As usual, every opportunity will be taken during the 'rally' to rip the membership off in any way possible, and that begins with the party holding this event at the ghastly New Kimberley Hotel, on Blackpool's New South Promenade (see map, left). Regular readers of the blog may have fond memories of the New Kimberley from a number of articles, not least the one which related Blackpool Council's prosecution of the hotel, which they described as 'grimy', 'filthy' and 'a hazard to humans'. It's no wonder the BNP gathers there, then.
If you object to the BNP, it's time to make your voice heard. Blackpool and Fleetwood Unite Against Fascism is organising an anti-fascist rally outside the New Kimberley for 12 noon this coming Saturday (20th). Bring banners, placards, whistles, drums, megaphones and anything else to make yourself and your objections to the BNP heard (or seen), and bring your friends with you. Also, circulate any organisation you are a part of, to let them know about the demo and to help spread the word. The BNP might think it's on a roll at the moment but it's clear that the vast majority of people do not support it and do not want it in Blackpool or anywhere else.
Get down to Blackpool on Saturday at 12 noon and let the nazis know they're not welcome. The New Kimberley is at 585-589 New South Promenade, Blackpool FY4 1NQ. The demo will be directly in front of it.
No Pasaran!
"Get down to Blackpool on Saturday at 12 noon and let the nazis know they're not welcome. The New Kimberley is at 585-589 New South Promenade, Blackpool FY4 1NQ. The demo will be directly in front of it."
I know the place and I'll be there.
I'll be there and shouting!!!
Some celebration?
■7pm Celebration Starts - Music and Food
■8pm Comedian Frank Waller
■8.30pm BNP super star Joey Smith
■9pm Karaoke and disco
If that was on in the village club I wouldn't bother and this one you have to put up with the company of fascists as well!
BTW if the Kimberly lives up to past reports of it's cleanleness they maybe they'll come away with alittle something else :-)
I'll be there!!
Looks like we'll be demonstrating as the fascists arrive
Please make sure you travel down safely. The demo starts at the same time as their rally and we know from past experience that the fascists are prone to attacking anti-fascists.
"Looks like we'll be demonstrating as the fascists arrive"
Nah, most of them will arrive the night before eager to hear Joey Smith and his fucking awful 'music'.
"we know from past experience that the fascists are prone to attacking anti-fascists."
They are. Two were attacked last year and a woman was spat at. Nazi scum.
Bloody brilliant timing this, as I know that the GMB congress are in Blackpool this week.
If any of you are members and can get hold of your union reps it might be a good idea to tip them off.
Friends would then have a ready made crowd on hand to demonstrate.
I'll be there with my 14 year old girlfriend
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"we know from past experience that the fascists are prone to attacking anti-fascists."
"They are. Two were attacked last year and a woman was spat at. Nazi scum."
Yes, I was that woman. I'm taking my anti-bacterial gel this time!
A grotty boozer in Miles Platting and a dilapidated B&B in Blackpool. What a classy bunch those Nazis are.
Celebration my arse!
It's a great time to remind the tabloid newspapers who will be mentioning the conference about Collett and Hannam.
This should be enough to piss off Cyclops and his neo-nazi cronies.
Tourist: Excuse me, are there any cockroaches at the New Kimberly Hotel?
Local: Yes! Griffin... Brons... Collett...
Waiter, there is a Nazi in my soup!
New Kimberly bedbugs threaten to strike, claiming BNP blood is a toxic hazard.
Bring your cameras to film any neo-nazi violence. Why should Redwatdh take all the pictures?
Fucking right i will be down there.
They only attacked those who strayed, in truly 'heroic' fashion:
Judging by the spelling, they shouldn't be too hard to out wit, innit!
BNP also won three council seats last week under first-past-the-post. They didn't win the Euro seats because of "the peculiarities of the system of proportional representation." They won because people voted for them.
More precisely, they won because massive numbers of people couldn't be bothered to vote for anyone at all.
That's what happens when you don't pay attention and don't give a shit.
The words "bE3WARE, BNP KIDDY FIDDLERS" should be used on several banners, to make people aware of what Hannam and Collett tried to do to a pair of fourteen year old girls recently at this hotel.
