The BNP has taken legal action against six former officials including a man from York for alleged misuse of party data.
Chairman of the BNP, Nick Griffin, has secured an injunction from Manchester High Court, preventing the group from using party property including a list of all its members. Among the six who have contested the injunction is Ian Dawson, the party's former Group Support Officer. He stood in the City of York Council election for Acomb in April last year as one of nine BNP candidates while also hoping to win a seat in Scotland, through the regional party list system. He failed to win in either city.
The former Yorkshire Secretary and former York Organiser announced his "resignation" from the BNP on the internet in December, while challenging the internal management of the party. His decision to stand down, and the latest court action, follows months of internal wrangling within the party.
The other five former party officials involved in the court proceedings are Steve Blake, Sadie Graham, Matt Single, Kenny Smith and Nicholla Smith.
Simon Darby, a BNP spokesman, said: "We, as a party, sought an injunction against the use of party equipment by the six people. The injunction was granted."
He said the equipment concerned included the party membership list as well as mobile phones, digital duplicators and computers. Another hearing is expected to take place in April.
"We were bound under the terms of the Data Protection Act to take this action," he said. "There are thousands of names on the list. They have been using it since December. It upset a lot of people."
He said the group was contesting the injunction and another hearing is expected to take place in April.
"The technicalities of our injunction were that they can't use anything that we have asked them not to use. They can currently publish things, but they can't use our membership list. They can't use the duplicator."
He was unsure how long the process would take.
Mr Dawson, who is in his mid-20s, attended York College before working as a self-employed administration systems manager. When contacted by The Press, he said: "I don't want to make any comment on it, not for the time being. I don't want to get involved in saying things out of turn."
The Press (York)
In feb 2007 a number of york university students were intimidated and threatened by Dawson as he photographed them and told them they would appear on the Redwatch website.
He managed less than 3% of the local votes cast and proved to be a deeply unpopular character in York.
I have no sympathy for this far right bigot.
My question is , if he disagrees with the fascist way that Griffin runs the BNP,why did he join a fascist party in the first place?.
Strangely the BNP leaflet at the time was callng for the banning of the burka yet York has virtually no Muslims living there.
Give em enough rope
Griffin is a bully that usually just purges individuals around him when they disappoint him as if singling out easy prey.
This lot however are a different story and will give the one-eyed scum-bag a much better run for his money and hopefully even ruin him. I can’t wait to see what happens here, this could be the end he has brought down on himself and not a moment to soon either.
Ian Dawson and the York BNP are twats. They once distributed a BNP leaflet in York claiming parking fines are illegal and urged motorists not to pay! So, the BNP in York were encouraging people to break the law!
York parties condemn fresh BNP bid
Here's an extract from the article, ‘BNP officer verbally abuses students’, published by York university newspaper, ‘Nouse’, detailing Ian Dawson’s threat towards local university students:
“Several University of York students have allegedly been targeted and threatened by a British National Party official amidst concerns about increasing BNP activity in York.
Kate Challender, chair of anti-fascism society Unity, and Ogtay Huseyni, chair of the Islamic Society, have both alleged they were photographed and threatened by Ian Dawson, the York-based BNP National Group Support Officer, who told them their photographs would be placed on the far-right website Redwatch, which has a history of incitement to violence. Huseyni has also alleged that Dawson told him to “get out of my f***ing country” as he distributed anti-BNP leafleting by students in Acomb on Saturday January 20. Challender said of the incident, “Whilst giving out anti-BNP leaflets in Acomb - exercising the right to freedom of speech which the BNP claim to defend - we were photographed by Dawson and told that our photos would be appearing on Redwatch. There is no place in Britain for any party that relies on tactics of intimidation.”
Below are some articles by Nouse detailing how the BNP and Redwatch targeted York university staff and students:
Protesting York students targeted online
Neo-fascist website targets York ex-students and staff
No room for the BNP racists
Inauguration ceremony for first
black Archbishop hijacked by BNP extremists
Extract from another blog detailing an experience of York BNP organiser Ian Dawson:
“He is a candidate for the British National Party. I found the leaflet, pushed through my door, offensive. It implied that the people who had migrated to the UK were the cause of many of the country's problems, by highlighting the terrorist bombings in London this summer. I called the number on the leaflet to register my objection. It belonged to Ian Dawson who told me in the course of conversation that he belonged to the Church of England, but refused to reveal which church he attended. He also gave me some statistics about the number of white girls raped by Asian gangs in Bradford, as though white men had never in history abused black or Asian girls. I requested that no more of his literature be delivered to my door.”
Ian Dawson attacked the Archbishop of York for urging people not to vote for the BNP. The Archbishop of York had taken out adverts in local newspaper urging people not to vote for the BNP (the archbishop referred to the BNP in the following terms: “Jesus warned us to be wary of wolves who come in sheep's clothing. They come with honeycombed words, promising a New England, and a land of milk and honey”). Ian Dawson also accused Manny Panther, the captain of York City football team, of using his colour to tell people not to vote for the BNP!
When Dr John Sentamu, who is African, was appointed as the Archbishop of York (making him one of the most senior Christian bishops for Anglicans world-wide), an extract the article, ‘Inauguration ceremony for first black Archbishop hijacked by BNP extremists’, describes the BNP response:
“Dr Sentamu has been met with racist abuse from British National Party supporters, who have sent hate mail and offensive emails to the archbishop. He is however assured that the people of York wouldn’t allow the BNP to succeed on their own accord, urging them to reject the BNP at the ballot box. “It is legitimate for them to put up candidates.” Mr Sentamu said “I don’t want to silence anybody. I want to beat them at the ballot box. We need to reject their arguments through the ballot box”.”
