Spotting a small item in the Surrey Mirror giving notice of the parade, Williamson made a Stormfront post which worked up an inoffensive religious celebration into an anti-Christian demonstration by fundamentalist Moslems.
In a post titled Exclusive! Muslims to demonstrate against Easter in Redhill Surrey! Williamson wrote: "It would appear that the Christian celebration of Easter this year is clashing with the birthday of Muslim prophet Mohamed. Because of this one of the UK's most fundamentalist Mosques have organised a demonstration which is due to take place this Sunday, (March 23rd), in Redhill Surrey."
Williamson claims to have telephoned the Mosque, and gives the impression - without ever stating it as a fact - that the alleged anti-Christian nature of the parade was confirmed to him.
Yesterday (Saturday) Williamson started another Stormfront thread, Calling London / South East!, saying: "I know its short notice, but a few of us are getting together tomorrow. There is a reason for this, so if any of you would like to get out and about tomorrow please PM me."
As if it wasn't obvious what the Sofasoaker was planning.
The call to arms went largely unheeded (much as Williamson's call for fellow Nazis to demonstrate at last year's Brighton Pride went unheeded - even by Brighton Nazis), the Stormfront Nazis reeling off their excuses for non-attendance, leaving Sid to plead that "we need to stand up and be counted".
It seems that the BPP in all its miniscule glory did find its way to Redhill, as the photograph we've filched from Stormfront shows.
Let's see... there's Sid, a curiously dark-skinned woman, and whoever took the photograph. That's three who stood up to be counted so far.
In all probability the passing Moslems supposedly baying for Christian blood thought that Sid and his cohort (sic) were waiting for a bus, if they noticed the work-shy Chav at all.
More on Sid's crusade to save British culture in Redhill as we get it... in the meantime, your comments are welcomed - but do try to keep a straight face...
Sid's back from his Redhill rumpus, and offers this report to the Stormfront backsliders:
After we first set up right outside the park where the Muslims were gathering, we were moved away by the police to a "designated area" about half a mile away. There was only a handful of us but we were well received by passers by, who were often sounding their car horns and waving in support. As the Muslims approached the police warned us that they could not guarantee our safety as there was around 500 Muslims approaching. It didn't deter us at all, and we continued our silent vigil until all the Muslims had gone.
Do we detect a very large lilly being gilded, Sid?
To round off, here's a pic filched from the BPP website, where Sid is claiming an attendance of seven Aryan Christians, including the pious-looking chap in the Burberry baseball cap.

First this Aryan warrior single handily takes on the gays of Brighton, now he wages Aryan jihad against the Muslims of Redhill. Way to go Peter "Sid" Williamson!
a curiously dark-skinned woman
That’s Jill Jerome, the BPP’s Sussex rival to the BNP’s Donna Bailey. Jerome, lonely housewife and proto-nazi, was recently appointed the BPP’s organiser in Brighton.
Here are Sid Williamson’s thoughts on the Irish from when he was in the BNP:
"those pig thick fuckin Oirish bastards, talk about stupid, they starved coz there was no spuds! Closest thing in the white world to a nigger is a spud munching thick fucking Paddy."
Anybody got copies of Williamson’s postings on his support for the Soho BNP bomber, his anti-Jewish and Holocaust rantings as well as his love of Polish people?
Some interesting statements by Peter "Sid" Williamson:
On Jews: “Jews are the most butt ugly things on planet earth. Not since Thalidamide was given to pregnant women was there ever an uglier spectical than a kike, male or female, kikes are ugly fucking scum.”
On the Holocaust: “The Hollohoax.”
On Turkish people: “The Germans don't want the fuckin Turks, and neither do we!!!”
On homosexuality: “Death to all faggots!”