Were the mums of the two girls, Blackpool seafront prostitutes, not that it excuses anything?
The police should have investigated the incident, tracking down the kids and their mums. Does make you wander if the cops were paid off.
Think the police might be waiting this time.
'Were the mums of the two girls, Blackpool seafront prostitutes, not that it excuses anything?'
We don't know and we don't want to know. Just watch those allegations, folks. Some of the comments I've just had to delete would have had us in court in five minutes flat!
"We'll give you soap dodgers a fucking good kicking".
Hey folks, the Combat18 element is still alive and kicking in the BNP.
Thanks Lancaster Unity for allowing this violent thuggish football hooligan-style neo-nazi troll to remind us what the BNP are about with their bigotry, death threats and promises of violence.
Indeed - Blogs have to steer clear of any such controversy. Well said Ketlan.
However, maybe the News Of The World can get to the truth about Collett and Hannam grooming underage girls for sex at the New Kimberley Hotel in Blackpool. They are experts at investigating such stories.
Indeed, Mayia! I hope indeed the police keep a firm watch on kiddy-fiddlers Hannam and Collett, as well as the rest of the Nazis. I have teenage daughters of my own and the thought of bnp perverts trying to sleep with them makes me physically sick!
It was disgusted BNP members themselves (now ex-members) who revealed what went on at that hotel. These are the very witnesses the News Of The World journalists want to trace.
'"We'll give you soap dodgers a fucking good kicking".
Hey folks, the Combat18 element is still alive and kicking in the BNP. Thanks Lancaster Unity for allowing this violent thuggish football hooligan-style neo-nazi troll to remind us what the BNP are about with their bigotry, death threats and promises of violence.'
In case you're wondering where it's gone, I just deleted it by mistake. Oops. Sorry.
'However, maybe the News Of The World can get to the truth about Collett and Hannam grooming underage girls for sex at the New Kimberley Hotel in Blackpool. They are experts at investigating such stories.'
We're referred to this story repeatedly and I know a lot of the media is aware of it. The problem is that nobody seems to want to take it further. Why? Is this (as we're often told) proof that the BNP/Griffin/Collett is/are State-run? Is the government giving the BNP enough rope to hang itself? Or is there simply not enough solid evidence? Who the hell knows...
Someone out there in a position of authority knows why Collett and Hannam were not investigated.
It's still not too late for the authorities to investigate the case, and the press to take sworn afedevits from witnesses, but will they dare, if indeed MI5 have told people to keep their distance over this case?
It seems so unreal that both Hannam and Collett are free to walk the streets after such a heinous crime of attempted child abuse.
Questions must indeed be asked why the fecking hell???
Ooh! There's evidence out there, especially amongst the former rebels, many of whom took issue over Nick Griffin for being complicit in the crime by covering up Collett and Hannam's sickening crime.
When the Decembrist rebellion broke, the Blackpool incident was the straw that broke the camel's back, thus lots of them must have witnessed what went on.
Other good witnesses would be some of the BNP security team who dragged Collett and Hannam from the room allegedly with their pants already down, saving the girls from being abused at the last minute.
Along with the girls' parents, these are the people who witnessed what went on, that the police and the press ought to track down.
The lily-livered so-called rebels from NNW know that went on in the New Kimberley Hotel!
But will they speak to the press and the cops, or will they continue to cling to Cyclop's coat tails like the misguided cowards they are.
By being loyal to Gri££in, any rebels or "refuse-nicks" who failed to go to the authorities about Collett and Hannam are, by assisting their cover up, privy to the crime of attempted child abuse/child rape, whatever would have gone on in that sordid, filthy hotel room.
How many of these same people have kids of their own?
The silent witnesses must have been so proud of keeping their cowardly mouths shut about these sick incident just so Gri££in would safely win his seat in Europe.
It's not too late for witnesses to the crime to report Collett and Hannam to the police for child abuse, if anyone know knows anything is reading this.
Whether anyone will, however is another matter, especially when everyone past or presently involved with the BNP are so scared of Nick "The Cyclops" Griffin.
Griffin didn't look so threatening when eggs were hurled his way, so I really cannot understand why party dissadents are scared to speak out about what went on in Blackpool.