Article from York Press on the shenanigans of Ian Dawson and the BNP in York:
York man’s BNP leaflets anger
AN OUTRAGED resident has hit out after receiving leaflets from the British National Party attacking the Archbishop of York.
Peter Golding, 38, of Sovereign Park, Acomb, York, says he has received various leaflets from the British National Party (BNP) despite asking them not to post their "bigotry" through his door.
The latest leaflet thanks the 520 people in Acomb who voted for BNP candidate Ian Dawson and criticises the Archbishop, Dr John Sentamu, for urging people not to vote for the party.
The Press reported in early May how the Archbishop had placed an advert before the local elections which urged people to use their vote wisely.
He wrote: "Jesus warned us to be wary of wolves who come in sheep's clothing. They come with honeycombed words, promising a New England, and a land of milk and honey.
"My hope is that as you cast your vote on Thursday you do so with your eyes wide open so that our city does not sleepwalk into a wall of hate." The new BNP leaflet speaks of what the party faced in the run up to the election including an "incoherent attack from someone who was born in Uganda yet feels the urge to TELL local people who were born and bred in York who not to vote for".
Mr Golding said: "I've told them I don't want them, but they keep delivering them to me. I don't want this kind of fascist propaganda through my door.
"They are attacking the Archbishop, but they don't name him or give his title. Yet on the front it says The Year of Our Lord 2007'. Are they purporting to be Christians?"
He added: "I have great respect for the Archbishop of York, he challenges people like the BNP who basically attack communities.
"In York we have a very small ethnic community which has increased recently, but I feel it's for the benefit of York.
"We have the university, we have people coming from all over the world, and there is nothing but a benefit in that."
He also claimed the BNP had refused to talk about their policies with voters.
"They don't knock on the door like other political parties, they leaflet and then run. You have to run after them in the street, they are not willing to discuss issues.
"I was part of a Marxist, Jewish conspiracy of world domination' because I said I was a trades unionist. If they could tell me what that means I would love to know."
As well as the Archbishop, The Press was also attacked by the BNP, which claimed the paper used "bullying tactics" during the local elections in trying to "dissuade people from voting for the BNP at every opportunity".
Nice post taken from http://lancasteruaf.blogspot.com/2008/01/stop-bnps-red-white-and-blue-festival.html:
“Kenny Smith is quite loud about Collett and Hannam's alleged sexual peculiarities, but the rebel camp are strangely silent about Smith's own behvaiour -- I mean, he did after all, cheat on his wife (adultery) and knock up Nicholla Ritchie [now known as Nicholla Smith], all the while still married to his wife.”
Funny description of fash troll Ian Dawson from the Social Affairs Unit website:
“BNP candidate Ian Dawson comes in wearing a Union Jack tie, badges of St. George and tattoos. He looks the type of semi-feral youth you might expect to see in the far right party”
Also, the BNP organiser for Keighley, Chris Kirby, had a serious falling out with Ian Dawson.
Ian Dawson seems to be your typical BNP carpetbagger – he has stood for the BNP in Scotland, Bradford and York! Thank God he was never successful.
Wonder how Sadie Graham’s holocaust denying pamphleteer mate Richard Verrall is doing? Nick Griffin used to worship Richard Verrall’s anti-Holocaust work, even editing them.
looks like Ian is getting a lot of support here!!!!!!!!!.
"This lot however are a different story and will give the one-eyed scum-bag a much better run for his money and hopefully even ruin him. I can’t wait to see what happens here, this could be the end he has brought down on himself and not a moment to soon either."
Quiet so, its very likely Griffin has taken the very steps to bring about his own downfall. The rebels arent stupid and arent going away quietly. It's said that they have enough ammunition which they can bring to court to bring the stupid one-eyed prat down a few pegs and embarrass him and his scum bag mates in public. If thats true Griffin had better get used to the H-word - "humiliation". Back to stacking shelves in Morrisons hey?
Wasn't it stacking shelves Safeway in Newtown, Powys and an address in Aberdyfi 60 miles away?
PLEASE tell me am i right or wrong, have the nazis finally gone and dropped themselves right in it on their latest posting on website this evening......i understand that there is certain legislation around photographs of children etc, certainly in my childrens school you can only take a photo of your own child and not any one elses at the Christmas nativity unless you have parents permission, something to do with Child protection etc...im not to clear on that, well those bastards have put links to phots of a class/group of children from Somerset visiting a Mosque, the nazis say it was sent to them by a parent....rubbish if i was the parent of one of those children and saw my little ones face staring at me on a nazi website i would be calling the best solicitor money can buy.
Can anyone please check this out.
“Kenny Smith is quite loud about Collett and Hannam's alleged sexual peculiarities, but the rebel camp are strangely silent about Smith's own behvaiour -- I mean, he did after all, cheat on his wife (adultery) and knock up Nicholla Ritchie [now known as Nicholla Smith], all the while still married to his wife.”
This is hardly in the same league as trying to sexualy abuse underage girls in a hotel room, like scum-bags collett and hannam did! They are the lowest of the low. It amazes me that they can just get away with this without a problem. Makes you wonder what kind of person Griffin really is.
those bastards have put links to phots of a class/group of children from Somerset visiting a Mosque,
where, on the BNP website??? the BNP needs permission from the parents before they start plastering pictures of their children all over the internet in attempt to use them as part of their racist propaganda pieces.
Someone should 100% check this out and alert the parents, the school and mosque. This is crazy what the BNP are doing.
in response to 9.30 post its on the main page as a news story.....
I hate to say it but I don't believe the BNP have done anything in breach of the law. All they've done is link to a page that already exists on the internet. It may be in appalling tase and it may anger the parents of the children or the school concerned but I don't see any laws being broken.
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