On multiculturalism: “These non white's are non Brits, they speak of a multicultural society here in Great Britain this is of course bollocks. If one community (i.e. the indigenous white British community), has to hide its traditional symbols of celebration in favour of another, (i.e. the hoards of Muslim invaders and their offspring), then how can they possibly refer to it as multicultural. Multiculturism is bad enough in itself, but the selective multiculturism enforced by British ZOG is both hypocritical, and bigoted. The end game is genocide, first they destroy the very building blocks of our society, and then they turn us into aliens in our own country, sooner or later they know these policies will bring about our demise. And just like the red squirrel, we will be extinct in this country.”
On trade unions: “1979 was THE time for British nationalism, we could have had it all. The laboour/liberal alliance had made a real fuckin mess. The trade unions run everything. There were three workers for every job in industry, most of which had been nationalised. The National Front was massive at the time, then came Margaret Fuckin Thatcher. She said she would beat down the unions, she fuckin did too. I remember the greedy bastards in Scunthorpe, steel workers striking for a twenty percent wage rise, yes twenty percent!”
On repatriation: “Enforced repatriation IS on our policy list.”
On David Copeland: “Copeland did what so many of us would love to do. Seems he had less to lose than most of us. But in his shoes, and with his bottle? I think he is a bloody hero.”
On World War 2: “Had we chose to side with "the forces of light, against the darkness in a holy war", this place wouldn't be so full of wogs. And the Kikes wouldn't be pulling any strings.”
On the EU: “The EU is a massive red machine that aims to take over nation states and turn Europe into another Soviet Union.” On tolerance: “We are for Aryan White Power, nothing else will do. Niggers, Mongrels, Jews, Paki's, Chinks, Turks, Homosexuals, Lesbians, we hate them all, as we do to an even greater extent red bastards.”
On immigration: “The ideology of white nationalism is the same as was the original BNP. A Great Britain occupied by the indigenous white population, with the obvious shortage of labour being met by white European immigrants. Not Jews, Not Paki's, Not Nignogs, and deffinately not homosexuals.”
On European migrant labour: “If there was a choice. Keep the Paki's and Niggers, or replace them with Pole's, Germans, Italians, or any other Aryan. Would it not be preferable to do the latter?”
On the recent rape of two teenage girls (one of whom was murdered): “Painting little crack whores white is like painting the rest of us black. If those lasses were coon bait then they were already lost. The fact their coon mates killed them should serve as a warning to all young whites, not to hang with niggers. Let other white youngsters see the reality of life, warts n'all. Making up excuses for them and holding them up as poor little white race victims is an insult. An insult to REAL white victims of the silverback scum that walks our streets!”
On the 2005 Kashmir earthquake: “Itz all good – dead paki’s!!” On Brighton Pride: “Don’t be straight or white in Brighton. If you are a wog or a poof, then Brighton city council will bend over backwards for you, pun intended. The city already has the reputation for the biggest gay pride fesival, now look! It makes me sick!!!”
On the arrest of Nazi Ernst Zundel in Austria: “It just gets worse doesn't it? Arrested in the mighty Adolf Hitler's birthplace. ZOG are scum. May all their babies be born dead!”
On the death of Labour MP Tony Banks: “Look at that geezers schnozzle, surely he was also a Kike? Anyway, hears hoping for many more dead red bastards in 2006.”
On Nazi propagandist William Joyce AKA Lord Haw-Haw: “A proud and brave man. Resolute and steadfast in his beliefs until the very end.”
On inter-racial relationships: “OI NIGGER! Now tell me what you are going to do about it coon boy. You say you have a white partner? Well that person is now damaged goods, any white who screws a nigger is a non white forever more. You have infected this person (male or female) with your stinking nigger cock. You are vermin and should be treated as such. The fact you boast about screwing whites makes you the first nigger on the list for the firing squad. You understanding me boy?”
On gun control (to an American Nazi): “You guys are so damn lucky you are already armed. In the UK laws will soon be passed to stop people owning sharp kitchen knives!!”
On dead Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic: “Milosevic obviously had his heart in the right place, he wanted Serbia to be free of the Gypos and Muslims. RIP Slobodan Milosevic!”
On Winston Churchill: “Adolf Hitler new that the closest Aryan race to the Germans was the British. He didn't want a war with us. It was our sick zog government, Churchill in particular, that was hell bent on a war with him.”
