“We will start in Scotland and work our way south over one month, stopping in all major cities from Edinburgh to Southampton,” promised Nick Griffin, the BNP chairman, in a fundraising appeal in September.
This so-called truth tour, using the BNP’s notorious “lie lorry” advertising vehicle, was intended to promote the launch of the party’s Racism Cuts Both Ways brochure. Copies would be handed out along the way and “millions will see and hear our message”.
The truth was rather different. Driven by Paul Golding, director of the BNP’s British Pride “white history” website, the truck left London at 8.30am on Monday 10 November. Over five days, wrote Golding, it “visited Brighton, Portsmouth, Winchester, Salisbury, Bath, Corsham, Wolverhampton, Dudly [sic], West Bromwich, Birmingham, Stoke, Manchester, Oldham, Huddersfield, Leeds, Middlesborough [sic], Sunderland, South Shields, Barking, Dagenham, Thurrock, Grays, Tilbury, Blackburn and Blackpool”.
And that was it. The geographically convoluted tour “ended on Friday night at our annual conference,” said Golding, whose name is notably absent from the leaked list of BNP members.
Even though the tour missed huge areas of the country, including the whole of Scotland and Wales, wherever it stopped Golding and Mike Howson, the middle-aged leader of the Young BNP, distributed “thousands and thousands of the Racism Cuts Both Ways booklets to an eager public,” boasted Golding. In Oldham the team “received a wildly enthusiastic response from the public”, similarly in Huddersfield “it was mobbed by highly enthusiastic members of the public”.
The trouble was that the reports were accompanied by pictures of the lie lorry in the various locations visited. And the one thing that the photos had in common, apart from the truck, was the complete absence of any members of the public, eager or otherwise. In fact it was remarkable how many big empty spaces the BNP managed to find in England’s supposedly overcrowded towns and cities.
No doubt Griffin is relying on the people who put up the money for this fiasco being too gullible to notice.
Racism cuts both ways
November 28, 2008
Lie lorry tour fails to deliver
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Shame - maybe they ran out of money for fuel, like money for rent!
They get really excited on their website when they raise a hundred pounds or so at a meeting. This from the die hard supporters who actually attend small local meetings. If that is all they can raise I am sure that they did little better on their "tour" - no doubt it became a huge expense rather than a source of funding as expected and at some point even the economic giants at the BNP realised the exercise was best abandoned.
Anyone actually seen this wank-tank without specifically going out to look for it?
No only were there no crowds there was very litle traffic in the photos from some of Britain's busiest towns and cities. Did they travel at 3 or 4 in the morning?
Golding has only just returned to the BNP, he was at RWB and now lives in Sevenoaks, there is a report in this is kent that the BNP is hoping to "open an office in Sevenoaks", that'll be a PO Box number then.
Must have blinked when it came to B & D cos we all missed it.
Did it actually tour, or was it photographed in different parts of the field and on adjacent roads?
I went through a lot of the media stuff on the BNP site (I was punishing myself!) - they are asking any elected MEPs they get to give 10% of wages to party funds.
Each person standing has to post a deposit of £5K and its not returned unless they get 5% of the vote in the region - so its going to be very expensive for them!
Could i ask you a simple question, do you live in a 'enriched' area or as i suspect a 99.9% white area? I,ll take IT as the latter when you don't answer.
The big tour is for the launch of the Euro campaign next spring and not the one that they done in the run up to the conference
The truth truck starts its new tour tomorrow, I won't spoil the supprise :-)
Oh well, the office will be picketed by local people, so they lose the lease!
First person with photographic evidence the Excalibur shite has moved to Swinger Cromie's garage in Queensbury (or the Morley warehouse) wins a prize - Cyclops wrath, lol
Paul Cromie's the ugliest swinger in town.
Maybe with an exception of Paedo Boy.
'Could i ask you a simple question, do you live in a 'enriched' area or as i suspect a 99.9% white area? I,ll take IT as the latter when you don't answer.'
The usual filthy question you lot always ask and you continually claim not to be racist?
As it happens, I was brought up in Sarf London and spent a lot of years in and around Millwall. Now I live in Lancaster, a small city with two universities and an astonishingly diverse population, which I love and which is cheerfully embraced by everyone who lives here. Not that it's any of your business, you racist piece of shit.
Could i ask you a simple question, do you live in a 'enriched' area or as i suspect a 99.9% white area? I,ll take IT as the latter when you don't answer.
Well, I hope this answers your question (taken from The Guardian article The BNP next door, 22 November 2008):
"Is this scary? Well, it looks as if it's a myth that the BNP fares best in areas of high immigration: according to one report that cross-matched the list with data from the Office for National Statistics, only 5% of BNP members live in areas classified as having high Asian populations, and 2% in areas with big Afro-Caribbean communities. Some 18% of the party's support comes from traditionally working-class white areas. Twenty-two percent of BNP members may live in deprived parts of England and Wales, but 16% live in the wealthiest."
Looks like the majority of BNP members are Daily Mail reading Middle Class frustrated twats.
" they are asking any elected MEPs they get to give 10% of wages to party funds."
I thought it was against the law for a political party to ask for money from the public purse via its elected members?
I have just seen the truth truck! its just past me on the m62 & heading in the direction of Liverpool!!
I thought it was against the law for a political party to ask for money from the public purse via its elected members?
If it was illegal it would have been spotted by the BNP's Legal Affairs Unit (allegedly).
The thing i love about you self hating morans is you think you speak for entire towns 'i live in Lancaster which as an astonishingly diverse population which i love and which is cheerfully embraced by everyone who lives here'. Have you spoken to everyone there & i bet it is diverse as well my self hating little friend, probably got some thing to do with free education.Have you ever heard of the term white flight, I don't think ladbrokes would give you a price on thats whats happened to that once beautiful city of lancaster. If i wanted to know how Afgans,Indians,Africans or any other race live i'd go on holiday there.I don't want it rammed down my throat in my own country. SBA
This business of "enthusiastic crowds ... mobbing our team" etc etc is classic BNP nonsense.
They come into an area, announce they're going to contest an election, get the gullible local press to print stuff along the lines of:-
"people coming up to shake our candidate's hand"
"residents applauding our leafletting team in the street"
"parents offering up their daughters to be ravished by our (Aryan) activists"
And then they poll 7.2% and are never seen again.
Wage money is not from the public purse (at least not the way you mean). It belongs to the person it has been paid to, to do with as they wish. Otherwise a political party would never be able to ask for any donations from its elected members (wh may be it's wealthiest members). On the other hand, it would be a scandal if expenses were going ito party coffers.
Anonymous said...
The thing i love about you self hating morans is you think you speak for entire towns 'i live in Lancaster which as an astonishingly diverse population which i love and which is cheerfully embraced by everyone who lives here'. Have you spoken to everyone there & i bet it is diverse as well my self hating little friend, probably got some thing to do with free education.Have you ever heard of the term white flight, I don't think ladbrokes would give you a price on thats whats happened to that once beautiful city of lancaster. If i wanted to know how Afgans,Indians,Africans or any other race live i'd go on holiday there.I don't want it rammed down my throat in my own country. SBA
It's morons not Morans you stupid cunt, now fuck off
I think the anonymous human is talking about Mormons. At least I like to think so.
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