However, the story doesn’t stop there. SOTS is run by the BNP husband and wife team, Bill and Marie Murray. Mr Murray [pictured, left] is head of the BNP’s Welsh division and his wife is a seasoned activist for the extremist party. SOTS also works in association with FEBA (a Scottish veterans charity that accepted money from the BNP). Mr. Murray is, according to SOTS’s company records (available through companies house), Director and his wife is the Secretary.
Three weeks ago we reported SOTS to the Charities Commission and Trading Standards after we discovered it was claiming to seek charity status and for failing to mention its very close ties to the BNP.
In a letter to Dame Suzi Leather, Chair of the Charities Commission, we wrote that while, the objectives of SOTS were commendable, we were extremely concerned about its attempts to conceal its political connections and thus had the potential to solicit funds from the public under the false impression that it was an entirely unpolitical organisation with no associations to a political party.
In our letter we pressed for “urgent action” and for a thorough investigation. This week, we were informed by the Commission that it would be reporting back to us by October 10th. Trading Standards have acknowledged receipt of our letter but have not yet said whether they will be investigating.
As we have seen with Islamist “charities”, one concern is that members of the public are duped into donating money in good faith and that funds end up in the hands of extremists (in this case the BNP). Another concern is the propaganda value of this association to BNP recruitment teams. Lastly, we believe that fake organisations like SOTS that withhold information about their extremist links undermine the exceptional and genuinely selfless work of groups that are concerned for the welfare of our servicemen and women.
We hope that by reporting groups such as SOTS that socially-minded members of the public will be better protected from front organisations masquerading as authentic veteran groups.
Nothing British
The same Bill Murray who has just been booted from the BNP over laptops and petrol receipts?
Was he pushed / did he jump?
Will he now devote his time and petrol receipts to SOTS?
Another fine con from the bloody BNP.
"Another fine con from the bloody BNP." - it looks a bit that way.....
The website template looks familiar
Bogus charities??
Sound familiar, Roberto Fiore anyone?
You really are lax in your research.
Odd this is registered as a limted company? BNP big wig Jim Dowson has set of dummy companies and non registered charities, we must keep a eye on their illegal activities?
This odd BNP firm only registered in September, we have to wait some time before they file their accounts?
Registered Number: 07018818 - Registered at Companies House on 15/09/2009
Would someone care to elaborate on the Bill Murray getting the big E from the fashies story, please??
It is not unusual for charities to register as limited companies. It is considered easier to administer and generally better practice.
Of course if they want the tax and other benefits of charitable status, they also have to register with and obtain approval from the Charity Commission.
To avoid a late filing penalty the company must send its first accounts have to be sent to Companies House within 21 months of the incorporation date, so by 15 June 2011.
'You really are lax in your research.'
We reprinted the article - we didn't write it. In any case, the article concentrates on this particular fraudulent charity from the BNP, not the history of BNP-linked fraudulent charities. If you have it in you to write such an article, feel free to send it to us.
Ask Simon Darby about fraud? and where all the BNP funds have gone!
Think there's lots of trolls on here dissing or trying to diss all anti-fash stories that haven't yet been reported in mainstream national papers.
It might seem like a safer situation with a bunch of violent racist football hoolies staking out in a pub for five or more hours, but when they finally emerge from Piccadilly Wetherspoons they will be full of dutch courage after five hours hard drinking.
Pints at Wetherspoons are half the price of other bars in Manchester which is why they decided to meet there = more alcohol and less inhibitions.
Diane Leech is now the bnp’s charity fundraiser, they are realy are using the soldiers to try and get political gain, scum.
I deal with a quite a few charities on a daily basis and I don't recall any of them having a company registration number. I've even designed a database system at work which has validation around the company reg, if the company reg is missing then a missing reason has to be entered in order to save the record. The main reason is "Charity" (next to "Government".)
It's about time someone did a search on the old Bailey records for this East End gangster.
the same bill murray who lives of the state and everyone else they now call him billy no friends
I think someone doesn't like bill, and is spitting their dummy out. I wonder who that is then. ha ha like we do not know
Anonymous said...
I think someone doesn't like bill, and is spitting their dummy out. I wonder who that is then. ha ha like we do not know
Shocking, Bill,
and your such a fantasic guy to, who wouldnt like you?
Ho Ho what do we have here?
On the front page of the EDL website
you can find a prominent link to...
Soldiers off the Streets!
The Bill Murray confidence trick swindle!
Let's all make sure that Murray's latest scam after he was caught out stealing money from the BNP suckers also is exposed for the crookery that is.
He has to support his mistress somehow! Let's hope Marie does not find out about her!
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