On Nazism and the British public: “The ideology of National Socialism is still hard to sell to the brainwashed British public.”
On the death of black youngster Damilola Taylor: “Why the fuck should we care about a dead spooklet?”
On racial violence in Birmingham: “The Paki's and the Niggers are killing each other on the streets of Birmingham tonight. This could well be the state of things to come. Personaly the longer this goes on the better I'll feel, and if it spreads, then thats great. Just think, dead coons and dead Joe's, and nothing to do with us. Maybe there is a god (or something of the like.)”
On ‘political activism’: “I hear she is quite partial to a bit of dog shit through her letterbox! HE HE!” On litter: Brighton & Hove city council have just hired a team to remove 'racist stickers'. Looks like me n Buster will have to work a little faster!”
On Peter Mandelson: “A Jewish homosexual with a taste for mud men? Fire the ovens!!”
On barrister Sarah Mansoon: “Another bloody mud!”
Looks like they got the same sign writer as this lot.
Is it my imagination or has Sid turned into Jabba the Hutt?
Looks like they got the same sign writer as this lot.
Ahhh ... the Aryan Master Race that is the Sheffield BNP.
For those who are in the know, the twat holding the placard in the picture is Roy James (self-proclaimed nazi) with his mate Iain Cain standing to the left of the sullen bloke in blue.
Roy James and Iain Cain, both being heterosexual and anti-race mixing White Racial Nationalists, were discovered to have relations with Thai ladyboys!!!
Check out the following links:
thanks sid williamson;insane nazi,
it seems sid has an awful lot to say for himself.
Looking at the picture i see sid is running to fat, it must be all that rot gut cider.
I wonder what Sid is doing with a woman of Irish/Moorish extraction? And, he a member of the perfect Aryan race.
I'm not sure there is a Sheffield BNP anymore. They have been very quiet of late. John Beatson still has his blog http://sypatriot.blogspot.com/
Roy James has a blog as well http://roy-royjamesblog.blogspot.com/
He's getting married soon. Not sure if it is a same sex relationship or not.
DG's would be lover Brighton Rock posted about this post within minutes of it going on. Ah, true love.
Sid reckons 7 Aryans showed up.
Oh, well - at least he didn't get pelted with plastic drinks bottles by self-proclaimed "queers".
Oh, sorry - that was last year!
DG's would be lover Brighton Rock posted about this post within minutes of it going on. Ah, true love.
Lee Barnes has such a crush on Denise (wonder how long it will be before Barnes starts physically stalking her?). He just finds it hard to find the right words to express his affections for Denise. Behind his macho posturing and insults directed at Denise is a doe-eyed BNP boy from the wrong side of town madly (I think I'm justified in using 'madly' here) in love with Denise (but, be careful - Barnes might start turning his attentions towards Atreus). Whilst Denise is around, it looks like Sharon Ebanks has no chance now in winning the affections of sane Barnes.
Ex-BNP councillor James Lewthwaite convicted:
Looks like BNP legal eagle Lee Barnes is back on the old anti-Jewish ranting. He’s now taken to calling the Jewish Chronicle (or as Barnes calls it, ‘Jewish Chroncile’) newspaper “Zionist supporters and funders of terrorism at the Jewish Chronicle” and “Zionist Nazis of the extremist Nazi wing of Israeli politics”. To make accusations of Nazism against any group of Jews is the crassest form of anti-Semitism possible. Not only is it cheap but, thoroughly stupid. But, then again this is the same BNP who blame heroin dealing (despite their own members found guilty of dealing in heroin) on Pakistanis and Islam.
The following are Barnes’ explicit views on Jews (taken from http://norfolkunity.blogspot.com/2008/03/donna-bailey-bnp-made-up-of-quite.html):
“Even though the Jews are only 0.5% of the population in Britain, they have an almost total grip on the media here, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain, which is nothing new. With this media, they are uniformly, deliberately, systematically, constantly and intensely promoting both the transformation and permanent destruction of Britain into a multiracial, “multicultural” state, and also the interests of the so-called “state of Israel”, against the wishes and interests of the native British people”.
