Apparently, this is a picture of Kevin Smith, whose crowning achievement to date is putting a pigs head on Dudley Mosque. Captions please (and thank you to Searchlight for such a delightful image).
"Marlene Guest, marry me and I'll let you cook me my pies!"
Inside this inadequate knuckle-dragging fascist exterior, a well-rounded, intelligent, warm human being is struggling to get out. I know that for a fact - I only ate him half an hour ago.
"Marlene Guest, marry me and I'll let you cook me my pies!"
which do you prefer? My EDL tattoo or my manboobs???????
'Join the edl and get a free fondle of my manboobs'.
Thanks Lancaster Unity for keeping us all abreast of the day's events.
"Who ate all the pies?" -
Uh, I dunno, but fuck Al-Qaeda, sport are troop's.
"I went to the Luton demo and all I got was this lousy boob job"
Inside this inadequate knuckle-dragging fascist exterior, a well-rounded, intelligent, warm human being is struggling to get out. I know that for a fact - I only ate him half an hour ago.
The bit cropped off the top of the banner behind reads "Please, for the love of god, pass him a..."
'Thanks Lancaster Unity for keeping us all abreast of the day's events.'
LOL Very subtle.
SMITH: "No surrender to WeightWatchers".
'They won't let me flash my tits in Saudi Arabia'.
Can you sell me an overpriced EDL bra, Yaxley?
My impression of Marlene Guest!
"Is this what you antifascists mean by EDL tits?"
"35 or 37 double Ds?"
If you don't support the EDL, you can suck my tits!
"My Marlene Guest impression... "
(For all those not in the know, Marlene is the incredibly ugly BNP councillor from Rotehrham who attends EDL marches)
100% Real lard not silica
Great contest. Fascists can't stand having the piss taken out of them!
'They're putting me on page three of the Daily Star!'
"Who needs women on an EDL march when you've got me"...
Antifascist said...
'Thanks Lancaster Unity for keeping us all abreast of the day's events.'
LOL Very subtle.
That was my favourite as well.
No surrender to
the obesity fascists
the 'wear-a-bra' brigade
a masectomy surgeon
We're counting these two as attending the rally! (that should push the numbers up a bit, we'd count our balls if we had any)
Is this one of the 'women' who led the EDL march in Luton yesterday to show they weren't all thugs!
'Look at me, a fine example of the master race'.
No surrender?
No salad either
Muslims go home........& start making me a massive kebab with extra chili sauce
Hello Boys.
I've tried to think of a witty, comical, jape to go alongside this image, but I just can't get the word lard arse out of my head.
Like a lot of people, Milly Tant got a lot more right-wing as she got older.
"Wanna licky my man titties?"
"They're putting me on page three of the Daily Star!"
And page four, and page five...
EDL members reading skills let him down when he responds the the call from Tommy Robinson for flashmobs in town centres.
"Don't arrest me, officer. Instead, COP A FEEL!"
Are you sure it wasn't his own head?
Anonymous said...
Are you sure it wasn't his own head?
10:15 AM, February 07, 2011
We all know where the rest of the pig went though dont we!
"I'm the ultimate poster boy. Put me on page three of the daily star!
"Mr Cameron told me to show you my pecs," said the muscular Liberal.
One village is missing its idiot.
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