Having been disdainfully dumped by the dancing diva, distinguished Discovery-director Dicky deigns to dance (!) with bottle-blond, bloody bad BNP balladeer Joey Barber/Smith.
September 16, 2009
Dicky Barnbrook struts his funky stuff
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Having been disdainfully dumped by the dancing diva, distinguished Discovery-director Dicky deigns to dance (!) with bottle-blond, bloody bad BNP balladeer Joey Barber/Smith.

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Bring back Patrick Swayze. Even dead, he's still better than Dicky.
Absolute, pure gold!
Still wiping away my tears of laughter!!
Silly twat :)
Classic. What a pair of tarts.
This is the BNP's top man in England's capital city, right?
Is that some biazre Odin dance?
The poor bride lol
I got to 1:05 and had to turn off. He's obviously a pupil of the "David Brent School of Modern Dance".
Given the fact that he's being frozen out of the current BNP, and is very much yesterday's man, this will do him no good I'm sure.
Pity the camera didn't stay on them. It could have been a follow-up to HMS Discovery there.
'This is the BNP's top man in England's capital city, right?'
I'm afraid so.
You forgot the word "drunk"
WTF? That's dancing???
"Having been disdainfully dumped by the dancing diva, distinguished Discovery-director Dicky deigns to dance (!) with bottle-blond, bloody bad BNP balladeer Joey Barber/Smith."
Thats probably the best thing i have ever read and I read the Sun regulally.
Pity they didn't record the smooch that came up next.
You'd expect a councillor (and certainly a London Assembly member) to conduct themselves with a little dignity. This man's just a buffoon.
Three sad middle-aged racist white men trying to pull white supremacist women with absolutely no effect.
They might be card-carrying BNP supporters, but nobody since the nazi balerina will ever sleep with Dicky Bumbrook again just to convince his mates he might not be gay!!!
I didn't see a single female suitor queing-up to ask them to provide the with a masterrace of Aryan progeny.
Looks like the Aryan racial bloody line is in serious danger of ending with these three arseholes, lol.
"Pity they didn't record the smooch that came up next."
Please, no.
Of course, we must remind everybody that Bumbrook isn't gay.
Outed gay men dance far more stylishly!!!
"Pity they didn't record the smooch that came up next."
I'm not sure which one makes me feel more sick, the thought of smooching Dicky Barnbrook or that blond idiot.
I bet Mark Collett is furious at this. I thought he and Joey Smith were an item?
God, the humiliation. My toes were curling all the way through that.
If you found that funny have a look at this, it's Mark Collett's new girlfriend, tranvesites welcome in the BNP, Pond Life is an apt description?
Fucking brilliant!
No wonder the ballerina Simone Clarke dumped him, it hardly Swan Lake more like swamp lake. They are all Pond Life!
Anyone know who the other dancing twat was? The one who had to give up and go to the bar before he had a heart attack.
Euuuuuurgh! two hideous videos I've just watched there. Dicky Bumbrook dancing like Morrisey after he's just set light to his flowers, what's with the flailing about!?
Then that awful song, sounds like he's trying to be some kind of Paul Weller. Message lost, if there ever was one. Of course the other fascists on YouTurd love it.
"Given the fact that he's being frozen out of the current BNP, and is very much yesterday's man, this will do him no good I'm sure."
It'll be a shame when he's gone. He's been a great laugh at times.
It's been on youtube for ages.
"It's been on youtube for ages."
Who cares. I've never seen it before and it's given me a good laugh.
He's obviously a pupil of the "David Brent School of Modern Dance".
Fucking funny! LOL
"Having been disdainfully dumped by the dancing diva, distinguished Discovery-director Dicky deigns to dance (!) with bottle-blond, bloody bad BNP balladeer Joey Barber/Smith."
Try saying all THAT with your teeth out!
I think I'm going to throw up....
"I bet Mark Collett is furious at this. I thought he and Joey Smith were an item?"
lol. Tell me more?
God knows he wants to break free.
I wonder if old bumbrook made Joey ‘bite the pillow’ a little later on that evening?
Is he still signed off sick? - when was this made?
Dicky Bumbrook will use this scary horror video in his defence to show he is beyond help, lol
Wander who released this Bumbrook video? A Gri££inite, an anti-, or just someone who likes taking the piss out of Bumbrook?
Anyone got any ideas???
Surely it can't be Bumbrook himself!
Have you ever seen Boris dance. He's worse.
its not him lol
'its not him lol'
Fuckwit. We can all SEE it's him. What the hell is the matter with you people?
I mentioned in a previous comment of mine about the BBC's love affair with the BNP - well there you have contestant nos1 and 2 for series 8 of 'Strictly...' then!
The BNP's members will be the death of the party.
From this dancing via golly-burning to 'rape is like force-feeding chocolate cake' the BNP membership is full of more fruit and nuts than a trail snack.
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