The comments were made during a debate on multiculturalism on BBC2's Newsnight (click link to see the programme), which examined the results of a survey for the channel's White season - a series of documentaries on what it means to be white and working class in Britain today.
It found that white working class are far more pessimistic about Britain's future than their middle-class counterparts, while more than half said no one represented their views and that their quality of life had got worse over the past decade.
When informed the poll showed that white working class Britons were more concerned about drug and drink culture than immigration, the BNP leader Nick Griffin responded with an attack on Pakistani immigrants. He said: "You can't possibly separate the hard drugs trade from the question of Islam and particularly Pakistani immigration. Any working class area of Britain - in a multiracial area - the hard drugs problem is related to Islam and Pakistan."
Interviewer Kirsty Wark responded: "I think there's a number of people that would dispute that."
Griffin went on to reiterate that mixing cultures is not a good thing, saying: "I would say that people who want to reduce the world to a mono-culture coffee-coloured world, they are the ones who hate."
A panellist on the show immediately criticised the decision to show the clip, branding the decision 'pathetic'. Talk show host and columnist Jon Gaunt last night said: "Putting on somebody like that knuckle-dragger. I don't really understand the point. He doesn't represent me and doesn't represent most working class people. He's not a working class guy himself, and the foul things he was coming out with there about the drugs and Islam and the rest if it, and the nonsense about coffee culture just makes me want to puke."
He added: "The BBC probably put him on to make out again that all white working class people are fascists. I'm highly suspicious. Why did you interview Nick Griffin on this debate? It's pathetic."
The BBC today issued a statement which defended its choice of Nick Griffin as a participant in the debate.
It said: "The views expressed were his as leader of the BNP and he was robustly questioned and challenged on his comments throughout the interview. Newsnight does not ban any group from taking part in debate as long as they are operating within the law. The programme has a reputation for tough and challenging interviews and within the context of the debate it was relevant to hear from the leader of the BNP. He was one of a number of people debating the issues on the programme."
Daily Mail
BNP unmasked as nazi party:
This recently shot DVD reveals the true nature of the BNP - in their own words. It shows them behind closed doors when they think the public are not watching. It proves that they are still nazis.
The sign on the door says No Blacks. Inside, BNP members sing racist and pro-Nazi songs. They glorify the Holocaust, and call for blacks to be killed. They give nazi salutes as they chant the names of Hitler's henchmen.
This is the real face of the BNP -- the one that they try to hide from voters.
One of the people giving a Nazi salute is Scott McLean, the deputy leader of the BNP. Others include BNP organisers and minders for party leader Nick Griffin.
The BNP say they have changed. This DVD proves they are the same Nazis they always were.
A surprisingly good report from the usually-appalling Daily Mail.
I don't know where the BNP get off in thinking that Nick Griffin did so well and Gaunt was a bullying idiot. Griffin showed himself up to be the racist piece of shit he is, and moronic, while Gaunt came across as insulted that Griffin was in the building and thought the 'knuckledragger' shouldn't have been allowed the space. It's probably the last time I'll ever say this but well done to Gaunty!
I join the congratulations to Gaunt, not usually my favorite person, but, he was right to have a pop at the BBC for giving griffin air time, and i am going to ask for a refund on my licence for their act of pollution.
But also Gaunt and Bob Crow did a magnificent job on Hodge, due punishment for her crimes NO but its a start.
I really do think Nick Griffin is nothing more than an establishment stooge, used to shore up Islamophobia by the powers that be, to show the true face of fascism, so that anything else the government does (id cards) pales by comparison.
Cyclops is nothing more than a washed-up political football who think he's Enoch Powell.
well said slammer
I have to agree , I have no time for that right wing self promoting gobshite Gaunty but he summed up Griffin very well.
Yet again Griffin scored a massive own goal, he managed to show himself as a racist and he demonstarted the odious views of the BNP.
the mono culture coffee coloured comment and the Pakistan and drugs comments ensured he lost a lot more votes..
I undersatnd no platform and I understand "give em enough rope"
Griffin manages to fail on every level. The only people he ever impresses are the same 10 or 12 redundant radicals on stormfront.
I could just imagine spleen sparrow and fraser,getting naked together to see their idol on the TV. "Tissues at the ready boys nick is on the telly "
Seeing as half the people in the BNP seem to be drug dealers it seems odd for Nick Griffin to blame Islam for the drug trade. Maybe he needs to watch his friends a bit more closely.
Good review in This is London
BBC in race row after BNP leader blames Muslims for Britain's drug problems
The BBC was last night dragged into a race row after it broadcast claims by the British National Party blaming Muslim immigrants for the country's hard drugs problems.
The comments were made during a debate on multiculturalism on BBC2's Newsnight, which examined the results of a survey for the channel's White season - a series of documentaries on what it means to be white and working class in Britain today.
