July 12, 2009

Midwives reject BNP births scare

A row has broken out between the BNP and members of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), who reject claims that pregnant immigrants are stretching maternity services to breaking point.

A BNP spokesman said this weekend: "The official figures cite an increase of 65% in foreign mothers giving birth to babies in the UK between 2001 and 2007." He claimed that this was putting a huge strain on maternity units.

The debate has spread to Northern Ireland, where a senior midwife, Breedagh Hughes, has accused the BNP of twisting statistics to meet its own ends. "There has been a rise in the birthrate across Northern Ireland and of course the BNP is choosing to blame it on economic migrants. However, this is totally unfounded. People have flooded back to Northern Ireland in recent years because there is peace and regeneration.

"During the bad days of the Troubles we would never have asked a pregnant woman which 'community' she belonged to and we don't ask women now where they are from."

BNP spokesman John Walker said: "We note that they are not disputing the statistics, they are merely saying that it is not a problem, which is hard to believe given the statistics for the increase, and the fact that maternity services are being stretched."



The BBC suck! said...

Sadly Andrew Marr allowed Cyclops to backtrack and water-down his racism and wish to sink boats on the BBC.

It's sad to see that the BBC went through with its promise to interview the neo-nazi nutjob for winning a seat in Europe, and it gives credence to all those people who say that the BNP are favoured by the political establishment for shoring up the War On Terror or whatever reason.

Sadly BBC license-payers money was wasted on allowing the lunatic to broadcast his lies and propaganda on live telly!

Shergar said...

John Walker believes other things besides hospitals are being stretched (lol), with his love of human/horse pornography.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. johnofgwent is now referring to the Beloved Nick as "Griffin".

Do hope there's not going to be a falling out.

Especially as Mr Griffin has reassured the world that no-one wants an all-white Britain.

So, all you BNP canvassers who read this - please remember, yes you want to sink boatloads of immigrants but no, you don't want an all-white Britain (no-one does). Please try to keep up - I have a feeling it's not going to get any easier.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Nick Griffin on Andrew Marr this morning?

james said...

The BBC are up to their old tricks again, claiming that the BNP do not want an all-white Britain, just because their nazi idol Nick Griffin says so.

Talk about muthafuckin gullible!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"It's sad to see that the BBC went through with its promise to interview the neo-nazi nutjob for winning a seat in Europe, and it gives credence to all those people who say that the BNP are favoured by the political establishment for shoring up the War On Terror or whatever reason".

Keeping Grifin out of the media hardly worked during the election campaign, did it? And as Griffin is now an elected MEP he has a right to be interviewed by the media. Rather than just moan about that I'd stick to opposing his politics rather than his right or otherwise to articulate them. And as he's so stupid and rabidly right-wing it's only a matter of time before he says something really destructive to the BNP. It'll probably be about the holocaust or Third Reich in some way.

As for his links with the political establishment, I would have thought that this is made up of representatives of Labour, the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, etc, so I fail to see how the BNP's opponents actually favour the BNP. The war on terror hardly needs the BNP's support. If the political establishment weren't themselves far too right-wing and neglectful of the working class in this country Griffin would never have been elected.

hardbin said...

The problem isn't just interviewing the BNP. It's allowing them to twist negative publicty by allowing them to have the last word.