“David dimbelby – jew
mary anne sighart - jew
will self - jew
the tory bird - married to a jew
roy hattersley - shabbats goy
and one scottish politician from the S.N.P .
Good old Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation does its job again.
Never mind - at leat Lord Levy got tied up , beaten and robbed of 350,000 grand last night.
Every cloud has a silver lining”.
Fuck off Barnes, you nazi work-shy tosser.
The children in Redhill thought he was the "Bad Easter Bunny" who ate all the eggs
Big Sid reminds me of the guy in that Monty Python film that ate and ate until he burst. His face looks like he's well on the way to the explosion. Someone give him and After-Eight mint quick!
Much more interesting than this 3 man and his dog demo is the 'outing' of jews in Nationalism. Seems to be a concerted effort on both Stormfront and Northwestnationalists to discredit Bob Gertner but it now tranpsires that allegedly Nick Griffin's ancestors went by the name of Strawson/Strausson. Quite why the nationalists want to dig the dirt on each other when they are facing an internal rebellion and a major election campaign - GLA, is anyones guess.
But it may explain why Griffin is so hostile towards Islam
Mr Fister did an excellent series of articles on this tramp. Is there anyway you can bring him back for a while?
@ t-sm
Mr Fister us currently deep undercover in the leadership of the BPP, from where he sends us daily reports and expenses returns. Do Burberry baseball caps really cost £20?
Much more interesting than this 3 man and his dog demo is the 'outing' of jews in Nationalism. Seems to be a concerted effort on both Stormfront and Northwestnationalists to discredit Bob Gertner
Well, Given that Bob Gertner heads Croydon BNP, veteran nazi crazy Richard Edmonds, a stalwart of Croydon BNP, is not going to like this, especially given his taste for racially-based violence and criminal damage. Bob Gertner better to careful that Edmonds doesn’t given him a beating if it is true that Bob Gertner is a Jew (in massive self-denial).
@ flakey - I just went to the NorthWest Nationalist website. The BNP dickheads posting on it have a real obsession with Jewish 'infiltration' of the BNP, polluting the racial purity of these far-right degenerates. Anyway, I thought it would be nice for Lancaster Unity readers to read all the comments that 'out' Jewish members of the BNP or those BNP members who have Jewish spouses etc. Makes for racist and retarded reading. But, these are BNP members after all:
ES said...
All the more ridiculous to allow Jewish members such as Pat Richardson. All the more suspicious when you have undercover Jews like Bob gertner (Croydon BNP Organiser) masquerading as a good Nationalist & holocaust denier.....
21 March 2008 14:11
Anonymous said...
Don't forget Nick Jerry, is also Jewish
21 March 2008 14:21
Anonymous said...
"The party has been working hard to remake its image, contesting council-ward, parish-council and local byelections using blonde local school activists or well-spoken middle-class family men"
The UAF have a problem with blondes, and the middle-class?
21 March 2008 14:25
Anonymous said...
Its 'Gerri' not 'Jerry' and yes, he is Jewish. In fact the BNP has so many Jewish Trafalgar Club members it will soon overtake the membership of the 'Jewish Chronicle'
21 March 2008 16:13
es said...
Actually, I think you will find it's Nick Gerri's Wife that is Jewish. But then again I would be more worried by the likes of Bob Gertner who likes to tell gulliable well meaning idiots his name is Polish of German origin. anyone that doubts he is a Jew should try a google search of `Gertner` and see what pops up....
21 March 2008 17:21
Anonymous said...
Barry Bennett the Bournemouth/Dorset organiser is also Jewish.
Chris Forster the Richmond organiser lives with a Chinese woman..
21 March 2008 18:32
NorthWestNationalists said...
Barry Bennett is indeed jewish. I have been in correspondence with him, a few years back
21 March 2008 18:40
NorthWestNationalists said...
Bob Gertner is a member of the BNP Reform group, so is likely to be a target for the Griffinites.