It found that white working class are far more pessimistic about Britain's future than their middle-class counterparts, while more than half said no one represented their views and that their quality of life had got worse over the past decade.
When informed the poll showed that white working class Britons were more concerned about drug and drink culture than immigration, the BNP leader Nick Griffin responded with an attack on Pakistani immigrants.
He said: "You can't possibly separate the hard drugs trade from the question of Islam and particularly Pakistani immigration.
"Any working class area of Britain - in a multiracial area - the hard drugs problem is related to Islam and Pakistan."
Interviewer Kirsty Wark responded: "I think there's a number of people that would dispute that."
Griffin went on to reiterate that mixing cultures is not a good thing, saying:
"I would say that people who want to reduce the world to a mono-culture coffee-coloured world, they are the ones who hate."
A panellist on the show immediately criticised the decision to show the clip, branding the decision 'pathetic'.
Talk show host and columnist Jon Gaunt last night said: "Putting on somebody like that knuckle-dragger. I don't really understand the point.
"He doesn't represent me and doesn't represent most working class people. He's not a working class guy himself, and the foul things he was coming out with there about the drugs and Islam and the rest if it, and the nonsense about coffee culture just makes me want to puke."
He added: "The BBC probably put him on to make out again that all white working class people are fascists. I'm highly suspicious.
"Why did you interview Nick Griffin on this debate? It's pathetic."
The BBC today issued a statement which defended its choice of Nick Griffin as a participant in the debate.
It said: "The views expressed were his as leader of the BNP and he was robustly questioned and challenged on his comments throughout the interview.
"Newsnight does not ban any group from taking part in debate as long as they are operating within the law.
"The programme has a reputation for tough and challenging interviews and within the context of the debate it was relevant to hear from the leader of the BNP.
"He was one of a number of people debating the issues on the programme."
Hodge is a Class A moron (which she amply proved last night). Even the Tory (sorry but I don't often agree with Tories) came over as a sensible guy with comments that were worth hearing unlike the pig-faced pig farmer who just came out with his usual racist drivel.
What a pity they didn't leave Griffin and Hodge off the programme all together. It would have been a LOT more interesting.
Looks like the BNP neo-nazi trolls are plaguing the Harrow Times once again!
Looks like the BNP neo-nazi trolls are plaguing the Harrow Times once again!
And it looks like anti-fascists have sent the BNP's keyboard army packing.
Well done.
In case anybody wants to see last night's "Newsnight", there is now a link to the programme in the text of this article.
Didn't hear a word Griffin said - too mesmerised by the Chief Inspector Dreyfus comedy squint that was attacking his left eye throughout the interview.
Didn't hear a word Griffin said - too mesmerised by the Chief Inspector Dreyfus comedy squint that was attacking his left eye throughout the interview.
Actually he looked pretty weird all round, kinda lumpy in the face and I noticed a cut just under his ear. Maybe the whisky is getting to him.
"Actually he looked pretty weird all round, kinda lumpy in the face and I noticed a cut just under his ear. Maybe the whisky is getting to him."
Or maybe he can't handle the threesomes any more. He's getting on a bit and having martin reynolds pounding at you must take it out of you.
Forget state nark. Nick Griffin's a B-movie zombie!!!
Scary indeed!
Just one thing, how do the braindead trolls with the multiple identities know where to find each and every BNp story to log on, polute with filth, and slander Gerry Gable?
You've got to see Green Shitehawk's YouTube of the Griffin interview. Watch that cameraphone wobble as the Shitehawk pulls one off http://isupporttheresistance.blogspot.com/2008/03/nick-griffin-of-bnp-on-newsnight.html
The Inner Workings Of the Sordid Mind of a Newspaper Comments Troll.........................
Whether or not the pro-BNP troll newspaper postings that arrive after every shaming the BNP story, are all the work of the many alteregos of one Mister "TinyPenis" Collett for an ego boost to compensate for his penile unendowment, one thing's for sure, they always follow the same certinous pattern: -
(1) The multi-identity trolling usually starts with an angry post attacking "lefties".
(2) This is often followed by a pseudo-patriotic post claiming it's Dunkirk spirit/Britain's duty to be racist.
(3) Then there's the "Britain's going to the dogs with all these non-white skinned people arriving in the area".
(4) Building up steam, Collett (or other dim-witted technologically semi-literate trolls) turn their guns on Unite Against Fascism and Searchlight.
(5) The so-called "intellectual" philosophy out of the way, the split personality who is pretending to be several dozen people feels free to vent his speen in the good old British fascist tradition, using crude racism, and, if he can get away with it (which he probably can, as newspapers don't report IP addresses to the police), the offensive racist language of the gutter (n*gger; p*aki, w*g, ect).