Lily-livered is an understatement.
The rebels were gutless to the extreme, and thanks to their silence, Collett and Hannam are free to roam the streets of Britain without so much as a listing on the Child Sex Offenders Register.
I live in Blackpool and I am glad there is more organising of counter demos in hand against the BNP.
People should turnb out in force to shout these vermin down. The only way forward is for direct action on the streets, to tlel these people there is no place for homophobia, racism and discrimination.
My grand family was at the famous battle of Brick Lane when Moseley's facists were smashed to pieces. This should be an inspiration to us all.
Smash them into pieces!
So much for the BNP being the party of "family values".
Hopefully seeing Collett and Hannamm arriving at the hotel will stir people's consciences to come clean about the incident.
I know for certain the story will not die within far right circles as many people know what went on but are continuing to keep quiet for party loyalty reasons.
nick griffin ordered a party coverup.he kept the police and the reporters at bay
I think banging on about the BNP being 'state protected' is a bit of a dead horse that doesnt need flogging any more! (Let the pond life of the nutzie forums have that little nugget to ponder).... it matters not about any of it... they need to be cleverly hounded constantly..... lets face it, cyclops and the rest of the pig shit are gonna fuck up soon, and we need to be there!
Hope these silent witnesses are proud of their actions at keeping british national party child abusers out of prison.
Griffo has got his millions of euros now. The witnesses might as well come clean now and rid the streets of fascist perverts.
Can't believe how this was all hushed-up.
Hope Peedoboy Collett and Handjob Hamman can finally get arrested one day.
All I can think, most of the witnesses are loners without kids of their own who grossly fail to gauge the enormity of the situation.
I hope the newly formed group "Mothers Against Pervs" will have their banner there.
I hear they've got more members than "London Mothers Against Knives" and they're only 30 seconds old!
evil bastards!
The whole world needs to know the dreadful history of the Kimberley and the sickening day when Collett and Hannam got ready to sexually assualt two tearful fourteen year old girls in one of the upstairs rooms.
I like this video, especially when the posh (aforementioned) pederast wets his pants:
Mark Collett used to use FaceParty to solicit young girls, but now he is on Facebook, which is a warning to the parents young girls living in West Yorkshire.
Secret copper Trevor Agnew is part of the Collett/Hannam cover-up if you dont already know but it goes much much higher up the state ladder.
Any other political party or group with kiddyfiddlers in their top brass wouldn't dare hide it from it's membership and voters. Such people would be immediately reported to the police, and their feet wouldn't touch the ground as they were booted out of the party.
As I have said many times before on this forum and on other forums.
The BNP is the British Nonces Party
Lee (Mental) Barnes Goes Ballistic ! So keep this simple truth alive.
Remember the existance of the BNP leadership is proof that Tyndal and Pigs can have sexual relations.
Old Sailor
Mods Joytree at SF and Tommy and Sid banned nationalists who tried to expose the full truth about Collett as the BNP showed it well and truly didnt respect free speech
Mark Collett was a noted admirer of Andrew Wells (Wellsy), the Blackburn fellow pervert who was actually convicted for coincidentally raping fourteen year old girls himself last year.
No coincidence that both Wells and Collett were both incharge of youth wings of the far right movement (Wells, NF Blackburn Youth, and Collett, the Young BNP).
Just like paedophiles may join the boy scouts or the priesthood just to get near youngsters they can abuse, so too Collett and Wells did this by managing Hitler-youth like organisations with easy access to kids to take advantage of, and abuse.
One of the most vocal rebel supporters who helped Griffin brush the incident under the carpet was Lancaster Griffinite BNP double-agent Chris Hill who is a slimy dollop of shit.
Griffinwatch spills the beans about the incident and yet the Sun and the NoW have turned their eyes the other way.
On page 2, Issue two of the March 2009 HOPE & GLORY, in the article about 22-year old paedophile, James Chester, Griffin sternly claimed:
"Under the BNP. Paedophiles like Chester would be ruthlessly dealt with by the forces of law and order".
This obviously doesn't include their own child touchers, who get off scott-free in the sick and sordid BNP morality jungle.
