So I thought I’d see what the BNP had to say on the subject, by way of comparison. To be totally honest, I hoped to find ammunition for another article like my original “They’re taking our Spitfires!” After all, making your political opponents look ridiculous is often a good way to defeat them.
Of course I didn’t expect to find anything about non-white troops fighting for Britain in the two World Wars; but I was surprised to find nothing about the white British troops in those wars either. There’s a picture of Churchill on the home page, but no profile – though figures of legend such as Hereward the Wake get one – and he’s not one of the “British Giants”. The section on defending us from invasion has a Spitfire picture, but while there’s an article on Boudicca, there’s no Battle of Britain.
Potteries historians note there’s no RJ Mitchell, nor James Brindley and Josiah Wedgwood. I guess Wedgwood’s politics were wrong, as social and political reformers are notable by their absence. Whole political movements are missing too – nothing on the Chartists or Suffragettes, and for a party supposedly all for the working class, no mention of the Levellers, the Tolpuddle Martyrs or the Jarrow Marchers.
Art and literature are clearly for wimps – Shakespeare gets a mention but not Dickens, Jane Austen, George Eliot or the Bronte sisters; no Wordsworth or Tennyson, and no sign of Dr Johnson (another snub to Staffordshire!). There’s a serious lack of the “Christian heritage” the BNP claim to defend too, but lengthy articles full of glossy illustrations on the “Gods of the Ancient Britons” and Anglo-Saxon gods. No Quakers, no Methodists – all that social reform and concern for justice and the poor must be totally the wrong values for the BNP!
And I thought that was about it – a version of history ending with the British Empire at its height full of the sort of uplifting stories of powerful men taught when a quarter of the globe was coloured pink – a sort of “Boys Own Yarns” meets “1066 and all that”. The makings of a witty little item, perhaps.
But it’s not that simple, and not actually funny at all when you look a bit deeper.
On every page of this site, there’s a flyer for a book called “March of the Titans” by Arthur Kemp. If you click on this, you can buy the book via the BNP’s merchandising site, or you can read it on line. If you do so, you’ll find the whole of human history twisted to support the following:
“revealed in this work is the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world’s greatest empires – that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else – a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution”.Arthur Kemp moved to Britain from a murky past in South Africa in 1996 and is responsible for writing the BNP’s education and training manuals and the content of their website. He also runs the party’s merchandising arm, Excalibur.
If you are under any doubts at all about the ideology still at the heart of the BNP, you’ll find it within the pages of Kemp’s book, in all its ugliness. Note that this isn’t just a link among many other links – it’s an integral part of the BNP’s history section. Some items on the main site are lifted straight from it – “British Genius” is simply Kemp’s list of clever white folks with the non-Brits cut out.
Still, it might not have done the BNP’s reputation much good to include Kemp’s analysis of the Second World War, where sympathies seem to be very much with the Third Reich. He’s full of praise for Nazi science and medicine, and their banning of vivisection, but draws a discreet veil over the issue of how such “progress” was made with the frequent use of unwilling human “guinea pigs”. Here are a few extracts on what Kemp calls the “Second Great Brothers’ War”.
Dunkirk – HITLER LETS BRITISH ESCAPENazi atrocities are given a sinister positive gloss: note the phrases “granted euthanasia” and “mercy killings” for the murder of disabled people.
By 26 May – 16 days into the campaign – the Allied army in the north was trapped along a coastal enclave next to the town of Dunkirk. For reasons which have never been explained (the most common belief is that Hitler wanted to let the British escape so as to facilitate a peace with them at a later stage) the German panzers were deliberately stopped outside the town.
So it was that when Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain on 10 May 1940, his first act the next day was to announce that German cities would be targeted for bombing attacks. The same month the first German cities were bombed by British aircraft. The German air force however avoided bombing British cities, concentrating on the strategically more important airfields and ports, launching the first of these major raids during August 1940.
In the interim, British bombers had been raiding German cities for almost four months: finally, after a bombing raid on Berlin itself, Hitler authorized the Luftwaffe to start bombing British cities in return.