Bomber Lecomber has targetted Bob in the past.
21 March 2008 18:42
ruff yed said...
FYC/Allan Rhodes off VNN might as well be jewish.
21 March 2008 19:26
es said...
I couldn't care less if Bob Gertner was Hitler's long lost half-brother, he is a Jew. Just because he appears Anti-Griffin does that make him ok then?
Surely, a Jewis a Jew is a Jew?
21 March 2008 19:43
NorthWestNationalists said...
Rochdale BNP had a meeting this last week with about 40 present.
Excellent news !
The guest speaker was Mick Treacy.
Awful news !
Treacy never turned up....
21 March 2008 19:58
Anonymous said...
"Rochdale BNP had a meeting this last week with about 40 present.
Excellent news !
The guest speaker was Mick Treacy.
Awful news !
Treacy never turned up...."
No suprises there. His side-kick, Anita Corbett is just as useless, in and out of the BNP like yo yo's. I hear the only reason Griffin tolerates her is she supplies him with fleets of cars for free.
21 March 2008 20:38
NorthWestNationalists said...
This site supports the BNP Reform Group, so if Bob wishes to comment, he has the floor.
We will be biased in favour of the BNP reform group .
21 March 2008 20:40
Anonymous said...
Shearer has been allowed back into the BNP.
It's like the kids programme RUNAROUND - John keeps jumping on a square till he finds the one that everyone else is on.
He was banned for attending 'enough is enough' meetings for a week but is now back in favour with Nick.
21 March 2008 20:44
Anonymous said...
The lovely BNP jewess Mrs Richardson spouts off about her jewishness on the GLC London address.
21 March 2008 20:46
es said...
Anyone that disputes Gertner is a Jew, then check out the following link to the `Jewish Records Indexing Poland`. Remember Gertner's family are from Lodz, so be sure to look at that part of the site. You will see it says `Gertner is an exclusively Jewish name`, it then goes on to give the generic variations of that name:
So now I suppose someone will say Griffin or one of his friends has set this site up just to discredit poor old Bob......
21 March 2008 20:51
NorthWestNationalists said...
Yes, I have just checked and Gertner is indeed a jewish name from Lodz.
21 March 2008 21:02
bp said...
NWN said "Yes, I have just checked and Gertner is indeed a jewish name from Lodz."
Strange because Im sure Gertner joined whilst JT was still BNP leader.
21 March 2008 21:07
NorthWestNationalists said...
And ?
21 March 2008 21:08
bp said...
And....... As far as Im aware Jews werent at that time permitted to join JTs BNP, were they?
21 March 2008 21:11
NorthWestNationalists said...
JT like anyone else made mistakes.
I myself argued with JT on several occasions.
But JT did not act like Griffin, and expel you for disagreeing.
Bob Gertner may or may not be jewish.
Arthur Rosenberg also had a jewish sounding name.
We, in this group, stick with the ideology.
We do not stick with personalities. I mean, look where following Nick Griffin has brought the movement !
JT was NOT in the pay of the zionists - the same cannot be said for Mr. Nick Griffin !
21 March 2008 21:26
bp said...
@ NWN,
Im not saying JT was in the pay of anyone but I am surpised he missed an obvious jew.
21 March 2008 21:29
es said...
Rosenberg is NOT an exclusively Jewish name, in fact it is quite common among Aryans from the Baltic region.
Yes, Griffin may well be in the pay of the Jews.
Alfred Rosenberg didn't look Jewish whereas Gertner looks more Jewish than Gable. Work it out.
21 March 2008 21:33
NorthWestNationalists said...
And Bob Gertner is trying to take over the nationalist movement in the UK ?
Do us a favour your scratching at straws.
21 March 2008 21:41
Anonymous said...
"es said...
Rosenberg is NOT an exclusively Jewish name, in fact it is quite common among Aryans from the Baltic region.
Yes, Griffin may well be in the pay of the Jews.
Alfred Rosenberg didn't look Jewish whereas Gertner looks more Jewish than Gable. Work it out."
