
“Sinn Fein actually support illegal immigrants! Eastern Europeans, particularly Poles, are the same religion as Sinn Fein/IRA. Poland is 96% Catholic and Lithuania is 69% Catholic - these were the two European nations mentioned in the BT article. This kind of immigration can only help the Sinn Fein/IRA cause, which is a united Ireland under the Pope. The EU's aim is that mainland Britain should suffer the same fate - and the Mozzies [Muslims] are also a means to that end. Mozzie aggression is a means of driving the British population back into the 'fold,' as the Pope will be perceived as the only leader of any substance willing to stand up to them. He never really apologised for his anti-Mozzie remarks, only regretted that he had been 'misunderstood.'”
Alan O’Reilly then claims that the Catholic Church murders public critics of the EU:
"that's what happens to EU dissenters in public life, who speak the truth. The Vatican is poised for the kill. It is hoped that a government can be elected within the next decade to stave off the Pope's 'coup de grace' but time is running critically short."
This anti-British conspiracy then extends to the Nazis and the African National Congress (ANC) because:
“The IRA and the Nazis all belonged to the same [Catholic] church. Their blood-brotherhood in terror (along with Islam and the ANC) should surprise no-one”.
Catholics are not Christians
Condemning the Catholic religion as the “whore of Revelation”, Alan O’Reilly states: “Catholicism isn't Christianity” and reiterates this on BNP legal director Lee Barnes’ blog when he says, “Catholicism and Christian belief should not be confused”.
Islam is a Catholic plot against Britain and the Protestant faith!
Following the Catholic immigration conspiracy, Alan O’Reilly claims that:
“Islam is a Vatican creation”.
“Both Catholicism and Islam have a common objective - the destruction of Protestant Britain”
Further, on the blog of BNP newspaper editor Martin Wingfield, Alan O’Reilly asserts that “all the world's religions, including Islam, are gradually merging to worship the Catholic BVM. This is not good news for England's identity, any more than the armada of 1588 was”.
This is because, as Alan O’Reilly claims, the real enemy of Britain and the White race are Catholics:
“the real enemy, which is the same one Britain has always had since Henry VIII broke with Rome in the 16th century. It's just a question of straegy and tactics to suit the times, as in 1588 (Armada), 1642 (Civil War), Stewart Pretenders (1715, 1745), Napoleon (1815), Kaiser Wilhelm II (1914), Adolf (1939-40). All the tyrants alluded to belonged to the same church as Sharia Blair, with the exception of the Kaiser and he was a sympathiser, allied to Catholic Austria-Hungary. Adams and McGuinness have been described as "two fine f****** Catholic boys" by IRA heavy Brian Keenan, who masterminded the Libya-IRA connection, i.e. Mozzies[Muslims] and Papists [Catholics] colluding to murder British security personnel”.
One should remind Alan O’Reilly that BNP leader Nick Griffin himself once visited Libya to secure funding from Gaddafi’s regime and the BNP carried articles in its then official magazine, Spearhead, in support of Gaddafi under the leadership of BNP founder John Tyndall. Are Nick Griffin and John Tyndall now in league with the ‘Mozzies’ as ‘Papist’ co-conspirators? This aside, the Catholic threat is very real for Alan O’Reilly because, according to him, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was “another papal puppet”. Then, on the BNP website, Alan O’Reilly claims that the Church of England (CoE) never fully recovered from what he regards as the Catholic assault on it. Elsewhere, the Catholic treat to the Protestant faith, in the particular to the CoE, is clear for Alan O’Reilly:
“Rome's premier target was the 1611 Authorised King James Bible .. he main attack was orchestrated by Romish Anglican Cambridge academics .. They produced the Revised Version of 1881, a Catholic bible that was the forerunner of all the modern bibles that have effectively marginalised the national church”.
