This temporary proscription was, of course, never placed on Tommy Williams' appalling blog because Griffin makes use of it to attack his enemies, as we have seen here and here.
Once the election was over and the stagnation of the BNP had become apparent, Griffin lifted his decree, thus allowing the current free for all where any BNP member with internet access can set up a blog and talk utter rubbish in the name of the party. This has led to an explosion in pro-BNP blogs, most of which are toe-curlingly bad. Far worse though, are the blogs that have been started - some very recently - by those the party regards as the elite, and the most elite of that bunch is, depressingly, the party's deputy-leader and National Press Officer Simon Darby.
Darby, a well-known twitcher (or birdwatcher, to us mere mortals) has the habit of filling his blog posts with a mixture of drivel about how wonderful the BNP is, which birds are popping their heads up at any given moment, sport, his household chores and, bizarrely, big cat crap.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Yesterday, those of us stupid enough to bother ventured over to his blog page only to be confronted with a post about redwings, rugby, Jean-Marie LePen, some tosh about Gordon Brown and an enormous picture of some 'possible' big cat droppings found 'not more than half an hours drive from [his] doorstep'. You'd think the deputy-leader of what he would like us to believe is the fastest-growing political party ever would have better things to do than show us pictures of cat crap from about thirty miles past his front door.
Strangely, this apparently random meandering through Darby's brain seems not to have endeared him to the BNP membership. Quite the opposite in fact. We're informed that several BNP members are pleading with anyone who will listen for the return of the former Press Officer Dr. Phil Edwards (or Stuart Russell, his real name). Even though he was frequently sloshed shortly after opening time and was often extremely rude to those newspapers who he felt had angered or misrepresented him, he did at least blog about the party and its politics occasionally. With him, we got an awful lot of bullshit but, thankfully, no cat crap.
Funny stuff.
"With him, we got an awful lot of bullshit but, thankfully, no cat crap."
Great line!
Personally I think both of them are f**king eejits.
Could Simon Darby please remove me from his blog site.
I find it offensive.
after watching recent articles and posts on this site i have come to the conclusion you people are also against wildlife,nature and animals in general.I have looked at mr darbys blog page and find his love of wildlife very is a good "blog" site not a "blag" site
"after watching recent articles and posts on this site i have come to the conclusion you people are also against wildlife,nature and animals in general."
Nice pisstake.
"after watching recent articles and posts on this site i have come to the conclusion you people are also against wildlife,nature and animals in general.I have looked at mr darbys blog page and find his love of wildlife very is a good "blog" site not a "blag" site"
The only animals we are "against" are the racist thugs of the BNP. The only "wildlife" we are against, is the vicious racism of the BNP.
The only "nature" we are against is the nature of the BNP to victimise people because of their colour or religion.
"Blag" site is probably the more apt description, because like most things from the BNP, it is another attempt to con the electorate and general public that they resemble anything like ordinary decent people.
Have you seen the Covert site today Ketlan? They obviously took exeption to your comments in the peice on Sharon Eubanks.
'Have you seen the Covert site today Ketlan? They obviously took exeption to your comments in the peice on Sharon Eubanks.'
i wondered how long it would take you to blog the cat crap.
Darby is obviously trying to mimick griffin who when he does update his'chairmans blog' fills it with worthless chatter about his farm.....Darby seems to be following the trend of just worthless chatter.
In the words of Mark Collett "Williams is a wanker and a paedo. If he crossed me I would have him done."
Of course, he had just bought faux viagra off of Arthur bentley at the times.
Williams ought to be careful.
Very much so.
Tommy knows he's treading on thin ice.
I'd leave it for now.
In the words of Mark Collett "Williams is a wanker and a paedo. If he crossed me I would have him done."
Williams may be all those things and more but can't Collet do ANYTHING for himself. When's he going to fight his own battles. The statement above makes him sound like a total coward and a total prat. When's the BNP gonna purge itself of this little cretin.
'When's the BNP gonna purge itself of this little cretin.'
Not until Griffin retires, is my guess.
Oh indeed. Williams is so scared that he's as good as put his tongue up Ketlans arse in his latest crawl.
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