Hello, Tony, you been at the salt beef sandwiches again?
21 March 2008 21:50
Anonymous said...
The BNP is full of Jews, so why does UAF keep saying the BNP is against Jews? Hitler had Jews in his army, why is it people like to rewrite history for their own ends?
21 March 2008 21:52
Eddie Stanton said...
Why does `tony` (Lecomber I take it?) always get blamed for stuff I post? I happen to agree with all you say on the Jews and am no lover of Griffin. if it doesn't fit in with your world view you just cannot be objective. Time will prove me right - that Gertner is a wrong-un
21 March 2008 21:56
Anonymous said...
"Why does `tony` (Lecomber I take it?) always get blamed for stuff I post? I happen to agree with all you say on the Jews and am no lover of Griffin. if it doesn't fit in with your world view you just cannot be objective. Time will prove me right - that Gertner is a wrong-un"
Nice of you to own up
21 March 2008 22:39
Eddie Stanton said...
I give up, you are crackpots. Always anonymous too.
21 March 2008 22:44
Anonymous said...
"Eddie Stanton said...
I give up, you are crackpots. Always anonymous too."
Who are you?
21 March 2008 23:07
Anonymous said...
Eddie Stanton leads the BPP in London. He's the one who threatened to slice up, Mark Cotterill with a knife a few weeks ago, aren't you, Eddie...
21 March 2008 23:10
es said...
More lies from Chi Chi. And anyway, who'd need a knife or a Mackeral like him?
21 March 2008 23:13
Anonymous said...
"es said...
More lies from Chi Chi. And anyway, who'd need a knife or a Mackeral like him?
21 March 2008 23:13"
You mug, it was me you said it to. Fucking moron!
21 March 2008 23:18
es said...
Cotterill, next time your in London ring me & we'll sort it out then. I might be up your way before that so look out for a knock on the door.
21 March 2008 23:30
NorthWestNationalists said...
The BPP ?
Oh dear !
Haven't they got enough problems with Pete 'Piss pants' Williamson ?
22 March 2008 00:53
Anonymous said...
"Cotterill, next time your in London ring me & we'll sort it out then. I might be up your way before that so look out for a knock on the door.
21 March 2008 23:30"
No, I'm not Cotterill, and can I help it if you have a big fat mouth and repeat your shit to all and sundry?
22 March 2008 00:55
Anonymous said...
"Haven't they got enough problems with Pete 'Piss pants' Williamson ?"
Yes, you'd certainly think so.
The BPP 'British Piss-Head Party'
Vote for beer, vote for lager, vote cider, vote for sangria, vote for cheap white wine with valium thrown in. Vote BOOZE
22 March 2008 00:58
NorthWestNationalists said...
Eddie Stanton leads the BPP in London. He's the one who threatened to slice up, Mark Cotterill with a knife a few weeks ago, aren't you, Eddie...
Is this true ?
The BPP's Pete SID Williamson pulled a knife on another nationalist at an Oldham 'do' a while back.
Your like wogs pulling knives !
22 March 2008 01:29
wizzo said...
Thats who the loudgob FYC is then?
Allen Rhodes.
Fatty Rhodes was shown rioting a few years back on the BBC headlines at an England match abroad. He lives on E** Road,Oldham.
22 March 2008 01:44
Anonymous said...
Burnley BNP have banned E-i-E people from their meetings.
22 March 2008 01:48
Anonymous said...
Gobshite Shearer lives at Norwood Crescent.
Crack on pb.
22 March 2008 03:29
Anonymous said...
NWN said: "The BPP's Pete SID Williamson pulled a knife on another nationalist at an Oldham 'do' a while back.
Your like wogs pulling knives !"
There were some children in the room too, and most of the adults there were not very impressed with PW.
22 March 2008 12:02
Anonymous said...
>>Bob Gertner is a member of the BNP Reform group, so is likely to be a target for the Griffinites.<<
Or he may be Griffin's man in their camp. Never forget that a Jew will always betray.