Destroy the CoE and you destroy Britain. But, Alan O’Reilly’s real concern is not for the Protestant faith or the CoE. The truth is that he worships race and nation rather than God as he defies Britain and the White race by placing them at the centre of the Protestant faith and the CoE. Not just this, but again on the BNP website, Alan O’Reilly claims that God punished Britain with World War I because:
“Unfortunately, the [Coronation] Oath was tampered with in 1910, to remove the clause whereby the monarch is supposed to disavow the Catholic mass, in accordance with Article 31 of the Church of England’s 39 Articles of Religion .. which is one reason, I believe, why Britain became embroiled in WW1 a mere 4 years after the Oath was corrupted. God is not mocked”
Alan O’Reilly claims Catholics were behind World War One and Two
For Alan O’Reilly the alleged corruption of the Coronation Oath is evidence of the Catholic Church’s modern interference in British affairs that culminated in World War II. But, he goes further. He claims that Catholicism deliberately started both World War One and Two:
“If you want to know who set up WW1, 2, for example, read ‘The Vatican Against Europe’ and’ The Secret History of the Jesuits’ by Edmond Paris, a French writer who was murdered by Jesuits for his publications against them”.
Alan O’Reilly claims Catholics wrote Mein Kampf and were in charge of the concentration camps
Not only does Alan O’Reilly accuse the Catholic faith of directing the Nazi violence against the Jews in 1930s Germany, but he also claims that it was a Catholic priest, not Hitler, who wrote Mein Kampf:
“It was even a Jesuit, Fr. Staempfle, who 'ghosted' Adolf Hitler in the writing of Mein Kampf. Even Hitler had part-Jewish ancestry, as did other leading Nazis but that did not stop him from instigating the murder of 6,000,000 European Jews. That was because he and all the leading Nazis, plus the commandants of the death camps; Hoess, Koch, Stangl etc. all belonged to the same [Catholic] religion - which was not Judaism.You have no chance of winning any war if you can't identify the enemy [i.e. Catholics]”.
But, Alan O’Reilly’s claim that a Catholic priest wrote Mein Kampf is pointless as elsewhere he claims that Hitler was a Catholic carrying out the Pope’s orders.
Attacks on other Christian sects
Not content with attacking Catholicism, in another post Alan O’Reilly takes a swipe at Jehovah's Witnesses and accuses the Greek Orthodox Church, like the Catholic Church, of concealing original parts of the Bible.
Alan O’Reilly claims Catholics are behind communism
Alan O’Reilly then goes on to claim that every prominent communist personality of the twentieth century were in fact secret Catholic agents: “the so-called founders of CommUNism; Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and later Castro”.
The relationship between Catholics and Jews
Alan O’Reilly argues that the “Jewish-Roman collusion against genuine believers is as old as the 1st century Pharisaic declaration”. Alan O’Reilly then claims that the Catholic Church used “renegade Jews to defeat the Russian Orthodox Church via the 1917 Revolution” and “tutored Marx in writing the Communist Manifesto in the Reading Room of the British Museum”. And, the Catholic Church then “instigated the pogroms against Russian Jews to encourage them to help overthrow the Czar”.
But, he also says that the “Jewish loathing for Christians undeniably exists within the State of Israel but the only kind of terror that has reared its ugly head in these isles for the last century has been papal [Catholic] and Islamic”.
Jesus Christ sends earthquakes to punish Muslims for their sins
But, his most sickening claim is that Jesus Christ sent the Kashmir earthquake that killed 75,000 civilians to punish Muslims for the 7/7 bombings in London. Why? Because both events occurred three months apart and so must have been the work of Christ.
Alan O’Reilly’s sick claim that Madeleine McCann was kidnapped by Muslims
A stupid and unjustifiable statement that will surely distress the parents of Madeleine McCann, the British infant who went missing in Portugal, is Alan O’Reilly’s baseless implied claim that it was, conveniently, Muslims (he means non-Whites) who kidnapped Madeleine McCann:
“A pity that a Patricia Harrington act-alike couldn't have been 'riding shotgun' on Madeleine McCann and her siblings. If so, what is the possibility that the outcome might have been two dead Mozzies [Muslims] instead of an abducted 3-year old?”
The Olympics spread “global tyranny”
Bizarrely, Alan O’Reilly claims that the Olympics are a “deception to boost the NWO [New World Order] and eventual global tyranny”.
Foams against mixed-race relationships
Posting on the pro-BNP blog, Sarah Maid of Albion, Alan O’Reilly claims “the media is doing all it can to encourage this inter-racial destruction”. On another site, Alan O’Reilly then claims that pornography “encourage[s] attacks on white girls by non-white males”!
