An Old Bailey judge said Neil Lewington, 43, from Reading, must serve at least six years in jail. He was convicted in July of having explosives with intent to endanger life and preparing for acts of terrorism.
The trial heard Lewington (pictured, left), who was arrested at a station, was developing a bomb-making factory in his bedroom. He was carrying components for two home-made bombs when he was arrested last October.
Lewington's arrest on a train at Lowestoft station in Suffolk was by chance, after he had been abusing a female train conductor. A search of his bag uncovered the home-made bombs. Later investigation of his bedroom at his parents' home in Tilehurstm Berkshire, found weedkiller, firelighters, three tennis balls with diagrams on how to convert them into shrapnel bombs, firework powder, electrical timers and detonators.
A notebook labelled "Waffen SS UK members' handbook" included a "device logbook" of drawings of electronics and chemical mixtures.
During the trial, Lewington was described as a loner who had been unemployed for 10 years after losing his last job owing to drunkenness, and who had also not spoken to his father for a decade. The court heard he spent time searching for girlfriends on chatlines, where he made racist remarks and spoke of converting tennis balls into bombs.
His defence QC had argued Lewington was just an "oddball" and was not a terrorist, but "a big pest, a nuisance". But he was convicted of seven out of eight explosives and terrorism charges.
A fantastic picture of the master race there!
OH what an ugly face and those sticky out ears.
Why do they all look as though they have come from the same mould.
oh my
what an angry man
Any chance of some sensible debate about this story or are you going to compete with each other to see who can come up with the silliest comment about how this idiot looks?
What I want to know is, who was he working with - or for? This man didn't own a computer and police have found no evidence that he was a member of any known far-right group or political party. So where was he getting his information and knowledge from?
Is this is worrying new development - a truly underground and clandestine new far-right terror group? Or just a lone crank, as much a danger to himself as the public?
Fortunately in this case, the man was such an idiot that he didn't even have the decency to use a public toilet, thus inviting attention from the police.
Nonetheless, a possible worrying development.
The Sky News comments section on this story is a joy to behold
"His defence QC had argued Lewington was just an 'oddball' and was not a terrorist, but 'a big pest, a nuisance'."
And that's what was said in his defence!!
"The Sky News comments section on this story is a joy to behold"
Yeah - Loads of exclamation marks (!!!!!!), CAPITAL LETTERS, bad speeling and comments stating this poor, misunderstood man is a victim of ZaNuLab P.C. 'Gestapo' blah, blah, blah.
They all look like they come out of the same mould because they do!
There's nothing wrong with taking the piss out of these losers, rather than being po-faced all the time. After all, make them uncool and kids will giggle at the mere sight of these freaks.
Intellectual criticism is all good and well, but sometimes it's rather fun to make fun of ebil Nazis.
sorry did not mean to offend anon. but now and then a little light humour is needed.
otherwise we could all sink into deep depression.
'Any chance of some sensible debate about this story or are you going to compete with each other to see who can come up with the silliest comment about how this idiot looks?'
But he really does like look a mad bastard.
'What I want to know is, who was he working with - or for? This man didn't own a computer and police have found no evidence that he was a member of any known far-right group or political party. So where was he getting his information and knowledge from?'
There's access to the internet all over the place now - in pubs, libraries and for all I know, public loos.
'Is this is worrying new development - a truly underground and clandestine new far-right terror group? Or just a lone crank, as much a danger to himself as the public?'
If he was working with an organised group, I'm sure that fact would have emerged during the case.
David Copeland didn't own a computer.
"But he really does like look a mad bastard"
Say's the former animal rights extremist and oddball ketlan ossowski who looks like a deranged nutcase.
This poor bastard makes Paul Morris looks vaguely normal. I doubt he 'works' for anyone. He 'plotted' to turn tennis balls into grenades for Christs sake! My guess this bizarre losers 'political awakening' consisted of reading to much Sven Hassel. He may have got his greasy mitts on a copy the anarchists cook book. I expect they'll but him in a cell with Jack Tweed!
It had to happen - Lancaster Unity has been invaded by argumentative, pointlessly criticising trolls with a few braincells more than average (although still mentally lacking), who are starting to attack Lancaster Unity from within, criticising LU from all angles, from disagreeing with calling the BNP nazis, through to insisting that taking the piss out of racist psycopaths is wrong.