In all, some 5,000 retarded and deformed children were granted euthanasia by the German government before the end of the war – with each case being individually reviewed by a specially appointed committee. The policy of administering euthanasia to retarded and deformed children was then also extended to incurably insane adults. Thanks to the German habit of keeping meticulous records, the exact number of incurably insane adults granted euthanasia is known: 70,273. Although the adult euthanasia project was conducted in secret, it was impossible to conceal such things from the German public, and by 1941, news of the mercy killings had been leaked. Growing public pressure on the Nazi government forced the abandonment of the program in that year.So much for Griffin’s claim to have left the bad old days of Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism behind him; this book so keenly promoted by the BNP also says:
The Concentration Camps
Nazi Germany is however most known for its concentration camps, and particularly those in which large numbers of emaciated and dead prisoners were discovered at the end of the war, and which have become synonymous with any image of that era. The first concentration camps were set up soon after the Nazis came to power, with the best known being Dachau, which is situated to the north of Munich.
These camps were in fact large prisons, and the prisoners were sentenced by civil courts to fixed terms of imprisonment which depended upon the crime committed. These crimes could be overtly political – membership or activism in the banned Communist Party was common – but was also extended to all other crimes, including conventional criminal activities such as theft or robbery. Eventually homosexuals were also interned: although this would only occur quite a while later.
All things said, to have been a Jew in Nazi Germany could not have been a pleasant experience: but, as the over 4.3 million claims against the post war German state from Jews who suffered as a result of this persecution, (by 1998 the German state had paid out over $50 billion in reparations), certainly far fewer died than what is most often claimed. Increasingly, all the evidence urges a complete revision of this aspect of the history of World War Two.
The effect of the Jewish factor was a primary reason for the outbreak of the war and lay behind much of the Allies’ double standards when reacting to German and Soviet aggression at the beginning of the war.
The well known Jewish propensity for business and the ability to accumulate vast amounts of money – a phenomena well known to this day – was the source of much original anti-Jewish feeling.Note particularly the claim that “These events were triggered exclusively by the unflagging US support given to Israel against the Palestinians”. Consider for a moment what our local BNP councillors might have to say if such a comment was made by, say, a Muslim student union officer…
Whether by deliberate plan or accident, the situation has arisen whereby Jews have ended up dominating the mass media forms of both the USA, and to a slightly smaller extent, of Western Europe. The ownership of the mass media by a small group of Jews is well documented and full details are easily obtainable on the Internet. Given the long association between Jews and assorted left-wing causes, varying from hard-core Communism to all manner of pro-Black activities, it is therefore not surprising that the mass media then also mirrors an uniformly pro-non-White message in its portrayal of current events and opinion. This Jewish domination of the mass media means that what is generally construed as ‘public opinion’ is in fact always presented in a way which is as sympathetic as possible to Jewish interests.
This Jewish domination of the media can, and does, have serious consequences, so vividly illustrated by the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York’s World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.. These events were triggered exclusively by the unflagging US support given to Israel against the Palestinians. The fact that the USA – and much of the West – continues to support Israel at any cost – including the deaths of thousands of its own citizens – is the surest evidence yet of the power of the Jewish lobby in both the mass media (which generates ‘public opinion’) and of the Jewish lobby’s famed control over the US government, and to a lesser extent, the governments of Western Europe.
And in case you think it’s just the Jews Kemp despises, here are a few words about Christianity, from the people who are telling us they are the true defenders of the faith:
The introduction of Christianity has to count as the single greatest ideological catastrophe to ever strike Europe.I ’m an agnostic, and my point here is not to defend Christianity, or for that matter Judaism or British strategy in World War Two; it’s to highlight the BNP’s hypocrisy. Their enthusiasm for our “Christian” heritage and sudden keenness to see it promoted in schools is surely exposed here as just another means to divide “us” from “them”.
