'Arrylad' is apparently a spokesman for the Welsh and English Defence Leagues. He has an entertaining YouTube channel here - although he may sound like some new comic character created by Ricky Gervais, he is in fact for real. A taster:
Bart's Notes
Thanks to PMcC for the heads-up :-)
That second video makes a clear link to Wetherspoons and these "Defence League" nutters. Without Wetherspoons and its uber-cheap booze, the Leagues would cease to exist overnight.
What like a like gormless like twat like.
It's Eight Ace gone Nazi...right.
What a dildo!!!
He showed us his face before the vid even started..so the point of the balaclava is....?
btw; "ArryLad" You look like a poor man's John Travolta
Oh the balaclava clad idiots have surpassed themselves with this act of extremist stupidity. Wetherspoons must have hours of footage containing the mugs of every footy hooligan in england by now. With the new assemblies bill coming through soon its like the EDL are allowed to march so as to supply the evidence of violent assembly the goverment need to push it through. Bad times for free speech with these nazi nutters about.
Looks like a very poor man's LVF video circa 1992.
Speaking of which, loads of EDL are going over to Ulster for the July 12th piss-up. Hear they've got plans to re-enact 1969's Battle of the Bogside. Forget Muslims, it's the "Taigs" who are the real enemy of Western civilisation. Maybe somebody should inform their Loyalist hosts.
Comedy gold.
What a fruit and nut case.
The expression 'several apples short of lunch box' also comes to mind.
In the final video I could not help noticing another can of lager on the table.
Does this mean that after more shooting more videos we find this completely sad individual under the table all the worse for wear with the cheap lager. May be he got plastered after only two cans of cheap lager and that was it?
He seemed so boring and rambling. Perhaps these videos could be used as 'natural' alternative to 'mogadon', if the intentions in the video were not so sinister.
Patriotism is a very emotive word. Samuel Johnson once said 'patriotism was the last resort of the scoundrel' several centuries ago. He never had to take into account the latter day buffoons who wrap themselves in the flags of the UK and make total and complete prats of themselves.
'Arrylad is certainly one of them.
"Arrylad" is EDL co-founder JEFF MARSH
The funniest thing about EDL's video about Antifa is that the bloke whose photo they use at the front of this video is NOT the Ian Bone referred to by Jeff marsh in the video
Just for the record, in my opinion Ian Bone's a prize berk, but Jeff Marsh is far stupider
BTW, Wetherspoons pub in High Holborn, London, called Penerell's Oak hosted a Blood & Honour band called Frontline Solder...... 2 of whose members are... Polish immigrants!!!!
At least he stems from the working classes which is more than alot of you college boys and girls do!!!
'At least he stems from the working classes which is more than alot of you college boys and girls do!!!'
I started off in a council house in Sarf London. How working class would you like me to be?
BTW that was supposed to read "Penderell's Oak" and "Frontline Soldier" (sorry for the typos I'm getting used to a new keyboard)
As for "at least he's from the working classes" - the EDL attack Antifa and Ian Bone's Class War group, then come back at us with workerist rhetoric! I love it when Fascists try to pull the class card - my dad was disabled, working class AND excluded from education, and STILL went on to become a successful businessman. Jeff Marsh makes a living selling DVDs of hooligan fights he recorded off the telly, and self-publishing "hoolie-fan" books of war stories about how he stabbed rival footie fans and smeared human shit all over the walls of pub toilets
Antifascist said...
'At least he stems from the working classes which is more than alot of you college boys and girls do!!!'
I started off in a council house in Sarf London. How working class would you like me to be?
Me a shipbuilding / mining family in the North East..... would you like me to be a little less working class?
Well - 'Arrylad may be working class, and some here may be middleclass but they have one thing in common - They have both betrayed thier roots !
Old Sailor
" At least he stems from the working classes which is more than alot of you college boys and girls do!!! "
My father worked down pit and so did his father.
I never saw any of these cowardly excuses for englishmen at the St Georges festival i attended. Maybe it was to multicultural for them as St george was patron siant of some many countries. I ate Cuban beans with wine from catalonia whilst i enjoying the morris dancing.
Whats so important about being this mythical "working class". Iv heard this term bandied around by both sides and it seems it gives you more credence or respect as opposed to were you middle class. Just because hes working class doesnt make him special as does being middles class not make you better than anyone.
