The party had just been given notice to quit the hate factory that Searchlight had exposed in September. Where would it move the “vast array of new equipment” the party had purchased back in January, when it announced proudly that it had moved into a “brand new ground-floor warehouse”, let alone its range of tatty cringe-making and overpriced goods, Replica Victoria Crosses, condemned by the Ministry of Defence as an insult to British troops’ heroism, Enoch Powell t-shirts, stocks of its new racist brochure Racism Cuts Both Ways and the party’s back catalogue of publications?
The facility had been the first fruit of the BNP’s huge “Building to Grow” fundraising effort last winter and the first time the party could centralise its key operations in a modern unit.

The landlords, Evans Easyspace, appeared uninterested at first. When a Sunday Times journalist contacted Brian Mawhinney, a non-executive director of the company and former Cabinet Minister, he replied that he had not been aware of the BNP connection and said, “Thank you for drawing it to my attention”, before putting the phone down. Lord Mawhinney is currently the chairman of the Football League, which has pledged to stamp racism out of football.
But all bad things come to an end and Evans Easyspace did turn out to be unhappy that an organisation that had rented the unit under the name of Excalibur turned out to be the BNP. When Mirror journalists visited the place on 21 November, they found a “to let” sign outside and an irate Arthur Kemp, the South African in charge of the BNP’s ideological training, trying to close the door on them.
“Evans Easyspace was aware of renting a property to Excalibur, but were not aware of its links to the BNP,” said Tom Stokes, managing director. “We have now terminated their agreement and they are moving out at the end of November.”
Ha ha ha. Fuck me, the trouble is just piling up for griffin's little gang of thugs, isn't it. LOL
"“Evans Easyspace was aware of renting a property to Excalibur, but were not aware of its links to the BNP,” said Tom Stokes, managing director. “We have now terminated their agreement and they are moving out at the end of November.”"
And that's what they get for lying. Serves em right!
Oh dear. I wonder where they're going to store all that crap now???
Hang on a minute. As an ex-member who resigned last year I still get all the begging letters and everything else that I used to get as a member but I didn't see anything about this. What's the betting Gri££in was going to announce a move to "bigger, better premises so we can better serve our many customers" bit of bullshit before he was found out. I bet he's spitting feathers now!!!
"Oh dear. I wonder where they're going to store all that crap now???"
Maybe in that extension NG had built at the members expense.
Everythings going pear-shaped for old One-Eye.
"Fuck me, the trouble is just piling up for griffin's little gang of thugs, isn't it."
Good, let's keep it going. If anyone's got anything they think might be useful, send it over by email.
"I wonder where they're going to store all that crap now???"
A dustbin or skip per chance? Cannot believe anyone buys that tat
Griffin could always store the merchandise in his barn conversion paid for by BNP members.
Griffins going to be incandesent (yeah I know I spelled it wrong) with rage that this has got out. (heart attack, heart attack, come on)
NWN has been over here reading the articles again
"The unit's address was supposed to be a guarded secret.
Just like the list of BNP members, supporters and enquirers.
Either the BNPs got some heavy duty infiltration or some of them have very loose lips."
I've heard Nick Griffins got very, very loose lips, nudge nudge.
What a fantastic week this has been for the anti-fascist movement. i shall look back on this lot with fond memories. :)
Do I hear the rustle of votes of no confidence being prepared?
"(heart attack, heart attack, come on)"
Keep up the good work, guys.
When are those idiots going to realise that Griffin's leading them by the nose. Suckers.
Is this anything to do with John Walkers latest bender?
And we still have the Webels court case to look forward to at some point soon, any of you nutzies know when that is scheduled for?
The clock's ticking for Griffo.
"The clock's ticking for Griffo."
Let's hope it stops soon.
It really couldn't have happened at a worse time of year either
So lets find out where Gri££en is trying to store his tat, and machinery.
Like Names and addresses on sides of Vans, and registration numbers.
Changes of addresses notified to the GPO - No problem send RD letters with POD.
For the benefit of any insurance co.s I suspect there may well be a convenient fire.
Reasons to repudiate ? "Non disclosure of material fact", and of course that old standby "No insurable interest"
Old Sailor
To lose your warehouse is regrettable. To lose your members list unforgivable. To lose them both in the space of a fortnight unbelievable.
But absolutely hilarious
For the benefit of those who understandably wish Gri££in a heart attack.
Don't - I speak as one who has recovered from one.
The pain goes away fast.
A good Hospital (Heath Cardiff) will soon sort you out, and you will be up and running in a few weeks.
Do you want Gri££in replaced by someone competant.
Or whinging about qualifying for invalidity benefit ?
Thank the lord for the BME nurses and doctors who treated me in 1999.
Old Sailor
I'd feel sorry for Griffin if he wasn't such a shit.
They should just leave all the old tat in the warehouse. I'm sure the owners will just skip it, assuming it to be rubbish.
Love the picture at the top. It really catches the hint of desperation. LOL
The leaking list, the BNP paedophiles and now Excalicrap being thrown out. It's no wonder he looks so fucking miserable.
How about Cromie's garage in Queensbury, Bradford. You know the one.
Poor Griffin. I'd like to give him a big hug. Or a punch in the face. I can't make up my mind which.
What's happened to his ear? It looks like it's been half-chewed off.
You forgot Mr Kemp's stock of books - I suspect it was he who was behind the faciliy in the first place - he needed somewhere other than his BNP squat to peddle his rubbish from - no wonder he is "irate"!