If you ask me, the British far right must be rattled if they are trying to "divide and conquer LUnity with such bullshit.
Laughter is the best way at defeating the far right - Ask Charlie Chaplin and numerous other comedians and comedy writers who have made racists, fascists and neo-nazis squirm by spotting the compulsive, anti-social mannerisms that exist within the politics of race hate, and pointing them out to the wider public to illustrate how submornal somebody of such ilk is.
The BNP is full of mingers, and it has been claimed that many social misfits were bullied at school because of their looks, which is why they went into far right politics in the first place.
I feel sorry for anybody bullied, but sometimes it is very necessary to point out unusual physical and mental characteristics to get rid of all illusions of coolness and hero status that exist.
Hitler was small, and by pointing this out when assasinating his character, one got a feeling of how his lack of height might have led to his inferiority complex.
The Xmas BNP Minger Vote was excellent in just this, showing that the BNP are not the master-race, but are human beings excluded from the rest of society who are trying to take bitter revenge against the society which excluded them by attacking scapegoats (Muslims, black and Asian people, Jews, Gay people and Lesbians, etc).
Thus, it's not just about light-hearted relief. Piss-taking has a public function in the fight against organised racists and fascists.
Some racists are more hi-tec than others, but whatever level of technology they use, all are equally as dangerous to society.
He does look like a fruitloop, and I don't give a shit if the trolls are offended.
Neo-Nazis like this piece of shit are indeed the thick, ugly, fuckwits that they appear to be, and thus, they deserve everything they get in the way of piss-taking!!!
"Any chance of some sensible debate about this story or are you going to compete with each other to see who can come up with the silliest comment about how this idiot looks?", said the Stormfront BNP troll, trying to divide and conquer the anti-fashists at Lancaster Unity, to throw them off their stride!
The BNP trolls have drawn balls with their supposed intellectual criticism, posing as anyti-fascists unhappy with Lancaster Unity, when in fact they are not anti-fascists at all, but are cheeky, crafty members of the BNP.
Call yourselves busted, losers.
Get a life instead of trolling the feckin' net like no-life nerds.
You might even get girlfriends, LOL
"three tennis balls with diagrams on how to convert them into shrapnel bombs"
The psycho "nationalist" had found a way to help British tennis players win Wimbledon.
"This poor, misunderstood man is a victim of ZaNuLab P.C. 'Gestapo' blah, blah, blah."
Quite right too, clearly a good man who's been victimised by the sickening nazi railway staff, who had the nerve to ask him to stop smoking and buy a ticket!
This gentleman is practically a saint!
It looks like Hope not hate has been hit again. All I'm seeing there is this message
You see this page because there is no Web site at this address.
What you can do:
Create domains and set up Web hosting using Parallels Plesk Control Panel."
Does anybody know about race riots planned outside a London Mosque this week?
"Say's the former animal rights extremist and oddball ketlan ossowski who looks like a deranged nutcase", said the neo-Nazi Hitler lover with shite for brains.
How come you're letting the trolls through???
Excellent letters in the guardian about allowing the BNP on Question Time!
Anonymous Mr Mann said...
It looks like Hope not hate has been hit again. All I'm seeing there is this message
You see this page because there is no Web site at this address.
What you can do:
Create domains and set up Web hosting using Parallels Plesk Control Panel."
they are just updating it....
Whilst there is a place for reasoned argument (i.e. the majority of comments on other stories) there is plainly a time for just taking the proverbial. I often do this for light relief as otherwise it gets all depressing.
The great thing about this is that these specimens believe they are the master race. I may not be (insert fave good-looking male here)myself but hey, I love the irony of the shaven-headed WP crowd. The dangers of in-breeding!
I remember that the old "political soldier" faction of the National Front in the late 1980's used to feature glowing articles of this Welsh patriot - Griffin and Harrington used to run that thing so it's no surprise that Griffin is reprising it now. Maybe we'll see T-Shirts featuring Romainian fascist Codreau and the weird Nazi fanatic Julius Evola? They were big on them too.
Rou Chubby Brown appeals to BNP voters with his sickening racism and yet he is performing a gig in October in Leeds's most prestigious Grand Theatre!
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