At least he stems from the working classes which is more than alot of you college boys and girls do!!!
You're making excuses for a balaclava-clad fascist? were you dropped on your head as a kid??
Did you notice there were two cans in the second vid? :)
Smells like a real state op to me. They want to see your faces turn up for every demo.
Since when were EDL activists Matthew Kaplan and Alan Lake WORKING CLASS lol
There's an obvious anagram of Alan Lake
"Message from the Defence League's". They can't even write their own names without sticking a misplaced apostrophe in there. Thick, pissed or both, they're all morons.
It does seem as though the Far Right have an obsession with cleanliness - calling their opponents "scruffy", "dirty" and so on: a sure sign of OCD, amongst other things. SillyArse also can't distinguish between Anarchist and Communist, maybe that also constitutes a problem in the brain department (or too much cheap lager.)
At least he stems from the working classes which is more than alot of you college boys and girls do!!!
It is the English Defence League (and their BNP bedfellows) that take working class people like us and drag them through the shit as they do with our football and our national flag of Saint George.
I am working class but I don't cause racially fuelled drunken violence and havoc in towns and cities every weekend like the fascist EDL do. Class is absolutely nothing to being a racist prick.
"There's an obvious anagram of Alan Lake"
Sorry, no matter how hard I try I can't moke "Wanker" ouy of those letters.
old Sailor
"There's an obvious anagram of Alan Lake"
Sorry, no matter how hard I try I can't moke "Wanker" ouy of those letters.
old Sailor
Anal Leak :-)
Which about sums it up really
"It does seem as though the Far Right have an obsession with cleanliness - calling their opponents "scruffy", "dirty" and so on"
I think that's a lot to do with the whole casual subculture, that the EDL covert, and their love for designer clothes. I was a casual in the mid-80's and we would have a go at other youth groups that we considered scruffy. It's somthing I left behind in my teenage years but I see 40 and even 50 year old guys on EDL demos, dressed in Stone Island, getting up to the same antics today. Sad.
Casuals the EDL may be, but well-dressed? You should have seen the shower we sent packing in Harrow Weald lol
According to Wikipedia most Casuals dropped Stone Island in the late 90s because of the similarity between the Stone Island logo and the (Fascist) Celtic Cross, but Jeff Marsh's webshite sheds some light on the mindset of some of HIS mates (see these press cuttings) -
I remember the whole Casual thing was fairly apolitical in the 1980's although Bob Elms once called it the ultimate 'Thatcherite' youth group. Now it's gone the way of the skinheads in being associated with the fascist right. The bad thing is it does open up a pool of streetfighters which can be exploted by the fascists. We could see the far-right diminishing electorally in the coming years but street activity rising?
ArryLad's pulled the two featured videos.
I wonder why?
First ARRYLAD / Jeff Marsh took down the 2 videos that came under criticism from Lancaster Unity, now he's taken down his entire You Tube channel :)
I've got a screen-grab of a comment Jeff Marsh posted about the Combat 18 activists in EDL Wales. He says "the score with (the) Cardiff (demo) is that (the) Swansea (WDL division) were not welcome, after the shit that happened at their demo last year. There were 12 or more doing Nazi salutes, now there is a Swansea demo and if it goes ok and there are NO Nazi salutes then the EDL will WELCOME THEM BACK" (emphasis added).
In other words EDL leaders are happy to (quote) "welcome" Nazis into their ranks as long as the Nazis keep a low profile.
He's also been chatting about attending Loyalist parades in Ireland
"He's also been chatting about attending Loyalist parades in Ireland"
The whole anti-IRA/Loyalist thing has always been important to a section of England hooligan support. I remember walking past the Globe pub opposite Baker Street tube around 1996 (when the far right was in the doldrums) and seeing scores of England fans out on the street and in the road giving Nazi salutes and shouting "No Surrender to the IRA". It's odd that they are dredging it up now with the Provo IRA dispanded, Sinn Fein in government and the so-called 'Real IRA' a tiny rump organisation.
My guess is that Ulster Loyalism means more to groups like the EDL than even anti-Islamism. It's been a running thread for decades.
Jess Marsh is a thick as pigshit wanker, racist and cowardly thug. He moderated an EDL website with Mike "Wigan Mike" Heaton - a known nazi sent down for making death threats against on the internet - and boasts about assaulting black men just because they are black in one of his ridiculous books. What a fucking nob-end
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