(6) Worried the raw racism might alienate misguided patriots, the troll quickly (normally within two minutes or so) posts a post claiming that nobody can save Britain BUT THE BNP, without bothering to explain how the BNP can save non-white Britains, as if, accepting that the white supremacist nature of the BNP is a publically accepted truth.
(7) The paranoia sets in big-time, as Collett and co. slip into Turner Diaries/wacky unhinged consiracy theory mode, spewing libellous lies about Searchlight, and in particular, Gerry Gable, accusing anti-racists of being convicted criminals, biting first with their bullshit lies, just in-case the BNP's endless list of criminal convictions reaches the light of day.
(8) The adrenalin flowing in the bigot's mind, he makes a hateful yet absurd remark about immigrants "ethnically-cleansing" white people from Britain. To boost the troll's ego, he might add some paragraph defining html to make this particular entry stand out in bold or italic text....
(9) Fantasies of the troll becoming the Soho pub bomber kick in. So enthused the neo-nazi loser is, in his mind, at believing he has hoodwinked the newspaper editor into believing every newspaper reader fervently supports the BNP, he and Collett has to be careful not to praise the Waffen SS.
(10) Worried he has let the cat out of the bag, that the troll does indeed worship Adolf Hitler and denies the Holocaust happened, he plays down Nazi Germany's atrocities, trying his damdest to falsely claim Stalin was worse than Hitler.
(11) Burning up with self-turmoil, realising his arguments that the BNP are not Nazis have deteriorated into a ramshackle defence of Adolf Hitler and a denial the Holocaust happened, the spirit of self-denial spurts forward the strangest of bnp posts of all: -
(12) Something along the lines of...... "The BNP aren't nice people, in-fact, they are racists, and fascists, and a BNP government would indeed persecute anyone and everyone if they got in power, and send everyone to their deaths in concentration camps, but the other parties offer cash for parliamentary questions, so a vote for an honest yet murderously destructive and racist party is more ethically consistant.
So, after all of the trolls nonsensical bleatings, instead of twisting the instruments of free speech to illustrate why indeed the "British Nazi Party" are the best thing since sliced bread, the spinless racist weasel has reached the inevitable conclusion that the most the far right can achieve in Britain is a protest vote.
And a silent acknowledgment in the mind of Mark Collett, that, all his time adding to the comments section of the local newspaper, could have been better spent chatting to fourteen year old schoolgirls on Faceparty.
The BNP are really fucking low.
Can this bloke not be sued for publishing photos that don't belong to him?
The nazi BNP are scum. Below is an article about how the BNP are using the picture of a dead girl without the consent of her family in their latest race-hate campaign:
Mum's fury over 'race hate campaign'
By Stef Hall
A mum is furious a picture of her dead daughter is being used in a "race hate campaign."
Pauline Holcroft allowed several educational campaigns for schoolchildren to use the shocking image of her 21-year-old daughter, Rachel Whitear, taken three days after she overdosed on heroin in May 2000, to prevent other deaths.
But Pauline and husband Mick were horrified to discover the picture had also been published on more than 3,000 anti-Muslim leaflets distributed in Tulketh, Preston, and in the Lancashire villages of Great Eccleston, St Michaels and Chipping.
Mrs Holcroft said: "I am furious to think her picture is being used like this – we have only ever intended it for educational purposes."
The leaflet shows the now infamous picture of Rachel slumped in the foetal position, and makes unsubstantiated accusations about the Muslim community and the world's heroin trade.
Mrs Holcroft added: "It's such a blanket statement. I think it incites racial hatred. I just hope no-one thinks we or any of our family and friends support these
views. We would never have allowed its use in something like this.
"It is really upsetting because it could land on the doorstep of our relatives in Ormskirk.We never saw her death as a political matter and it has been used without any consultation with ourselves."
The man behind the literature is Tony Bamber, of Greenbank Street, Plungington in Preston, who says he is a member of the British Nationalist Party.
He refused to confirm that he had sought Rachel's parent's permission to use the image.
Lancashire Police have received several complaints and are investigating the matter.
go to bbc.co.uk/white
look under the comments section of each programme of the BBC's white season and you will find many bogus trolling posts obviously from BNP supporters disguised as normal members of the public, each section of the comments repeats itself over and over...that the bbc is left wing communist network etc, left are to blame for immigration, only BNP can bring britain back to greatness, they all say pretty much the same thing, now if you read those posts you would be forgiven for thinking that the majority of the UK votes BNP, but it just goes to show how unrepresentative the comments are on the bbc comments page. Generally, forums are dominated by a fringe of society, they dont reflect mainstream society at all. The BBC also had a forum on marijauna and almost every comment was pro-legalisation, it just goes to show how fringe dominated forums are, they do not represent society at all. And its remarkable that the moderators allow such obvious BNP propaganda on their site.
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