My mistake was joining the BNP. They assured me that they were a non racist party. Well, I can assure you they are racist. They refer to anybody who is non white as 'Pakis'. This shows their ignorance.
At first when racial remarks were made at meetings, I put this down to sheer ignorance and bigotry but in the short time I was a member the situation became intolerable and the last straw came when I tried to help a Pakistani family who are also Muslims.
Now, the BNP hate all Muslims with a vengeance. They don't think that there is good and bad in everyone.
It is funny how they say, 'They sacked me' when I have got proof that I have had no dealings with the BNP for sometime before my alleged 'sacking'. I have it in writing from Bill Murray the Welsh Regional Secretary that I constantly put the phone down on him as soon as I knew it was him on the phone. He also relates to me informing the Landlady of the 'Hopeside Hotel' (in Colwyn Bay where they hold their monthly meetings) and informing her that I do not want to speak to anyone within the party and that I do not want anything to do with the party.
This is obviously how they got wind of the fact that I was about to resign so they thought they would get in first claiming I do not meet their standards. Well, that is a joke in itself. The only standards you need in the BNP is to be a racist but people should not under estimate them. They have friends in high places, they are known within the party as 'friendly's. They are a highly dangerous and misleading organisation and I can assure your readers that I will do my utmost to let everybody I come in contact with, know just what they are up to.
I will close now but if I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me as I am not scared of the BNP or anybody else for that matter.
I would appreciate it if you could put this information on your website as soon as possible.
BNP circus rolls into Colwyn Bay for court hearing
BNP cllr sacked for helping Asian family
Whoops. Bit of an embarasment for the BNP. Well done Pat for sticking up for yourself (and seeing the light).
Well done for speaking out!
"They are a highly dangerous and misleading organisation and I can assure your readers that I will do my utmost to let everybody I come in contact with, know just what they are up to."
We could do with a good big article about Mr P along the lines of the Maureen Stowe thing a few years back.
The BNP hates ALL Muslims. There's a surprise.
Who's that dodgy-looking bastard on the right?
We could do with a good big article about Mr P along the lines of the Maureen Stowe thing a few years back.
Good idea :)
Is it my imagination or does that tie make Nick Griffin look even more of a dick than usual?
Fair play to Mr Pattinson - it's good to read of someone telling the truth for a change, and he can hardly be called a red, mole or Nazi.
"Fair play to Mr Pattinson - it's good to read of someone telling the truth for a change, and he can hardly be called a red, mole or Nazi."
Yeah but he probably will be anyway.
I like to know more about these so called high up people called "friendlies"
Look at Pats eyes - he is ready to breed - he's saying -
Denise - Your my wife now......
"John P said...
I like to know more about these so called high up people called "friendlies""
Special Branch. Darby, is always on the phone to them.
'Denise - Your my wife now......'
Is that you, Lee?
"They assured me that they were a non racist party. Well, I can assure you they are racist."
Well THATS pretty damn clear. That should be put on the next bunch of leaflets that go out.
hello l want to donate 100 pounds where has the donation button/link button gone
'hello l want to donate 100 pounds where has the donation button/link button gone'
Blimey. :-) Temporary new donations button (until I have time to make a new one) over at top-right. And a very big thank-you from us at Lancaster Unity.
"BNP cllr sacked for helping Asian family"
That says everything you need to know about the BNP. Racist scum.
I like the donations button (though it looks pretty wierd when you scroll the page). It's almost hypnotic. Hmmm, IS it hynotic? I think we should be told.
"It's almost hypnotic. Hmmm, IS it hynotic? I think we should be told."
"Well done Pat for sticking up for yourself"
And so say all of us.
"I like to know more about these so called high up people called "friendlies""
Me too.
I 'saw the light' when the Norfolk representative of the BNP, William Fitt, was extremely rude to me because of my married name!
It seems it doesn't matter to the BNP whether you help a family that happens to be Muslim, or marry a chap who happens to be from another country, that's good enough to get you cast into the outer darkness on. Suddenly a non-patriot-by-association.
I really hate the way this unscrupulous party has commandeered love of Britain, making it a policy of hatred towards others.
Good work, LU, and well done Mr Pattison.
How odd that barbara should be treated in this way but Dicky Barnbrook can claim to be marrying Simone Clarke, a woman with a child of Chinese/Cuban/English extraction. Hypocrisy at its most profound.
I bet Griffin and his gang are pissed off with Pat Pattison today. LOL
Griffin is the biggest joke of all. He is now even hated by his own party and its getting worse for him! lol
Russell Scott, the BNP's law & order man from Kirkless, was recently fined for selling alcohol to minors:
Also, check out former head of Bradford BNP, BNP councillor and Hitler publisher, James Lewthwaite, also recently convicted:
These should really posted as separate news items on Lancaster Unity and other anti-fascist sites.
If Mr Pattison was such a maverick, and unsuitable for the BNP. Why is Mr Griffin posing with him in that picture?
BNP members are fucking idiots.
"How odd that barbara should be treated in this way but Dicky Barnbrook can claim to be marrying Simone Clarke, a woman with a child of Chinese/Cuban/English extraction. Hypocrisy at its most profound."
It's okay re' Barnbrook because it's completely untrue. He'll never marry her. It's BNP bullshit.
"Why is Mr Griffin posing with him in that picture?"
Cos Griffin is a publicity-hungry fuckwit, that's why.
Perhaps Pat can shed light on who the "friendlies" are. If you are reading this, and you were privy to such information, please illuminate the readers of Lancaster Unity.
I know MI5/6 are far more scary than the BNP, and the government would do its damnedest to scare and intimidate whistleblowers who threaten to reveal official secrets, but now you are in the public domain, you should be safe from the dirtiest of tricks used by the security forces.
I am sure quite a few bnp members eyes would be opened to the true state-controlled nature of the British Nazi Party.
If anybody else can come out and corroborate the facts (perhaps with photos of bnp members in the company of known secret agents, Nick Griffin will be finished, and MI5/6 will be shamed as a bunch of fascist-supporting bums.
Bumbrook's relationship was never consumated.
Just look at the body language of the characters on the BNPTv offering on Darby's blog tonight. A more awkward collection of ******** you couldn't hope to meet!
"ooh ive got a brand new combine harvister and i'll ive give you the key" oh nick griffins got 40 acres and i'll give you the key"legal aid driving lessons central heating and free bills ??
Funny video on the BNP: available on either of the below links:
You should see some the BNP trolls who have posted on the YouTube page of the video – they are getting their nazi knickers in a twist!
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