Alan O’Reilly perverts the Bible to justify racial segregation
The reason why Alan O’Reilly can attack inter-racial marriages is due to his apartheid-like perversion of the Bible to justify his racial hatred:
“I have no comment about black males in the media, except that according to holy scripture (along with all those not in the media and their female counterparts), none of them should be living north of Cairo or west of the Azores. Africa, not England, is the land of Ham, the pro-genitor of the black race, Psalm 105:23, 27, 106:22, Genesis 10:6-20 (The Table of Nations - note that Hamites later located in the land of Canaan were out of bounds, which is why they had to be expelled by the Children of Israel under the leadership of Joshua, Joshua 1-24).”
This is the same twisted and evil racio-theological logic that the Klu Klux Klan uses to justify its lynching and murder of Black men and children in the United States. Further, on the Cleveland BNP blog, an excerpt from Alan O’Reilly’s speech at a Teesside BNP meeting states:
“why populate a country like Britain with black Africans and Asians. In the long term, it would only weaken that nation’s physical resilience. I guess that is the agenda”.
Does Alan O’Reilly’s family history of violence explain his disturbed views?
The verbal violence that Alan O’Reilly commits runs through his blood. On his personal blog, alanorei, Alan O’Reilly tells us about his alcoholic grandfather who used to beat up local policemen in western Australia and the violence his father pursued, as he puts it, for “recreation”. Alan O’Reilly comes from a fine lineage.
In light of racist and sectarian nonsense we read above, can anyone with an adult, rational and sane mind ever contemplate voting for the BNP? For readers interested in our first article on the BNP’s anti-Catholic racism, we refer them to the following article:
BNP candidate in anti-Catholic claims: the indefatigable Alan Girvan strikes again!
¡No Pasarán!
August 05, 2008
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Yup, he has some pretty warped religious views. Good thing beliefs such as those are rejected by "mainstream Christendom."
The BNP have always been anti-catholic, and have well established links with loyalist terror groups.
Forgive me for being ignorant, but why the heckers would a neo-Nazi and worshipper of Hitler "blame Catholicism for Hitler's murderous Nazi regime, when this is the very same murderous Nazi regime that most BNP nazis look up to?
Seems like there's some hypocrisy in the BNP mindset as always.
Theres been a lot of talk about the fake reverend Robert West as to whereabouts he is hiding, and if he is still a member of the bnp, or is he going it alone with his very own religious cult.
Meanwhile, the BNP, which was taking on the significance of a secret society or pyramid shopping cult, has decided with the able help of Looney Lee Barnes to become a fully-fledged Odinist cult, so that the BNP can receive tax exemption, for as a religious cult, the BNP would be subject to lots of money-saving perks for the crook and swindler Griffin.
Religion, albeit a nonsensical Hitler-tinged foul smelling dose of white suprmacist Odinism, may yet come to Nick Griffin's financial rescue.
How about the replacement of the fake vicar ROB WEST with the RT RV S Stevens complete with a real dog collar and black hat and habit ,I will be attending the rwb as myself to conduct the sermon and bless all the griffin worshipers who will be voting for the 4 or 2 year rule acording to sir nick.
But first he will have to have plenty of holy water [ wine ] on hand to keep me lubricated to preach to the griffin flock of [sheep].
The Rev West is still with the BNP, and contested a Louth byelection last week (Lincolnshire County Council). He finished with around 10% of the vote and was the only BNP candidate in the six byelections that day.
The Quiet Revolution is almost silent !!
By the time the BNP has :
expelled all Muslims, Catholics, illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, jews and miscellaneous non-Aryans
and has put up against a wall and shot all commies, lefties, fellow-travellers and anti-fascists
and has hung all drug dealers, murderers, and paedophiles [including BNP members of such inclination?]
... the population will have fallen below the level to worry about Peak Oil !!!
Brilliant !!!
Interesting. The BNP still list anti-Catholic racist Alan O'Reilly as a contributor to their BNP Cleveland blog under the name alanorei:
What a sick and disturbed individual. The World has enough problems, without people like him, whipping up further hatred.
How dare he tarnish, the good name of the 'Angry of Havering' web site too.
They are a local web pressure group,based in Romford, inviting the public to comment on topics raised, including poetical contributions.
The BNP will never be taken seriously as they have no credibility in the modern World
God will never allow man to destroy the earth. FACT.
That doesn't unfortunatly stop enough morons trying though!
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