So it was that Christianity came to be the dominant religion of Europe – the first religion to convert by mass murder. The original White religion had never tried to convert followers upon pain of death, and had never waged a war in its name – and as such it was psychologically unprepared to do battle with a Middle Eastern religion which engendered a genocidal fanaticism amongst its followers. Once the Christians had run out of pagans to kill, they turned upon themselves in a violent and bloody fratricidal conflict which saw the Church split and the various protagonists kill each other in a crazed blood lust.
Remember that this book was written by one of Nick Griffin’s right-hand men, who strongly influences party ideology. The new website might look pretty flashy, but it’s just a new set of sheep’s clothing for the same very dangerous wolf.
Pits'n'Pots - The Radical Press
'So it was that Christianity came to be the dominant religion of Europe – the first religion to convert by mass murder. The original White religion had never tried to convert followers upon pain of death, and had never waged a war in its name'
I've not read the March of the Tits, and if the above is a fair representation of its (lack of) accuracy and level of intellect, I'm glad I haven't!
Surely the first religion to convert by mass-murded and to convert on pain of death was that of the Roman Empire, and Christians were its victims (along with the Druids)? And surely that was a White Religion?
Plus White Europe had had plenty of experience, via the Roman Empire, of Middle-Eastern religions that had launched Holy Wars and attacks and genocide against their enemies - including the Jewish Wars in Palastine, as well as in Persia and Egypt?
On the subject of Egypt, I'll give the BNP credit there - in Roman and earlier times Egypt could be considered 'White' and was only 'African' in terms of geography, but while White and following a White Religion they certainly forced their religion on others by violence - as Pharoah Akhementon, among others, can testify!
By the way, the Druids also murdered those who followed different faiths, or at least those who made a claim to be religious leaders if they were not selected by the boss Druids. The same seems to be true of the Nordic and Germanic religons, certainly in their latter stages, in some places.
Indeed, across Europe the only ones who brought a new religion and practiced tolerance of the existing religions there was, so far as I can see, the Mongols under the early Khans - a very different story after conversion to Islam, but the first wave were amazingly tolerant.
"All things said, to have been a Jew in Nazi Germany could not have been a pleasant experience"
Well, no, not really. For fucks sake.
An excellrnt article that shows Kemp and the BNP up for what they are - nazis through and through.
"These camps were in fact large prisons, and the prisoners were sentenced by civil courts to fixed terms of imprisonment which depended upon the crime committed."
Revisionist crap!!!
Kemp is plain wrong about concentration camps. The Nazis had a system of 'protective custody' - you did not need to be convicted in 'civil courts' in order to end up in the places. In fact more often than not people were sent to concentration camps after they had completed a prison sentence. The regime in these places were brutally harsh - beatings, killings etc.
His 'point' about the incurably insane being 'granted euthanasia' is chracteristically chilling.
"Thanks to the German habit of keeping meticulous records, the exact number of incurably insane adults granted euthanasia is known: 70,273."
Over 70,000 'granted euthanasia'. How kind of them. I wonder how Kemp would feel if one of them was a child or relative of his. I also wonder if the BNP has any policies regarding the disabled.
"Second Great Brothers’ War"
That ludicrous phrase is just nazi-speak for whites fighting whites. The implication is that if the nazis had been black, it would have been fine to wage war on the. As they were white, we should have sided with them.
Arthur Kemp is clearly a racist nazi twat.
I trudged through this grotty pack of lies a few months back, and it's nothing more than the usual Nazi, White Supremacist drivel.
Surely the newspapers should be picking up the fact the Author runs the Oh-So-Squeaky-Clean-Non-Racist-And-Entirely-Legitimate BNP's marketing wing, and you can buy it from them? (Obviously, I'd only ever recommend you buy it if you're already thick, but want to be even thicker...)
An excellent exposure of the BNP's evil "text-book".
Don't suppose there's any chance of Kemp being granted euthanasia any time soon, the cunt?
"Surely the newspapers should be picking up the fact the Author runs the Oh-So-Squeaky-Clean-Non-Racist-And-Entirely-Legitimate BNP's marketing wing, and you can buy it from them?"
