April 29, 2010

The BNP are like Monty Python's Gumbys

A boringly serious election campaign is immeasurably brightened by the performances of the BNP. On the Today programme this morning, Nick “Cuddly” Griffin was stumped by an evidently wholly unexpected question about immigration. Since the BNP proposed “shutting the doors” of Britain “to everybody”, Sarah Montague politely asked whether other countries re-patariating Brits would be a price that Griffin was happy to pay. His reply could be paraphrased as “Oh, hadn’t thought of that”, though his best riposte was that not many French people wanted to come to Britain. Wonder why, Nick?

But he’s not as amusing as the hilarious Richard “Chuckles” Barnbrook, the BNP representative on the London Assembly, who did a fantastic imitation of John Cleese’s member of the Gumby family on the television news. All he needed was a knotted hanky on his head, as he was asked how his proposed ban on schoolchildren visiting mosques would work. He managed a very slow answer in which he said that no child would be allowed to visit places of worship that were not of their own denomination. It was like something had exploded in his head.



Anonymous said...

Never were truer words written in jest.

Anonymous said...

Why is the BBC giving so much coverage to the BNP? This also happened in the run up to the Euro elections last years.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the Telegraph got that wrong.

She asked about other countries "shutting their doors to British people" not about repatriating the ones that are already there (which, I've always thought, would make an interesting question).

Another interesting question would be along the lines of "if you are in favour of the 'voluntary repatriation' of Black Zimbabweans and Black South Africans, how would you feel about those countries encouraging this for their white residents? And, upon their arrival in the UK, would you prioritise the resettlement needs of such people over the needs of currently resident local people?"

Anonymous said...

OHHHHHH, I love it, that is sooooo Dicky, he has been walking up and down one of the major roads in Barking this afternoon with a camera in his hand, obviously he misses the TV cameras so much he has to take his own out with him.


Anonymous said...


Bullshit Buster said...

Why is the BBC giving so much coverage to the BNP? This also happened in the run up to the Euro elections last years.

Both the 'liberal' BBC and its Murdochist rival Sky News needs their heads banging together on this one. Thank God for Euronews.

I am still of the opinion that every second of opportunity the media gives the BNP to peddle their thinly disguised racism and inequality equals a thousand two fingers in the air to every single victim of the Nazis' 'final solution' and the people who in the 1940s gave their lives fighting this perverted ideology that Nick Griffin actually admires and worships.