22 March 2008 21:44
Anonymous said...
No JT did miss this Jew BG it was discussed many times with JT and VT and others but you need proof.
Although he looks Jewish so keep him away from sensitive information.
Keith axon. Founder member
23 March 2008 00:26
es said...
I have already supplied the proof in one of my earlier postings: Jewish website says `Gertner is EXCLUSIVELY a Jew name`. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that he is either wholly Jewish or partly so. Any veteran Nationalist has got to admit from his facial features (receeding chin, hooked nose with semitically flared nostrills, close set beady brown slit eyes, etc etc) that he must be WHOLLY JEWISH. He even lives in a part of Clapham that during the 60s, 70s 7 up to the 80s had a fairly large Jewish Community. In fact to this day,the Jew actor Derek Jacobi lives only a stones throw away in Chelsham Road. Also, has anyone seen the house he lives in? It must be worth close to £1 Mill. Then there's the fact he gets no hassle whatsoever from the very Red Union that the job he does means he must be a member of - he is hardly low profile. If he is not a Jew let him prove it - I know I would if Iwas accused of such.
23 March 2008 01:28
William Joyce said...
It amazes me that the jews are still against the BNP despite all of the grovelling that Griffin has done to them. They have jews in the party and they have even come out with articles in support of Israel. They seem to be muslim obsessed whilst largely ignoring the other ethnic groups in the UK, they might as well be a zionist party at times, they even hold Melanie Phillips up as some sort of authority.
If Gertner is Jewish he is in the right party. Bob here is the chance to clear your name and dispel these rumours.
23 March 2008 20:14
es said...
These aint rumours mate, these are fact, and I'm sure they'll be no rebuttal from Dirty Gerty either.
23 March 2008 21:54
Anonymous said...
"Any veteran Nationalist has got to admit from his facial features (receeding chin, hooked nose with semitically flared nostrills, close set beady brown slit eyes, etc etc) that he must be WHOLLY JEWISH."
You mean like this man here?
23 March 2008 23:42
Anonymous said...
Jeeeeeeesus wept!!!! Is that Griffins dad? He looks like a kike!
23 March 2008 23:48
es said...
No, even more Jewish looking than that. It's funny though that Griffin's old man should be mentioned because if I remember correctly, JT was of the opinion he was a Jew and actually sent Gertner down to Records house in London to look him up. Now I've heard of set a thief to catch a thief but that is ridiculous. Anyway, it is obvious Gertner has posted that to take the dary off himself. Edgar Griffin could well be a Jew, but at this minute in time, I'm more interested in Isadore Gertner. Come on Bob, where is the denial, or even better, I'll meet you at the next NewRight meeting in London & you can supply a DNA sample to be sealed & posted to a University in your prescence - WHAT DO JEW SAY?
24 March 2008 00:09
Anonymous said...
JT, may have arrived at that conclusion after discovering that Griffins bloodline which dates back to 1780 in Britain, actually married Belgian Jews.
24 March 2008 00:45
es said...
I'd like to see proof of that and also wonder why that has never been made public knowledge. Moving back on to Gertner, his Jewish bloodline goes right up to the present day and probably goes all the way back to the original Khazars that converted around 900 AD, he sure is ugly enough.
24 March 2008 01:51
Anonymous said...
"I'd like to see proof of that and also wonder why that has never been made public knowledge."
Nick, and Edgar lied about the name of the Father/Grandfather. It isn't Edwin, it's John. The boys all inherited the grandfathers name as their middle name.
Edgar Griffins father was John Griffin, making Nick Griffins middle name, John. Edgars grandfather was Vincent Griffin, making him Edgar Vincent Griffin.
Vincent Griffin, Edgars grandfather, married Lucy Strawson who if you go back 200yrs gives you the surname Strausson. The Staussons changed their name to Strawson. On the male Griffin side you see them marrying Belgian Jews, in fact two of the brothers married sisters.
24 March 2008 15:18
es said...