Come on, tabloid newspapers. Seek out the witnesses of the incident and publish all of the gory facts about the child abuse incident for the good of society.
Both girls came downstairs badly shaken and distressed after the incident. It happened just three years ago, but it is likely they will never get over the attempted sexual assault as they were not given the help from police and social service counsellors all because the crime was brushed under the carpet by Herr Griffin.
Nick Griffin you make me physically sick as much as paedophiles Hannam and Collett.
Kenny Smith led the cover up on behalf of Cyclops: -
I read this on the net recently from one of the silent witnesses: -
"With all due respect Chris you were not in the hotel bar when Collett and Hannam came in with the 14 and 15 year old girls and I was and so was Kenny Smith and several others. We all could tell they were underage as soon as they walked through led by Collett and many of us said as much to each other including the barman.
When the girls came back down complaining about the demands for sex it was even more obvious they were children and it was Kenny Smith who persuaded them not to go to the press with the mobile phone footage and promised them that Collett and Hannam would be disciplined by the party.
One of the girls bluetoothed the footage to Kenny and I believe he gave it to security (pos. Martin Reynolds) the next morning.
If Kenny hadn't persuaded them and their mother - who arrived later with a security guy - out of going to the press Collett and Hannam would have had to be expelled, but such a media furore would also have been very damaging for the party."
Sending coverage to pervy swinger Reynolds was probably not the best idea however he probably has still got the entire film which he can use to blackmail Griffin, Collett and Hannam to ensure he cannot be dumped from his priviliged position in the bnp's security team.
A number of top-ranking members of the BNP colluded to cover-up a high profile child abuse crime that would turn every parent against voting for the BNP ever again
It's not rocket science. The the New Kimberley Hotel management would have been witnesses, including the infamous barman who had initially noticed the girls Hannam and Collett had forced back to the hotel were young kids not adults.
‘Rights for White paedophiles’
Where's Noncewatch when you bloody well need them!
The New Kimberley Hotel is now widely famous for just three things: -
1) Nazi thugs
2) Unhygenic food
3) Sexual assault on underage girls
It's a wander anyone else with half a brain bothers to stay there!
The link between fascism and sexual predators is legendary. The disproportionate number of BNP, NF and BPP members who have committed serious sexual offences including paedophilia rape and bestiality (horse sex - John Walker) is far greater than in the general population.
Why? - The neo-nazi quest for a fabled racial purity can never be achieved, because it entails subscribing to an equally mythical sexual morality, which can also never be achieved because of, from what it seems, the inherent sexual immortality and behaviour of many BNP and NF members (be it adultery, animal pornography, swingers orgies, the use of prostitutes, rape, sex parties, etc). Given this undeniable fact, BNP members on Scumfront, on their blogs and websites will project their sexual-cum-racial angst onto the fantasy figure(s) of the marauding ‘ethnic’/Black/Asian/Muslim rapist and paedophile who targets white women and girls.
However whenever a BNP neo-nazi themselves commits a ‘White-on-White’ crime, be it sexual or general, the BNP will always seek to cover it up until there is a personal dispute between BNP members, when the truth may eventually come out.
BNP neo-nazis put party self-interest ahead of both morality and party rhetorick (race and nation).
The BNP are thus sick individuals who sell out their supposed principles to defend their leaders!
Collett groped an underage girl at a Sunderland get-together but the cops and the press turned a usual blind eye to this incident also, sadly.
With the renewed interest in the Blackpool kiddyfiddling incident (plus Sunderland and several other occasions) would be for the neo-nazi party to help clean up its image by sacking both "PeedoBoy" and "Handjob" before this Saturday's conference, but it ain't gonna happen.
Having paedophiles in your party is a million, billion, trillion times worse than anything committed under the expenses scandal, which is why the Sun and the News Of The World ought to make a long weekend of it and seek out the witnesses of the incident, however the truth of the matter is, despite covering up such sickening illegal acts of attempted child rape, Cyclops n is scared shitless of Paedo Boy turning turning Queens Evidence.
There is a sickening dose of anti-semitism on Lee Barnes's blog, showing the BNP is just as old school nazi as ever.