They 'exposed' the fact that Kemp is a white supremacist and that his shitty book full of lies was essential reading for the loonies in the BNP about six months back - certainly prior to the June EU elections. What we need is someone who knows about such things to go through the book in detail and point out all the deliberate mistakes, errors and lies in it. A big job but probably worth it. Actually, that would make a good series of articles for Lancaster Unity - March of the Titans disected at the rate of a chapter a month, if anyone could bear to do it. :)
The final chapter of Kemp's book is titled "Ragnarok". Wikipedia has this to say:
In Norse mythology, Ragnarök (pronounced /ˈræɡnərɒk/;[2] Old Norse [rɑɡnɑrøk] "final destiny of the gods"[3]) is a series of major events, including a great battle foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Freyr, Heimdall, and the jötunn Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world resurfaces anew and fertile, the surviving gods meet, and the world is repopulated by two human survivors. Ragnarök is an important event in the Norse canon, and has been the subject of scholarly discourse and theory.
So Kemp appears to be thinking along the same lines as Loony Lee Barnes.
Never mind history - where are the BNP's accounts???
Brilliant article.
If the trolls have such a fascination and love of the old Nordic religion, Odin, thor etc, why then in the history books are we informed that the Nordic states were among the first to embrace Christianity so whole heartedly.
"Surely the newspapers should be picking up the fact the Author runs the Oh-So-Squeaky-Clean-Non-Racist-And-Entirely-Legitimate BNP's marketing wing, and you can buy it from them?"
I don't think so. I have heard Kemp say he loves publicity for his book "because the sales go through the roof" everytime someone mentions it.
March Of The Tits indeed.
The BNP are maintaining their Odinist bullshit despite the fact it is all a racist fairytale.
When Nordic people arrived in Britain, bones and DNA evidence showed they arrived with Morracan immigrants in their longboats, so the whole bullshit idea of the Vikings being racist twats like the BNP is all revisionist spin like the Holocaust denial.
There were a significant number of Black britons living in Roman times, and they were not slaves. Cumbria had a large African community and they intermarried with locals and so anybody who thinks they are pure Aryan British (Anglo-Saxan or whatever) who had ancestors from near Hadrians Wall, might well have secretly have had black descendants.
Best of all, there was a black British emperor in charge of Britain in the second century AD, which goes to prove that we are not a "multicultural experiment", and that multiculturalism is .
When in Rome and all that......
It would be great if Lancaster Unity could post an article on the nutjob Odinist set within the BNP to totally and utterly take the piss out of them.
Green Arrow and Looney Lee Barnes would go absolute apeshit, worrying that if the British public knew the weird beliefs of the BNP, nobody would support them.
The Odinist BNP element are in the majority, as the BNP website has a youth Odin study group that seems to be oh-so-sinister, and reflects a dangerous white supremacist Survivalist religious cult where kids are both brainwashed and abused.
So far, none of the tabloids have focused upon the BNP's Odinism, but if the Sun or the Daily Mail did, the BNP would be finished once and for all.
In the RWB, BNP members were filmed making a sacrifice to Odin.
The voters of Barking should be told that the BNP are far too barking for barking.
British people do not like weird religious cults, and would not take kindly to the exposing of the neo-nazi party's achiles heel.
So please write an article to turn up the pressure, Ketlan!
The attacks on Christainity by Kemp in his book is an almost word-for-word rehash of the anti-Christian comments made by Adolf Hitler from the book "Hitler's Table Talk".
The rest seems to be a reprise of David Irving's whitewashing of the Nazi regime.
Mr. Kemp is hardly an original thinker, is he?
I wonder how the fraudulent 'Reverend' Robert West feels about all this mad Odin worship?
The BNP are Racial Odinists and loathe Christianity. Joe Public must know the truth about the BNP's worship of weird nonexistant Norse Gods!
Yes, Lee Barnes will send out both bullshit legal threats and (while trolling) death threats, but he's nothing but a cowardly keyboard warrior who is all mouth and no brains.
I agree! Please Ketlan, do an article dissing the BNP's Odinism!