Well to be perfectly honest, I have alway wondered about Nick's rather thin but fleshy lips - a typical Jewish trait. Having said that, and please do not see this as some kind of cop out, it does seem quite a way back. Nick would still have been allowed in the SS, as they didn't check quite that far back. I am more worried about people with a much stronger Jewish strain in them. That said, perhaps this at least explains Griffin's avarice and worshipof Mammon.
24 March 2008 15:40
bp said...
What about Andrew Brons and Dave
Bruce - I heard rumours about them when i was NF.
The older brons got the more dubious he looked
24 March 2008 15:59
bp said...
"Nick would still have been allowed in the SS, as they didn't check quite that far back. "
It isnt that far back, Nick's great grandad was accroding to the post married to a Strawson - it was the name change from Strausson to Strawson that took place 200 years ago. So Griffins grandmummy may have been jewish is what the poster seems to be saying
24 March 2008 16:03
es said...
My mistake, that's a lot worse then. Perhaps his `hardline` image when first joining the BNP was a ploy to fool JT to ease the way for a take over and then a radical change from an anti to pro Jewish Party. Either way Gertner is at home now under Griffin because I have no doubts that the information I have revealed about himwould have resulted in Bob's expulsion by JT (once made public, anyway), whereas Griffin is happy to have Jew members.
24 March 2008 18:59
bp said...
Not so sure JT would have expelled him just because a jewish site says a name is a jewish one, after all JT was not usually one to accept as a general rule what jews said just on their say so?
Was he?
24 March 2008 19:06
Denise i dont have a problem funding Mr Fister undercover work and paying the £20 for his burberry baseball cap....what i do object to is the fact that he keeps sending me the bills for his rotgut cider purchases.
Credit where credit is due.
Anyone who can drag so protuberant a gut all the way from Saltdean to Redhill gets my respect.
Was there free beer?- that may explain it
On 12th July Peter 'Sid' Williamson will be joing MASTY (the bigmouth anti-Irish friend of Williamson) for the annual Loyalists meeting in SOUTHPORT Lancashire.
Williamson will be leaving his home at 39 Shepham Avenue saltdean Sussex to join up with Peter Burns (aka 'MASTY') to get pissed of course, but also expplore ways to develop the NATIONAL SUPPORT GROUP (NSG)
The NSG is the Saltdean man's latest attempt to RULE BRITTANIA!
Anyone want MASTY or Sid's phone numbers to wish them a safe journey?
tata for now,
Peter 'Sid' Williamson's location MAP for all well wishers.
; Buster ;
Long overdue to track the antisocial antics of that retarded fatpsycopath!!
Please dont call Williamson a 'nazi'.
It is an insult to nazis! to do so.
By the way, here is Sid fatboy Williamsons latest sad scheme for promoting himself, the "NSG"
Williamsons close supporters include Beverley 'Odinsgal' / 'Odinsdaughter' Kerry of 6 Shirebrook Close Ilkeston and the former NW organiser for the N9S 'Celtic warrior' real name Peter Burns who also turns up as 'MASTY'.
Nasty MASTY runs a bookstall on Preston and Clitheroe market and trades as BiBuxMarketman.
Williamson and Odinsgal/Bev Kerry join forces with Pete 'MASTY' Burns (the latter of Irish origins from County Mayo)Burns to slag off the Irish! and any who do not share their tiny world view.
pete barker
45 holmes st
works as a lecturer at a college in rochdale or middleton. regularly posts racist material on the net, but is still allowed to work at the college.
"Anonymous said...
pete barker
45 holmes st
works as a lecturer at a college in rochdale or middleton. regularly posts racist material on the net, but is still allowed to work at the college.
What the f***??
Is this true? Why the f*** arent we doing something about this? Is this the aging north west nationalist nazi that posted a death threat to his brothers dealer or something? Why the hell havent we discovered his college and let them know? come on, lets get on top of this and get it sorted - we dont want this scum in a teaching position
Can any body give me more info on Pete Burns aka Nasty Masty as I unfortunately have to work next this objectionable character and have only found out about his political leanings after a tip off from a customer
Hi all
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