This is how a (swastika-symbol-using) hardcore nazi member of Scumfront called "Three11s" defended Mark Collett and David Hannam's actions, a couple of months ago on Scumfront: -
03-19-2009, 01:42 PM #10
Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 172
Re: footage proves hannam and collett took underage girls back to their room at blackpool
Im not condoning this of course but as a young bloke its very hard to tell how old a girl is and they all seem to lie throu their teeth (like most women) so its a tricky for a man who likes drink and a bit of skirt".
What's Nick Griffin got to hide that PeedoBoy knows about him, and would publically reveal if they went to the police about his attempted rape of the two young girls?
The words of another pro-peadophile BNP member on Stormfront: -
"They took a few young birds back to their rooms after the dancing or whatever. My mates do this every week of life".
Depends what sort of mates you have. Mine are not kiddie-fiddlers.
Hopefully there will be several banners alerting people to the child-molesting potential of the BNP gatherers at the New Kimberly Hotel. I wouldn't let my kids walk alone past that sick, evil venue, when perverts like Collett and Hannam are lurking inside, primed for action.
The BNP are disgusting.
Don't mean to rock the boat here but paedophiles are heavily represented in the Lib-Dems and Labour parties. So they might just remind everyone of that. They have a list apparently.
'Don't mean to rock the boat here but paedophiles are heavily represented in the Lib-Dems and Labour parties.'
Sadly, they are probably in all parties. The big difference is that when exposed, so to speak, the party doesn't conspire to cover up for them.
'The disproportionate number of BNP, NF and BPP members who have committed serious sexual offences including paedophilia rape and bestiality (horse sex - John Walker) is far greater than in the general population.'
To be a little fairer to Walker, I think there was some horse-related porn found on his computer, which is a little different from bestiality. Also, though I could be corrected here, didn't he blame Hannam and Collett for it being there?
why haven't these allegations appeared on Searclight and in the Mirror etc?
Does anybody know who these girls are, and if they believe they were victims?
I think it's very important that they are in agreement with any calls for a newspaper publishing a BNP exposé about it, and in fact any reference to it as paedophilia.
Searchlight featured them last year, but nobody in the police or the press listened. They were also covered by Hope Not Hate if I remember right, but still no arrests.
Conspiracy or what?
Attempting to sleep with a minor is indeed classified by the crown prosecution service as paedophilia.
Collett and Hannam must be brought to task, and if the protests outside the Kimberley remind people what went on, maybe the police and the tabloid media will sit up and take notice.
Collett and Hannam should have been banged up in jail by now, but they are sadly still at large to prey on young girls as they please, the filthy evil perverts.
The human horse-shagging pics can be seen by some as a bit of a laugh (though still illegal to download such pictures under British Law), whereas child abuse is deadly, deadly serious, and punishable by extremely long prison sentences in sex offender wings.
The reason the BNP attracts anti-social deviants like Peedoboy and Handjob is cos the whole philosophy of hate is geared to attract the dregs and scum of society who wouldnt normaly give a fuck about politics but swimming in a fetid stangant pond inhabited by fellow pondlife they feel powerful and they are superior to most other people including non-white people.
Its a power trip thing.
Intent is just as serious as action. Indeed when it comes to the potential of adults to sexually abuse young people, would-be paedophiles who just so much as casually click on a small handful of indecent child photos have been locked up for a very long time.
The fact that BNP security prevented actual contact, rape, etc. from happening, (according to several witnesses on the net), doesn't lessen the crime one single bit.
When it comes to child molestation, intent is four fifths of the law!
lock the cunts up!
"They took a few young birds back to their rooms after the dancing or whatever. My mates do this every week of life".
The pro-paedophilia BNP fiend on the stormfront neo-nazi forum who condoned Collett and Hannam's actions is disgusting and vile. Their actions were indefencable,
Young underage girls cannot be described as "birds"!!!
It's as bad as London BNP candidate Erikson condoning rape!
Isn't child porn the only crime that you can't report to the police as an eyewitness?
My Best wishes to all of you in the action later today.
I've heard that some of the rebel Fash refer to Collett as KFC (I can't think what that might stand for).
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