It would be bloody hilarious, especially showing a picture of the RWB Odin sacrifice, which might still up be on YouTube, if you search hard enough.
Lancaster Unity should be open season on Odin, big-time.
Fuck Odinists Darby, Tierney, Barnes, Morris, Red Squirrel, Cromie, and the whole cocksucking lot of them!
Pretty soon, the Green Arrow blog will be shitting itself with the return of the Odinist topic.
Sure is!
Odinism is the BNP's achiles heel. Expose the core Norse philosphies of the BNP and no-one will vote for them.
Hopefully popular anti-racist blog "Nothing British" will get in on the act also, followed by the Sun and the Daily Mail.
The BNP has a Youth Odin Study Group.
Which other party in British politics operates a sinister religious cult for kids.
Wander if Searchlight has intestigated Kemp's role in this sect????????
"Mein Kemph" loves the kiddies too!!!
It's true. There's plenty of dirt to dig if you look for it.
Seek and you shall find!
Every time Lancaster Unity blog mentions Odinism, Green Arrow loses his rag.
Odinism is wacko Morris's "sacred cow".
Exposing Odinism will stop the BNP having any success in Barking. Yes, mention the racism, sexism, nazism and homophobia, but please oh please don't forget the Odinism.
Kemp should now be called "Mein-Kemp".......
Hope Not Hate should issue "Truth Pamphlets" about the BNP's love of Odinism and hatred of Christianity, to hand outside churches in mostly-white areas where chruchgoing white working and middle class pensioners might be inclined to vote BNP.
Put them off voting BNP by revulsion. It's a sure thing!
Odinist twat Green Arrow is shitting himself as we now speak.
God said...
I wonder how the fraudulent 'Reverend' Robert West feels about all this mad Odin worship?
If you don't know, nobody does.
I'm sure Ketlan and Denise have enough to do with running the blog(s). Can't someone volunteer to write an article for them?
I just read that Arthur KKKemp is to stand in Wigan at the GE.
I just read that Arthur KKKemp is to stand in Wigan at the GE.
I heard he was going to stand in the West Midlands. That will be interesting to see whose info is right.
I know its of subject but could we investigate and possibly write an article on who has paid for the 30 odd people to go to the EU to pose with Gri££in for his latest video. Its either the taxpayer or bnp members. Either way there's going to be a lot of people pissed off!
Where are the accounts?
Ragnarok is just completing the audit!
Thanks for all the support, hope there's useful stuff for campaigning in here.
To the suggestion "What we need is someone who knows about such things to go through the book in detail and point out all the deliberate mistakes, errors and lies in it.", life may be too short for anyone to do it all, but I've certainly not finished with it. Can't promise a chapter a month as there's other stuff to do in Stoke...
Re the comment that sales of the book go up when it gets a mention, that's hilarious - thick bloody Nazis, they can read it on line free of charge!
@ Plane Jane
'To the suggestion "What we need is someone who knows about such things to go through the book in detail and point out all the deliberate mistakes, errors and lies in it.", life may be too short for anyone to do it all, but I've certainly not finished with it. Can't promise a chapter a month as there's other stuff to do in Stoke...'
Whenever you get anything further, we'd be very happy to post it here at Lancaster Unity. Keep up the excellent work. :-)
If you would like to throw bits and pieces at me on the BNP and Odenism, and point me in the right direction what to gen up on, I certainly have the time on my hands, would be happy to put something reasonably respectable together.
"Keep up the excellent work. :-)"
Me too. Bloody good stuff.
On his new website, under his alias Sir Percival, friendless BNP ranting twat Green Arrow AKA Paul Morris calls Islam an "insane and mentally devious cult".
What the fuck is Odin worship for God's sake??????
Who in their right minds would worship Norse Gods?
There are fascist and ant-fascist polytheists just as there are fascist and anti-fascist Christians. I know people who think the gods literally exist. I think they are myths, meaningful stories. Thor's hammer protects mankind from hostile elements personified as giants. Odin and Thor die fighting the giants.
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