HA,HA Good night nazi white pride, you dont represent me or any other white people you twisted scum
The BNP is now claiming, in an article full of lies, that the move out of the Excalibur warehouse was planned months ago because the premises were too small and that they moved out by mutual consent.
The BNP's announcement describes Dave Joines as the acting MD. They forget that they described Arthur Kemp as the acting MD after they expelled Nicholla Ritchie, then in June they announced the appointment of Joines as the permanent MD. I wonder what he has done wrong.
John Walker became the full-time "national dispatch and logistics manager" after he was sacked as party treasurer in June. It is, one supposes, coincidence that he loses his job just after the leak of the membership list.
The BNP say they decided to leave after "it emerged", i.e. they read it in Searchlight, that Brian Mawhinney was a non-executive director. I wonder if after Lord Mawhinney put the phone down to the Sunday Times journalist he actually did something about his company's unwelcome tenants.
The BNP say they are moving to "bigger and better premises in Yorkshire" and Adrian Marsden is the new MD, helped by Alby Walker. Marsden lives in Southowram, Halifax and Walker in Meir Park, Stoke-on-Trent. The hunt is on.
Mechanics Lane is likely to become the new storage space - the place where Arthur Camp lives.
"Following on several staff changes, the BNP is happy to announce that both the merchandising arm, Excalibur, and the dispatch/logistics department have moved to bigger and better premises in Yorkshire."
Cromie's garage?
No doubt to be followed by a request for donations!
Ha ha - just as predicted the BNP website has an article to the effect that the Excalibur warehouse had to be moved ... wait for it.... because they had outgrown the premises. Bloody fools - do they think anyone actually believes that bull - the lease is only a year old (I think it is actually exactly a year which is also a bit suspicious) Suspect they had a year lease and could not afford to continue!
Hope that the search is already on for the new premises, apparently in Yorkshire, if that is to be believed.
In regards to the anonymous comments further up, John Walker lives in Deeside, you have mistaken him for another Walker!
Excalibur is heading back to its old haunt in Morley, good job they kept the recording studio in that old unit
This comment about Arthur Kemp on the leaked BNP list made me laugh:
"Upgrade to Gold membership 16/10/07
That must be Fool's Gold!
Just thinking, listening to the news, it's obvious how the neo-Nazi BNP twist news stories to fulfil their supposedly seld-fulfilling prophecies.
Just imagine what the stories would have been on the BNP website if the man in the news for raping his own daughters had been Asian, Muslim, or black?
They would have called him an animal, and linked this individuals behaviour to his skincolour genes. But as he is a member of the white majority (and presumably Christian) his horrific behaviour is not linked to race by the BNP.
Gri££in and friends waste day and night searching for stories like Kris Donald to exploit, and turn into justifications of racist stereotypes for the sake of winning votes. If racial tension follows, and someone happens to get killed as a result, Gri££in wouldn't give a shit, as whether or not he believes in that Odinist nonsense that most Stormfronters like to trumpet, he obviously has no heart and no conscience.
Cyclops is a complete and utter c*nt, who one day will face the music.
Maybe Mr Kemp is also fleeing Mechanics Lane, given that the bail application for those guilty of the murder of Hani, SA communist party leader, assisted by the odius Kemp, is set for the 9th December in South Africa. Rumour has it that the SA Government is going to re-open the matter and take a look at Kemp - the only one of the bunch who never told his story (cause he was a police spy?)Maybe he will be sent back to SA to face the music and we will be rid of him!
Just for the record - Mr Kemp left Mechanics Lane some time ago - he still lives in Mancot but now in Crossways!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just for the record - Mr Kemp left Mechanics Lane some time ago - he still lives in Mancot but now in Crossways!
Maybe so, but according to the leaked list thats where John Waker lives. Intriguing if true.
"Following on several staff changes, the BNP is happy to announce that both the merchandising arm, Excalibur, and the dispatch/logistics department have moved to bigger and better premises called Yorkshire."
That's right! Thanks to the stupiduty, sorry I mean overwhelming generosity of so many donors and the sharp economic downturn we have been able to buy all of West Yorkshire which will act as the World's biggest warehouse for our range of educational book and quality merchandise. This may mean the relocation of hundreds of thousands of people so we can build the biggest distribution plant ever to handle the growing demand for our range of luxury household craft and gift ideas, hand crafted by child prodigies in the studios of Chang Wong Corporation in the spa towns of the Quaxchong Riviera. Running such a massive operation will of course incur enormous overheads so please continue to give generously. The artistic future of so many 7 and 8 year olds in Quaxchong and their counterparts who will be employed in our warehouse at rates well above the national minimum wage for 8 year olds depends on your gullibility.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just for the record - Mr Kemp left Mechanics Lane some time ago - he still lives in Mancot but now in Crossways!
4:32 AM, November 27, 2008
No, thats where Johnie-bag Walker stays
Maybe Mr Walker and Mr Kemp are an item............ told you so!
11 days on from the original leak and the combined forces of BNP security (hahaha!) and Lance Stewart the ancient "investigator" who was Rhodesian Special Forces intelligence officer during Ian Smith's regime and the best services of HM's finest police forces haven't arrested a "red", a member of the Labour Party, a dissident nationalist, an opportunist thief, hacker or spy. I wonder why. Could it be that Griffin the con-man has NOT made a complaint to any police force and it is in his interests that the REAL culprit is never found? He was going on about it being the biggest theft of sensitive data ever but has been guarded in answering questions about the police "enquiry". If he made a complaint they'd only be one arrest - HIS for wasting police time.
Gri££in released the list himself both as a publicity stunt and to falsely accuse his enemies of treachory.
Gri££in hismelf is treacherous!
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